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The Last Film You Saw....


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  • 4 months later...



The Revenant - Moody cinematography? Check. Realistic "Saving Private Ryan" type battles and injuries? Check. Tom Hardy mumbling incoherently through all his lines? Check. Simple, basic plot? Check. Characters that you care about? Eh no, not so much. Interesting and unmissable? Meh. Oscar winning performance for Leo? No but he'll get it anyway as he's "overdue". It won't be anyone's favourite movie ever. 6/10


The Hateful Eight - It's not awful. It's just too long, too drawn out and the flashbacks that Tarantino is known for don't add anything to move the story along. Kurt Russell doesn't quite have the acting chops to carry the movie - he's not bad, he's just not great. Samuel L Jackson yet again plays Samuel L Jackson. The biggest issue for me is I was just a spectator - I really didn't feel anything for the characters who I might add were at times bordering on caricatures. It's not his worst movie but it's no Inglourious Basterds or Pulp Fiction. 7/10


Steve Jobs - I like most of Aaron Sorkin's work. The West Wing has some glorious writing and characters. I feel sorry for Sorkin here as he's had to try and give a balanced view of Jobs, who let's be honest was a bit of a cunt in real life. Jobs basically stood on the shoulders of giants so when you break down the media hype surrounding him and acknowledge that he was a horrible person he turns out to be a pretty uninteresting guy - crucial as he's the focus of the movie. Fassbender plays Jobs as a bland, insular automaton and he's overshadowed by Kate Winslet in most scenes. Seth Rogan shouldn't be allowed near a serious script or movie before he takes some comprehensive acting lessons. All in all a forgettable movie. If you want a movie about Steve Jobs, watch Pirates of Silicon Valley instead. 5/10


Edit Added:


God Bless America - Independent movie from 2011 from weird comedian Bobcat Goldthwait that did no business. Stars nobody you will have heard of. Don't let any of that put you off. Last movie to really impress me. Film4 occasionally shows it after midnight; alternatively available from your local Torrent server. Deliciously dark. Thoroughly recommended. 8.5/10

Edited by Mutley
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Recently watched The Lobster.


In the future everyone is supposed to have a life partner, and if you don't you go to this hotel where you get 40 days to find one or you get turned into an animal. Or something. I think I enjoyed it, but I'm not totally sure. Its by the guy who directed Dogtooth, which might explain a few things.



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Edit Added:


God Bless America - Independent movie from 2011 from weird comedian Bobcat Goldthwait that did no business. Stars nobody you will have heard of. Don't let any of that put you off. Last movie to really impress me. Film4 occasionally shows it after midnight; alternatively available from your local Torrent server. Deliciously dark. Thoroughly recommended. 8.5/10


Ah yeah, that's a fun movie. I'll recommend it too.

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  • 1 month later...

Went to see Deadpool recently - very enjoyable "superhero" romp. A nice tongue in cheek contrast with the rest of the marvel universe films.


I hope they don't make a sequel as I think it will get less funny as films go on but I hope he starts to make more cameos in the marvel universe.

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@Rhumsaa I couldn't escape the feeling that there was a bit of "look how clever we are", hammering home the quips and the 4th wall stuff, rather than a touch of lightness in the comedy. Or am I just being an old grump?


(it may be a trend, I thought new Star Wars was a bit Meh, would have preferred to see a new story rather than a reheat of Ep iV)

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Well I am no comic book ultra nerd but I am aware that Deadpool regularly breaks the 4th wall in the comics - it's his shtick. So it is in keeping with his character to do it in the film.


I enjoyed it, plenty of nods and references. Reminded me of Spaceballs in a way, but if Spaceballs had been made by George Lucas as part of the Star Wars franchise. Having said that it's why I don't want a sequel as I think it's something that would get old fast.

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  • 8 months later...

@Rhumsaa I see Deadpool 2 has lost its director who is now working on a Sonic the Hedgehog movie...not a great sign for the sequel.


Saw Arrival yesterday. tl;dr version is Independence Day for Adults.


Whereas I don't think it's the masterpiece that many critics are claiming it as (I think it was suffering a bit in the crash/bang/wallp stakes for me after having watched Dr Strange and X:Apocalypse on flights recently, but tbh I wish the superhero genre would go away for a while now), it's a really good movie.


Amy Adams puts in a great performance in the lead and Jeremy Renner supports well, but the character of the Army Colonel was quite one-dimensional. The middle act is a bit weak in comparison with opening and closing but it held my attention throughout. Great cinematography, soundtrack, story.

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Recently viewed 2 films, "Riphagen- The Untouchable", and, "Black Book". Both these films are in Dutch and tell (fictional) stories of the level of collaboration between Dutch police and civil service during the occupation of Holland from 1940 right through to the end of war. So they got me searching for more information and the results were shocking. Prominent Jews stealing the valuables from other Jews who sought out a passage of safety, only to be turned in by these same prominent Jews to the Gestapo and executed or sent to the death-camps. Two very interesting, informative and well made films. Distressing to watch at times and shocking that such activities were the norm across Holland at the time.

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