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Wanted - Private Wasteland/scrub Land/woodland To Use


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I am looking for some private land (preferably reasonably remote/not right next to lots of houses) that I can get access & permission to use from the landowner for occasional use skirmishing by a small number of people (similar to paintball but without the mess!!).


The sort of thing that is ideal is land that is too rough to farm/graze, wooded, ruined buildings, old machinery etc. Basically anywhere that is of little use for other purposes and the owner is not using in particular.


Anywhere (or suggestions) will be gratefully considered, especially if it's possible to use for free!




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I have approached DAFF about this in the past (maybe 5 years or so ago) and I have to admit they were helpful enough and did say that provisionally it should be ok to do so.

The problem with plantations is there was going to be a reasonable amount of red tape, such as having to be set up as a proper organised club/organisation, getting prohibitively expensive insurance (as we're only a small group of people), plus having to mark out any site used two weeks in advance to warn the public and perimeter tape round all entrances etc.


It was possible and nice of them to accept it as a sensible proposal and not to just say no offhand, but rather a bit of hassle just for a group of entusiasts to have somewhere to go once every now & then. There is one piece of land available to us but it's extremely limited in availability (we used it once last year) due to other use etc.


If anyone lives on a farm or has tons of land, or even knows someone who might be able to help somehow we would be exceedingly grateful.

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It might be worth checking that you understood exactly what DAFF meant.


We have to affix notices to the plantation entrances roughly a month ahead of the event detailing what is happening and who to contact then the day before we mark up the courses with tape and markers. Typically it takes 2 people about 4 hours or so to mark the courses. Typically we use about 3 km of tape per event (both sides of course top to bottom).


We are in the same boat as you as a group of enthusiasts who occasionally use plantations for an event lasting a couple of hours so it can be done.

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It might be worth checking that you understood exactly what DAFF meant.


We have to affix notices to the plantation entrances roughly a month ahead of the event detailing what is happening and who to contact then the day before we mark up the courses with tape and markers. Typically it takes 2 people about 4 hours or so to mark the courses. Typically we use about 3 km of tape per event (both sides of course top to bottom).


We are in the same boat as you as a group of enthusiasts who occasionally use plantations for an event lasting a couple of hours so it can be done.



That's pretty much as I understood it. We would basically be using the whole plantation and DAFF didn't object to this but it was several years ago.


The thing is I don't want to have to set up an official organisation to do this and go paying thousands for club insurance etc, so the only option that I can really be fussed with is a nice landowner saying something like, "Yes, here you go. Please don't mess the land up too much or annoy people nearby" in exchange for a few quid here & there etc.


Probably unlikely I suppose but if you don't ask.....

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