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[BBC News] Group calls for transport forum


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Lonan I do not know apart from the fact they were concerned enough to attend the recent public meeting. No doubt the names will be revealed once this working group is finalised. It is important to have fair and balanced representatives who have reasonable standing in the community for which they purport to speak - perhaps a current working taxi driver could be persuaded to join or at least attend? However this is a PASSENGER group, speaking on behalf of passengers so members of the general public who use the transport services should surely have a great say in what goes on. Other groups speak for operators.


I understand a meeting is being set up for possibly the 29th Jan.

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Lonan I do not know but it is important to have fair and balanced representatives who have reasonable standing in the community which they purport to speak for - perhaps a current working taxi driver could be persuaded to join?


I understand a meeting is scheduled for possibly the 29th Jan.

Let's see how many go by bus for starters! I suspect it would be their first trip on a bus for many years for some.

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Lonan I do not know but it is important to have fair and balanced representatives who have reasonable standing in the community which they purport to speak for - perhaps a current working taxi driver could be persuaded to join?


I understand a meeting is scheduled for possibly the 29th Jan.

Let's see how many go by bus for starters! I suspect it would be their first trip on a bus for many years for some.



I was on a bus the other day and I will be on the bus again tomorrow.


If you don't use the service, don't talk about it or criticise it. I find the bus drivers/conductors extremely professional and very caring. The same goes for every taxidriver I have patronised.


Recently, I booked a train/boat. Vicky at the Steam Packet terminal desk was first class.


On the return my wife asked for a blanket on the overnight boat. We were told these are only for first class passengers!! All passengers are first class imho. However we did eventually get two blankets when the purser realised they had made a public relations boob especially as we had paid for reserved seats but others were sitting in them and no member of staff was willing to do anything about it.

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A bit off topic, but I feel duty-bound to roll out my Denning mini-rant whenever his name is mentioned. Don't even get me started on Judge John Deed... :)

You are quite correct DW, the role of judges is to interpret not make the law, but old Denning carried this into an art form. Of course, some were good some were bad, but he did seem to be searching for the justice, not just the law, in most of the cases he heard.


Agreed, in the wrong hands that amount of 'creation' could lead to uncertainty in what exactly the case law was, but I quite liked his judgements as they were a breath of fresh air.


But he was probably a judge of his time as so much law is now made by legislation and under EU directives that the role of the judiciary is now probably more one of application than interpetation.

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Didn't Lord Denning decide to retire when he was 83 because of racially insensitive remarks he made in a book which he subsequently felt were inappropriate? These remarks were not completely out of line with right wing opinion of that time but they ended an illustrious career. Now there is a mandatory age of retirement for judges which probably is a good development if you are trying to keep interpreters/applicators of the law reasonably in touch with current opinion.


It is a tight rope which judges walk when they go beyond the confines of Parliamentary debate when interpreting the law. Personally I regard Tom Denning as a great Master of the Rolls but he did do his own thing more often than was good for his relationship with the Establishment.

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From MR: "Nominations close today for the vacancies on the Legislative Council. There are two empty seats following the retirement of former Chief Minister, Donald Gelling, and the resignation of Leonard Singer last year. Names must be in by 5pm."


Where's PAG when you need em? Where's the debate?


Why is getting the bus timetable inside the airport a priority at the moment?

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Everyone knows these Legco elections are absurd. My wish is that MHK's boycott them and the whole thing falls apart so that democracy can come about. I do not see why we should be represented by people who have not faced the electorate recently. It is getting into Tynwald by the back door.


Not only PAG, but Mec Vannin, the Lib Vans, Manx Labour Party and all members of Tynwald should be debating this rather than leaving it all till its too late.


I also think we should deal not only with the big issues such as which person we wish to give a free ride to, but also those who need to know when a bus is available which is fairly important if you are standing in the cold, wind and rain at Ronaldsway.

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There have been transport forums organised a number of times over recent years. Usually, they involve people such as the Douglas Development Initiative (or whatever they're called nowadays), the RTLC, Directors of bus companies and other such 'experts.'

Surprisingly (?) they have achieved very little.

IMO, such a forum would only be useful if it included not only representatives of those groups who use public transport, but also of those who work within it. I don't normally approve of 'talking shops', because too many of them are geared towards propping up individual egos rather then planning and preparing realistically for the future needs of transport - both public and private.

I would therefpre like to know who these '15 people' are, what their particular interest in such matters might be, and what degree of expertise they can realistically be expected to bring to the discussions.




i suspect they only have to be 'ordinary travellers' who use transport of any kind. It will be up to Travel Watch IOM to organise meetings with the transport providers and the IOM Government.


One of the big mysteries is why the Department of Transport deals with animal waste and drainage while the buses are considered to be Tourism and Leisure. In my opinion going to work on a bus is neither tourism nor leisure.

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Bus from the airport last night - given the weather it crossed my mind that it would have been nice to check the timetable inside, so agree with previous posts in that it's trivial, but nonetheless very true.


