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Ben My Chree Sailing Cancelled

Tempus Fugit

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According to teletext last night, The weather was forecast to reach Gale Force 10 in the Irish Sea..... It felt like it round here was woken about 3ish and I am about 30 miles inland!


Pah Force 10, ever been sailing in the Scottish Islands in a Force 11????


On a pedalo, no doubt.



Nope, just a yacht. Fun all the same. Bit of a bugger when your mainsail gets torn though!! Then when you arrive knackered out, you've got to run up Ben Nevis in the same weather.


So, let me get this right. You were out sailing in a yacht around the Scottish Islands, in a force 11 severe storm. Then you went to the top of Ben Nevis in the same weather, oh, and you ran up as well. No doubt you had a picnic at the top?


I don't believe you. :rolleyes:



Do you believe this then???




& no we didn't have a picnic, as we didn't have enough time for one & it was the middle of the night anyway.


Oh yes & two days later we ran back up the ben from the other side, just for the hell of it.


Yes, I have looked at that site before. It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales. It didn't mention your yacht in a severe storm force 11 (somewhat worse that mere gales) Neither did it mention you running up Ben Nevis in a force 11, although it does mention someone on Scafell Pike in a force 7 or 8.


I too have been up Ben Nevis in bad weather, from several directions. But never in a force 11. I have also worked at sea, but never in a force 11 - in a yacht.


Still don't believe you!


I laugh in the face of both your girlishnesses! I actually ripped Ben Nevis out at the root with my teeth, swallowed it whole, then did the Six Peaks in three hours in a Force 12, spitting out Ben Nevis at the last minute just so I could run up it with lead and granite blocks on my ankles. Backwards.

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According to teletext last night, The weather was forecast to reach Gale Force 10 in the Irish Sea..... It felt like it round here was woken about 3ish and I am about 30 miles inland!


Pah Force 10, ever been sailing in the Scottish Islands in a Force 11????


On a pedalo, no doubt.



Nope, just a yacht. Fun all the same. Bit of a bugger when your mainsail gets torn though!! Then when you arrive knackered out, you've got to run up Ben Nevis in the same weather.


So, let me get this right. You were out sailing in a yacht around the Scottish Islands, in a force 11 severe storm. Then you went to the top of Ben Nevis in the same weather, oh, and you ran up as well. No doubt you had a picnic at the top?


I don't believe you. :rolleyes:



Do you believe this then???




& no we didn't have a picnic, as we didn't have enough time for one & it was the middle of the night anyway.


Oh yes & two days later we ran back up the ben from the other side, just for the hell of it.


Yes, I have looked at that site before. It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales. It didn't mention your yacht in a severe storm force 11 (somewhat worse that mere gales) Neither did it mention you running up Ben Nevis in a force 11, although it does mention someone on Scafell Pike in a force 7 or 8.


I too have been up Ben Nevis in bad weather, from several directions. But never in a force 11. I have also worked at sea, but never in a force 11 - in a yacht.


Still don't believe you!


If as you claim, you are familiar enough with that site, then you would have noticed that the coverage of the race has changed & been significantly reduced (probably as it is no longer current) & during the actual coverage of the race, there was specifically a mention of the weather conditions we recorded upon our yacht - incidentally one of my team mates had a video of it, which they were going to release on the internet - though as of yet they have not informed me of having released it).


You would also be familiar with the fact that the weather conditions this year were the worst recorded for the event & that it had the highest rate of withdrawals from the event.


You also show your lack of knowledge through your statement "It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales" - you fail to appreciate exactly who the runners were (Peter Bland being one of them) & furthermore you cannot give the specific location in the lakes they were landed at - they were landed at Ravensglass.


Perhaps, seeing as you believe you know enough about me, my team & the race to dispute what I say, you could state which team I was on & what place we came in? Perhaps you would also like to describe the light & weather conditions were for the whole race???


It is immaterial whether or not you believe me. You cannot take away what I have seen & done, no amount of gobbing off on an internet forum will do that. Perhaps you would like to take us on with your own team next year??

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According to teletext last night, The weather was forecast to reach Gale Force 10 in the Irish Sea..... It felt like it round here was woken about 3ish and I am about 30 miles inland!


Pah Force 10, ever been sailing in the Scottish Islands in a Force 11????


On a pedalo, no doubt.



Nope, just a yacht. Fun all the same. Bit of a bugger when your mainsail gets torn though!! Then when you arrive knackered out, you've got to run up Ben Nevis in the same weather.


So, let me get this right. You were out sailing in a yacht around the Scottish Islands, in a force 11 severe storm. Then you went to the top of Ben Nevis in the same weather, oh, and you ran up as well. No doubt you had a picnic at the top?


I don't believe you. :rolleyes:



Do you believe this then???




& no we didn't have a picnic, as we didn't have enough time for one & it was the middle of the night anyway.


Oh yes & two days later we ran back up the ben from the other side, just for the hell of it.


Yes, I have looked at that site before. It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales. It didn't mention your yacht in a severe storm force 11 (somewhat worse that mere gales) Neither did it mention you running up Ben Nevis in a force 11, although it does mention someone on Scafell Pike in a force 7 or 8.


