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Another Slag Off

Manxman In Exile

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Did anyone else see the bit in the Sunday papers about Renee Zellweger slagging off the Isle of Man? She said that "you just go to these dumpy spots, like we worked in a cow shed on the Isle of Man". She also said derogatory things about the Lake District.


She's the star of the new Beatrix Potter film.


It seems to me that the film industry on the Island is a bit of a two edged sword. On the one hand it can be good for the Island, on the other, because these "celebrities" are listened to, it can generate a lot of negative publicity.


There have been a few cases now of high profile people slagging off the Island, more than coincidence I think. Can they all be wrong or does the Island indeed need to improve?

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"you just go to these dumpy spots, like we worked in a cow shed on the Isle of Man"


I presume form this comment she was complaining about some location shots. IE a cow shed being not very nice? Duh.... How is that slagging the Island?


When I saw her on interview on the news she was saying things like "You work in these beautiful places and wonder why don't I live here"


Swings and roundabouts huh?!

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There's always lots of slagging off and praising in that game. Usually you find it's all down to governments, councils and PR etc. as one vies with the others to get the next film.


Celebrities say what people want to hear "blah blah X is my favourite place in the whole wide world", "I love staying in Britain ... USA ...Transalvania" etc. ...till the next place.


Just watch two appearances of the same celebrity on Parkinson and look out for what they say after their 'latest' film.

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everything i have read so far about Potter, has Renee Zellweger praising the island, and the lake district, i read a lovely article about her saying that she used to run every morning across the beach! Sometimes things are misconstrued though- cant always believe what you read in the papers!

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I think a guest on yesterday's Parkinson show on Radio 2 said that she had done this slagging off on Jay Leno.


I can't wait for it to become known more generally in the Isle of Man - cue page after page of whingeing "boat in the morning" style letters! :lol:

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Did anyone else see the bit in the Sunday papers about Renee Zellweger slagging off the Isle of Man? She said that "you just go to these dumpy spots, like we worked in a cow shed on the Isle of Man". She also said derogatory things about the Lake District.


If I was an A list actor and was asked to go to Foxdale and inhabit a shed that smelt of cow sh*t I might have such fond memory's as well.


What do you expect her to say "I love Foxdale and I really loved the smell of cowsh*t" She's not mental, its probably a fair summary of her experience.


I'm Manx and I think Foxdale is a total sh*thole (there I said it, where are Vanity Fair when you need them?)

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She doesn't say the Island is "dumpy", just a cow shed. Cow shed's are "dumpy" - it's kind of the nature of the thing.


Are we really so unselfconfident that even criticism of our barns is a cause for national neurosis?

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