Off the bus in Victoria street to connect to the prom buses - crossed my mind what a good spot the sea terminal is as a stop, and given that it's on a roundabout it connects both ways (if you see what I mean!) - absolutely great idea, loved it when I saw it posted, why has no one thought of it before. Now someone's thought of it why isn't it already done?


Got to the Loch prom stops - crossed my mind to check which stop my bus arrives at.


Would you believe that there were no timetables posted. No one queuing for a bus (not surprising given lack of info) - I wonder, do buses still stop there at all?


Just a grumble, but if a watchdog is in existence this thread seemed a quick way to draw it to their attention.


Now imagine doing that journey as a visitor to the island then you'll see how much things could be improved by simply providing some information for passengers.

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What is so appalling about our Government over many years is that bodies such as an Independent Passenger Watchdog should have been enshrined in legislation and set up by them. There are far too many instances of government not acting when it should to protect the public. It is incompetence on a massive scale arising from a lack of expertise and commitment.


All the time I hear calls that the public should co-operate, be constructive, and not rock the boat. People get applauded for saying this as if it is a mark of courage! It is the exact opposite. The public shouldn't have to be tame. All that is necessary is for Tynwald to actually work properly and comprehensively for the people.


Currently we have the farce of Legco elections. The only person worthy of a vote is the one who states that he will press for Legco to be democratically elected by the people, and that he will resign if he fails to achieve this (and in the meantime he will give most of his government earnings to a worthwhile cause preferably back to the people!!).

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The url for travelwatch is temporarily:




This link is currently reporting an error. I have asked the webmaster to correct it. Apologies!!


These are early days and the inaugural meeting of volunteers will take place next week. A new website will appear over the next month once principles, priorities etc. have been established.


Please use:



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Information Bulletin 2 – January 29th 2007


Isle of Man

Those interested in being actively involved in setting up TravelWatch Isle of Man are forming a Working Group. At present, the priority is getting organised and making best use of our volunteers. Brendan O’Friel is acting as the Working Group Co-ordinator.

An important task is to establish a list of passenger issues. We will then prioritise these issues and seek improvements.

An early priority is to press for improved passenger information about bus and other services from the Sea Terminal and at the Airport. In due course, we will also seek improved information for our passengers arriving at sea and air terminals in the UK.

We hope to provide helpful information for passengers – an example will be found at this end of this Bulletin

We have growing support from passengers which is very encouraging. We have also had very positive reaction from several MHKs.


North West

TravelWatch NorthWest is holding a public meeting at Crewe on Saturday 10th February. Details are to be found on the TWNW website.

Also on the TWNW website is information about public transport links with ferries in the North West. Click on “Meeting Documents” and find the report on the Liverpool Meeting of 7th October 2006.

The TWNW website has a valuable contacts page including links to the websites of other passenger groups, travel information sources and to the websites of operators.











Passenger Information


Rail Cards for use on the Great Britain rail system can be both purchased and renewed through the Steam Packet Travel Shop at the Sea Terminal. Don’t forget that a Virgin Trains Saver ticket bought with a senior Rail Card entitles the user to travel at any time i.e. the usual restrictions on Saver tickets does not apply to those purchased with a senior Rail card.

Liverpool John Lennon Airport has improved public transport links. Regular buses from directly outside the airport run to Liverpool South Parkway where trains to Birmingham, Manchester and the Merseyrail network are provided. Liverpool South Parkway is a brand new station with good facilities including lifts to all platforms.

A new hourly direct bus service – number 700 – is provided from Liverpool John Lennon Airport to Manchester city centre.






Websites which carry our news






Contact details for Brendan O’Friel:-

Phone – 833636

Email Brendan@ofriel.fsnet.co.uk


TravelWatch Isle of Man

The Manx Passenger Watchdog




TWIOM is an association of passengers formed on 15th January 2007.

The purpose of the Association is

“To represent and promote the interests of Isle of Man passengers”

The key objectives of the Association are:-

- To provide opportunities for passengers to express their concerns and needs

- To influence Public Transport Authorities and Operators to improve services for passengers

- To provide Public Transport Authorities and Operators with a passenger organisation to consult

- To encourage integrated public transport provision both on and off the Island

- To co-operate with other bodies in the interests of passengers.

TWIOM will develop a fuller set of rules and/or constitution to be approved by the first Annual General Meeting to be held no latter than 31st January 2008.

Notice of the AGM will be given at least 21 days in advance including notice of any resolutions.

A Working Group will be responsible for developing and managing the Association during its first year. The Working Group will comprise a Chairman, a Treasurer, a Secretary and at least 5 other members, a quorum being 5.

A Treasurer will be appointed by the Working group to manage any TWIOM finances. The Treasurer is authorised to open a Bank Account to hold any TWIOM funds. Cheques must be authorised by two signatures from the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

The Treasurer will prepare a report and accounts to present to the first AGM.

These initial rules were approved by a members meeting on 29th January 2007.

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