I too have been up Ben Nevis in bad weather, from several directions. But never in a force 11. I have also worked at sea, but never in a force 11 - in a yacht.


Still don't believe you!


If as you claim, you are familiar enough with that site, then you would have noticed that the coverage of the race has changed & been significantly reduced (probably as it is no longer current) & during the actual coverage of the race, there was specifically a mention of the weather conditions we recorded upon our yacht - incidentally one of my team mates had a video of it, which they were going to release on the internet - though as of yet they have not informed me of having released it).


You would also be familiar with the fact that the weather conditions this year were the worst recorded for the event & that it had the highest rate of withdrawals from the event.


You also show your lack of knowledge through your statement "It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales" - you fail to appreciate exactly who the runners were (Peter Bland being one of them) & furthermore you cannot give the specific location in the lakes they were landed at - they were landed at Ravensglass.


Perhaps, seeing as you believe you know enough about me, my team & the race to dispute what I say, you could state which team I was on & what place we came in? Perhaps you would also like to describe the light & weather conditions were for the whole race???


It is immaterial whether or not you believe me. You cannot take away what I have seen & done, no amount of gobbing off on an internet forum will do that. Perhaps you would like to take us on with your own team next year??


Or Waaaheyyyy!!!!

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If as you claim, you are familiar enough with that site, then you would have noticed that the coverage of the race has changed & been significantly reduced (probably as it is no longer current) & during the actual coverage of the race, there was specifically a mention of the weather conditions we recorded upon our yacht - incidentally one of my team mates had a video of it, which they were going to release on the internet - though as of yet they have not informed me of having released it).


You would also be familiar with the fact that the weather conditions this year were the worst recorded for the event & that it had the highest rate of withdrawals from the event.


You also show your lack of knowledge through your statement "It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales" - you fail to appreciate exactly who the runners were (Peter Bland being one of them) & furthermore you cannot give the specific location in the lakes they were landed at - they were landed at Ravensglass.


Perhaps, seeing as you believe you know enough about me, my team & the race to dispute what I say, you could state which team I was on & what place we came in? Perhaps you would also like to describe the light & weather conditions were for the whole race???


It is immaterial whether or not you believe me. You cannot take away what I have seen & done, no amount of gobbing off on an internet forum will do that. Perhaps you would like to take us on with your own team next year??


I feel I might have hit a raw nerve, if so I apologise. I did not realise I was 'gobbing off' as you put it. I did not say that I knew you at all, I have no wish to know you, or anything about you. I too could have got the things you mention above from the website. I did say that it mentioned someone in a force 8, but did not mention you, or anyone, in a force 11.


Why would I have any interest in the weather conditions, or the position that you achieved in the race you took part in? What is your point here?


I was saying that I do not believe you, not that I wanted to have a race with you. You will be suggesting a fight in the playground, or a dual at dawn next?


I have my views on your claims to being in a yacht in a force 11, and climbing Ben Nevis in the 'same weather' These are my views, and I am entitled to them.


I see the Ben My Chree didn't sail again this afternoon from Heysham!

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If as you claim, you are familiar enough with that site, then you would have noticed that the coverage of the race has changed & been significantly reduced (probably as it is no longer current) & during the actual coverage of the race, there was specifically a mention of the weather conditions we recorded upon our yacht - incidentally one of my team mates had a video of it, which they were going to release on the internet - though as of yet they have not informed me of having released it).


You would also be familiar with the fact that the weather conditions this year were the worst recorded for the event & that it had the highest rate of withdrawals from the event.


You also show your lack of knowledge through your statement "It actually mentions in the history that on yacht had to put ashore in the lakes in horrendous gales" - you fail to appreciate exactly who the runners were (Peter Bland being one of them) & furthermore you cannot give the specific location in the lakes they were landed at - they were landed at Ravensglass.


Perhaps, seeing as you believe you know enough about me, my team & the race to dispute what I say, you could state which team I was on & what place we came in? Perhaps you would also like to describe the light & weather conditions were for the whole race???


It is immaterial whether or not you believe me. You cannot take away what I have seen & done, no amount of gobbing off on an internet forum will do that. Perhaps you would like to take us on with your own team next year??


A real manx cyclist wouldn't go to Scotland in a yacht :ph34r:

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Who cares?


All I want to know is when the Ben is sailing again - we're already going to be snowed under as it is without another day or two's worth of orders all turning up at once.


Bleedin weather. :(


Ditto - I'm expecting a parcel via TNT that ought to have been here yesterday but I rang their number across off the track & trace website a bit ago and they told me the boat didn't sail again last night/this morning etc. Odd as my mate saw it leave Douglas this morning apparently....

Does that mean it's just been sat at Douglas for the last 2 or 3 days?

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Who cares?


All I want to know is when the Ben is sailing again - we're already going to be snowed under as it is without another day or two's worth of orders all turning up at once.


Bleedin weather. :(


Ditto - I'm expecting a parcel via TNT that ought to have been here yesterday but I rang their number across off the track & trace website a bit ago and they told me the boat didn't sail again last night/this morning etc. Odd as my mate saw it leave Douglas this morning apparently....

Does that mean it's just been sat at Douglas for the last 2 or 3 days?


Ben resumed normal schedule thursday 19.45

SE1 pax transferred to Ben this morning

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