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They Must Have Snuck Out The Back Way!

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This news item appears to have flown under the radar a bit...makes you wonder how the most powerful government in the world with the best intelligence in the world could get it so wrong! Makes it difficulty to believe anything else they say. Puts our supposed "brown envelope" government in to perspective really!!


(PS anyone seen Rog lately, forum seems to lack an Israeli/Palestinian argument)

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Bush said in a speech in Pennsylvania that the concern was that terrorists would get banned weapons from Saddam.


"There was a risk, a real risk, that Saddam Hussein would pass weapons or materials or information to terrorist networks," Bush said. "In the world after September the 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take," he said.


Iraq imported its stockpile of natural uranium from several countries around the world and bought key nuclear processing equipment from firms in Germany and Switzerland.


Prevention is better than cure!



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Prevention is better than cure!


Possibly although where do you stop?? North Korea seems to be cracking on with a nuclear programme, communist dictatorship, terrible human rights record and yet no action.....it just smacks of electioneering and economy stabilising to me!


At least our lot only get involved in (alleged) dodgy planning approvals and grant systems.

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The United States, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea are putting pressure on North Korea to stop. North Korea is technically still at war with the U.S. because the conflict ended in an armed truce that has not been replaced by a peace treaty.


At the moment, it is not known if North Korea can be convinced to abandon its nuclear plans. They are also concerned that if the unpredictable North is offended or forced into a corner, the situation could escalate and spin out of control.


It has to be a careful process, you can't go charging in but likewise, you can't rest on your laurels. We can't afford to be complacent in a situation like this and you only have to look at events over the past few years to see how bad things can get.



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It has to be a careful process, you can't go charging in but likewise, you can't rest on your laurels.


Iraq ??


Didn't we do a bit of charging in on them ??


I am not doubting for one minute the potential risk of a 'rogue' state possessing Nuclear weapons, however, we need to put it into context. Every one in their right mind knows that if a nation state was to use WMD against the US then they would represent a 'clear and present danger'. The well publicised response to this would be immediate Nuclear retalliation.


US wins.... end of story. (well reallistically we all lose)


There is of course the real risk of Nuclear materials being passed to terrorist organisations. How do we combat this ?? Well first you could look into the cause of such hatred that drives terrorism. Or you could increase the Intelligence capability of your country. The US and UK alone have spent over 100 Bn so far on fighting this war with Iraq. That works out at about 2 million jobs at 50k a year for extra intelligence officers..... just a thought.


Final thought..............


With all this talk of evil regimes with Nuclear capability, lets not forget that there is still only one country in histrory which has used Nuclear weapons as a means of direct aggression against another country. Twice in fact, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The good old US of A.


Not saying that it wasn't a just measure, but it's still an interesting fact.

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