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The Embarrassment Of Social Services


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It seems that even after this very public Child care inquiry that the social services dept. on the Isle of Man has not learned , or taken on board anything !!

This dept is corrupt , does conspire to prevent the truth from being exposed .

It white washes over its incompetences , it is unjust , unfair , descriminates , uses smear , lies and villifacation, middleclass bureaucracy and professional antagonism as tactics for the end result to justify the means .

It is time that this dept and the staff who have brought it into disrepute be made answerable for their actions and decisions for they are undoing any good work by the few social workers that are genuine and reputable .

These people know who they are !!

how are they still employed ?, why have they not been disciplined ?, they have been named in the report and in the manx news papers havent you mr. coates !! .


Remember that it is as much a moral obligation to non comply with injustice as it is to comply with justice !!!

a half truth is still a lie!!


A friend of the people !!

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Could you please clarify exactly what you're trying to say??


From my observations it seems there has been a very badly run private company that have let the Island down in terms of childcare (3 deaths), and been observed by the courts to have 'lied'.


Maybe the government can take some blame for giving a contract to such a shabby company, but IMHO the govt shouldn't take all the blame.

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Maybe the government can take some blame for giving a contract to such a shabby company, but IMHO the govt shouldn't take all the blame.


I'd agree. They don't take all the blame. But the government has the responsibility for providing the service, which they chose to sub-contract.


Most of the DHSS issues seem to be about oversight. Nobody appears to have a bloody clue what is going on, nobody seems to have been given the authority to sort it out, and there does not seem to be a "difficult questions" department.


Its time government stopped being nice, and benign, and started ripping providers heads off. If you are being paid millions to provide a service, you deserve to be ripped apart if you don't provide it very well.


They need a team of total bastards somewhere in government that will just go in and make things happen. These should be people who don't care about anything but value for money and accountability.

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Don't get me started on this one! If any parent displayed the lack of real concern and responsibility for the wellbeing of a child that the present system displays for children in care (who need extra care by definition), they would have their children taken off them and put into care!


Now how f***ing daft is that?

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They need a team of total bastards somewhere in government that will just go in and make things happen. These should be people who don't care about anything but value for money and accountability.

"You never know when to expect the Manx Inquisition."

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