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Pat Ayres

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That 'joke' obviously originates from the obnoxious right wing lobby in the USA, a country "run by the most right wing government in their history, who have got all their foreign policies wrong" (Peter Hain, Member of Blair Cabinet, 2007)


To make sense, it should ask where Donald Rumsfield is now.


But lhey, et's slag off the black man, who tried to tell the truth, too belatedly, and was sacked

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Colin Powell - a great man, and one of the few among recent American Republicans for whom I have any respect. I'm filled with deep regret when I think of how differently things might have turned out if he had run for office in 2000, and how his reputation has been so damaged by his association with the Bush regime


Bush has done many unforgivable things during his presidency, but getting Powell to do his dirty work to sustain his War of Terror is in the Top 10. Fitting him up to present 'justification' for Iraq to the UN Security Council was perhaps the icing on the cake. I genuinely think Powell did everything in his power to try and convince the administration to follow a more sensible course, but unfortunately there's no arguing with an ignorant pig-headed prick.


Just goes to show that even the best of us can be dragged down if we don't choose who we associate with carefully...

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I see in yesterday's Guardian that Fidel Castro, of Cuba, has had all his large intestine removed and a new anus created as he is very poorly.

Has anyone seen Colin Powell lately?

Not exactly complimentary; but it's true that Colin Powell was the only member of Bush's administration with any real guts!

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That 'joke' obviously originates from the obnoxious right wing lobby in the USA, a country "run by the most right wing government in their history, who have got all their foreign policies wrong" (Peter Hain, Member of Blair Cabinet, 2007)


To make sense, it should ask where Donald Rumsfield is now.


But lhey, et's slag off the black man, who tried to tell the truth, too belatedly, and was sacked


That 'joke' originated from my bedroom actually, certainly not from any right wing lobby. My bedroom is above the lounge.

The fact I think Powell is an arse has nothing at all to do with him being black either. he is an arse in any colour.

We know where Rumsfield (sic) is, up Bushes arse operating the puppet.

Your point about telling the truth "too belatedly" is valid, why did he wait if he was so convinced he was right?


Lighten up FFS

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It all seems reminiscent to me of when Franco died. He hovered between life and death, probably nearer the latter than the former for ages. None of his entourage and political supporters were prepared to tell him he was dead because they feared what was to come next.

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It all seems reminiscent to me of when Franco died. He hovered between life and death, probably nearer the latter than the former for ages. None of his entourage and political supporters were prepared to tell him he was dead because they feared what was to come next.

Why fear Cuba? they have no WMD's, no army to speak of, they've never invaded anyone, in fact have been invaded themselves, have loads of cool cars, rent guantanamo bay out as a prison camp to america, enjoy great weather and accept any currency on the planet, are the largest island in the carribean, play real football instead of that sissy american football, export loads of sugar cane to england and the world.

Don't believe the hype, Cuba is cool.

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It all seems reminiscent to me of when Franco died. He hovered between life and death, probably nearer the latter than the former for ages. None of his entourage and political supporters were prepared to tell him he was dead because they feared what was to come next.

Why fear Cuba? they have no WMD's, no army to speak of, they've never invaded anyone, in fact have been invaded themselves, have loads of cool cars, rent guantanamo bay out as a prison camp to america, enjoy great weather and accept any currency on the planet, are the largest island in the carribean, play real football instead of that sissy american football, export loads of sugar cane to england and the world.

Don't believe the hype, Cuba is cool.


unles you are trolling you have completely missed the point. Who said there was anything to fear from Cuba, but as in Francos Spain those in the regime fear what is to come after Franco/Castro died, what would happen to them. They knew that after Franco died the fascist regime would fall and feared for their future, so they didn't dare tell Franco he was dead because doing that would mean admitting it to themselves and telling the world and precipiating the change. Likewise those near to Castro must realise that on his death there is likely to be big change. They are afraid to tell him, admit it to themselves and tell the world for fear of what they might unleash I make no judgement if it will be for better or worse

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The regime in Cuba has been lucky in the way that Fidel is dying so bloody slowly. His brother has been in charge for quite a while now, so the transition of the dictatorship has gone pretty smoothly, with his brother introducing his own policies during this time.

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The regime in Cuba has been lucky in the way that Fidel is dying so bloody slowly. His brother has been in charge for quite a while now, so the transition of the dictatorship has gone pretty smoothly, with his brother introducing his own policies during this time.


Castro's legacy will be, He stood up a to the worlds most 'powerful' and won. He has seen off Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush, Clinton & Fuckwitt sorry I mean Bush.


What a legacy!


Viva Castro!!

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