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Election Looming For Two Places On Legislative Council


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One of the latest candidates believes that the Legislative Council provide a useful safeguard.


Manx Radio Report


Well there are 8 Keys elected members and at say, £50k each a year (plus expenses and their dinners to serve at functions and what have you) that is approaching £1/2million.


For making sure that the elected members of the Keys don't always get their way, I would say that is a bargain.

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One of the latest candidates believes that the Legislative Council provide a useful safeguard.


Manx Radio Report


Well there are 8 Keys elected members and at say, £50k each a year (plus expenses and their dinners to serve at functions and what have you) that is approaching £1/2million.


For making sure that the elected members of the Keys don't always get their way, I would say that is a bargain.



This guy is obviously a deep thinker.


I think life has improved but I have some reservations too.


Damn it's too late to put in my nomination!

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FFS - these people are pathetic.


LegCo stalemate again


A fifth attempt to fill the vacant Legislative Council seat has again ended in a stalemate.


Former MHK and Chairman of the Finance Board,Dr David Moore, who was making a first bid, polled eleven votes.


Former Laxey Commissioner, David Owens, who gained eleven votes last time out, only got six this time.


There were six spoilt papers.


We have to get a single transferable vote system approved. One vote - the candidate with the smallest number of votes is eliminated and the second preferences of those then added to the original tally until the threshold is reached.


This is not complicated - it will make all interested candidates declare themselves as there will be no second round - and add clarity and openness to a process which looks full of back scratching and "nudge nudge wink wink he will stand if they don't get elected."


Now what other election was like that - Oh yes the one for Chief Minister - 'King Tony Brown of Castletown agreeing to reform the way he got crowned - I doubt it.


Farce, total farce. Don't they realize how foolish this is making them look.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here we go again...Dr David Moore only receives 12 votes - (Manx Radio report)


/anorak on


This will set a new record. Ray Kniveton got in on the 6th sitting in May 2003. Prior to that the record was held by Alan Crowe (recent MLC) who got in on the 5th sitting in May 1998. I t was really good fun in the days not so long ago when the speaker would keep on holding ballots until the MHKs decided to vote someone in, a war of attrition sort of thing "you ain't goin' home until you vote someone in".


Plus the speaker would get that fed up with 'em all he would make up his own voting rules as he went just to get the business over with. Which is not really the way to run a Government is it!!


/anorak off

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This is getting to be a bigger and bigger farce. I appreciate that they may not necessarily believe those standing are ideal for the position but the same point arises when I have to vote for an MHK. In those circumstances I have to pick the individual who I believe is the best or being realistic the least worst candidate for the job.


In is part of the MHKs job to elect MLCs as the they are failing to do I think it could be argued they are failing to fulfil their job requirements and we should consider not paying until they resolve the issue.


To me this is all down to some believing that MLCs should be elected. That may be a laudable belief but unless as an MHK you are prepared to stand yourself as an MLC just get on with it until the legislation changes as while I do remember several advocating an all elected upper house I do not remember many, if any, when asking for votes in November declaring that they abstain in any election to appoint an MLC.


Who in there right mind is going to stand as a candidate now when you know that the MHK's in all likely hood are likely to humiliate virtually anybody who stands by not voting for them. In my opinion the MHKs are just undermining and making a mokery of Tynwald



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This farcical situation sums up our politicians very well - rather than understanding that it is necessary to make a decision and move things on - they would rather pontificate and delay hoping for some ideal solution to appear in the future.


Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery - couldn't elect a single candidate on the sixth attempt.


What a ridiculous shower. Politics the art of the possible - but not if it can be delayed by Tynwald.

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I wonder if we should be allowed to elect MHK's on the same basis, one person one vote with a requirement to achieve 50% of the avaialable votes to be elected. Would the MHK's like to consider their chances of being elected as an MHK on that basis as I reckon none of them would get in which is presently what many of them deserve



This farcical situation sums up our politicians very well - rather than understanding that it is necessary to make a decision and move things on - they would rather pontificate and delay hoping for some ideal solution to appear in the future.


Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery - couldn't elect a single candidate on the sixth attempt.


What a ridiculous shower. Politics the art of the possible - but not if it can be delayed by Tynwald.

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I wonder if we should be allowed to elect MHK's on the same basis, one person one vote with a requirement to achieve 50% of the avaialable votes to be elected. Would the MHK's like to consider their chances of being elected as an MHK on that basis as I reckon none of them would get in which is presently what many of them deserve



This farcical situation sums up our politicians very well - rather than understanding that it is necessary to make a decision and move things on - they would rather pontificate and delay hoping for some ideal solution to appear in the future.


Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery - couldn't elect a single candidate on the sixth attempt.


What a ridiculous shower. Politics the art of the possible - but not if it can be delayed by Tynwald.


Well we did have STV for two general elections 1986 and 1991 but it was allegedley so unpopular with the electorate we went back to crosses and first past post

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I like to believe that I am of at least average intelligence. I have a handful of O'levels or GCSE equivalents and all that.


I have tried but cannot come to terms with STV, well not fully anyway. A dummy's guide was even placed on the forum (I think bt Declan) but the more I read the more I was confused. If I persevere, as I have done with computer languages (fortran through to C++, VB etc) then I am sure I will see how simple and logical STV is.


I simply don't see the vast majority of the population being convinced it is for their good.


Such is democracy.

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Well we did have STV for two general elections 1986 and 1991 but it was allegedley so unpopular with the electorate we went back to crosses and first past post

It was considered to be unpopular with the electorate - by the politicians! However, since most of our politicians completely lose touch with reality about thirty seconds after the election results have put them into the House of Keys, how would they know?

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Well we did have STV for two general elections 1986 and 1991 but it was allegedley so unpopular with the electorate we went back to crosses and first past post

It was considered to be unpopular with the electorate - by the politicians! However, since most of our politicians completely lose touch with reality about thirty seconds after the election results have put them into the House of Keys, how would they know?



I very carefully and advisedley used the word allegedley


I acted as returning officer at both elections. Few spolit ballot papers, no problens for voters, no real problems for me and my team

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