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[BBC News] Group calls for transport forum


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Why couldn’t the Sea Terminal be used for the buses?


that's actually a very good point.


the sea terminal has places where passengers can sit and toilets and a shop plus the restaurant, it's not far from where the bus station is now, it would be good for boat passengers as well.....it could truly become the transport hub for the island and give the building a new lease of life.


The current bus station (or lack of) is rediculous, surely it would save money to use the sea terminal instead.


I think this new group is a good idea.

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It's bad enough waiting at the Bus Station or whatever it is in Lord Street but even more so for the elderly and mums with young children who have to wait on Loch Prom - the place catches all the wind and rain, It's a most miserable spot ensuring of course that bus passengers are seen as second class citizens rather than what they really are - precious people who are conserving the environment by using the bus and people whose needs should be fully met with a good comfortable service.


How many MHK's and wannabe MLC's have mentioned the bus service in their manifestos or press releases? It's about time we had more common to garden people representing us rather than those who are basically looking after their own well being.

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Information Bulletin 1 – January 16th 2007


A public meeting took place on Monday 15th January 2007 at the Empress Hotel in Douglas to consider the possible formation of an independent Manx Passenger Watchdog. Around 70 people attended and at the end of the meeting there was overwhelming support for setting up TravelWatch Isle of Man.


Some 15 people volunteered to be actively involved in the work of setting up the new Watchdog. Efforts are already in hand to begin the work of turning the idea into a reality.


Two websites have offered help in building up TWIOM during these early stages. The Positive Action Group – whose initiative it was to set up the initial meeting – will post news of TWIOM on their website www.positiveactiongroup.org TravelWatch North West will also post news of TWIOM on their website www.travelwatch-northwest.org.uk


An early task is building up a supporter base. Already some 40 people have registered support for TWIOM. Anyone seeking further information or wishing to support TWIOM is invited to contact Brendan O’Friel, co-ordinator for TWIOM, on brendan@ofriel.fsnet.co.uk


TWIOM intends to publish regular information bulletins for passengers and supporters to report progress.

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there should be a pre-paid digital travel card which has to be swiped each time its used which displays the photo of the card holder records their name and address and journey travel date and time and pickup and set down point and which deducts the correct fare from a bank account or benefit account.


the there should be a private contractor on call who is empowered to lift and remove any vehicle causing an obstruction and the recovery penalty is £500.

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If you send any comments you have to Mr O'Friel, with your suggestions for improvement I am sure he'll bring it to the attention of their first committee meeting.


Personally I am all for better public transport.

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there should be a pre-paid digital travel card which has to be swiped each time its used which displays the photo of the card holder records their name and address and journey travel date and time and pickup and set down point and which deducts the correct fare from a bank account or benefit account.


the there should be a private contractor on call who is empowered to lift and remove any vehicle causing an obstruction and the recovery penalty is £500.


Blimey, I'd thought you be against any thing a kin to an identity card. I suspect that getting £500 of the average pully resident would be good fun.

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£500 is nothing compare to the inconvenience and potential loss for the roadway being blocked and suppose there was a fire and the fire engine couldn't get through £500 should be for the first offence then £1000 and then for a third offence confiscate the vehicle and sell it.

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£500 is nothing compare to the inconvenience and potential loss for the roadway being blocked and suppose there was a fire and the fire engine couldn't get through £500 should be for the first offence then £1000 and then for a third offence confiscate the vehicle and sell it.


Why stop there? What about the death penalty or is hanging too good for them? If, and its a big if, any form of fine was introduced its more likely to be along the same lines as a fixed penalty notice (£60?).

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£60 fixed penalty is no use thats not a deterrent to joe dodgy roof fixer who charges old ladies £x grand to not repalce a tile - you need a decent hefty fine so that the vehicle owner has to think twice about blocking the road again and that a second offence is only one short of getting the vehicle confiscated. three strikes and your vehicles gone.

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£60 fixed penalty is no use thats not a deterrent to joe dodgy roof fixer who charges old ladies £x grand to not repalce a tile - you need a decent hefty fine so that the vehicle owner has to think twice about blocking the road again and that a second offence is only one short of getting the vehicle confiscated. three strikes and your vehicles gone.


Not sure if there any lawyers who can back me up here but I understand that any fine has to be based in legislation. Legislation has to be formed on due legal process. Due legal process has to be based on reasonableness. What you suggest would fail any test of reasonableness.

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seems entirely reasonable to me and no doubt some will think £500 is too little. How much is a life worth if a fire engine can't get through cos of a road blocked by some numpty inconsiderate vehicle owner who thinks nothing about a £60 fixed penalty.

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