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Naked Streets


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It's almost ( and I must emphasise 'almost') enough to persuade you to vote Tory.


Traffic lights, road signs and white lines would be removed from many high streets across the country under Conservative proposals to improve safety and reduce congestion by giving drivers and pedestrians equal status.

Road humps, chicanes and other physical measures designed to reduce the speed of vehicles would be removed and the question of who had priority would be left open deliberately, making drivers more cautious.


That may sound a little crazy at first, but it's worth reading the WHOLE ARTICLE before making your mind up.


P.S. It's also best to read the entire Tory manifesto - including the bits between the lines - before deciding to vote for them.

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Absolutely brilliant to see that at least some people are starting to understand - not more signs, regulations, and 'nanny state knows best' tactics are the way forward, but less of it all, so a traffic environment is created in which participants have to interact with their environment again, instead of just relying on signs.


Shared Space for the whole Island, please !

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I don't see how this can work. Particularly Amadeus's link, this is because people don't think about the consequences of their actions. An example -


I don't know if you've noticed they've reorganized Victoria Street. The bit of concrete that bus passengers used to get on and off the bus has gone (Amadeus will be pleased) and the taxi rank moved further up the road to Ces't La Vie. This has worked well at "home time" because the traffic further down can split into two lanes one to go passed the Sea Terminal, and one along the Prom. And the traffic keeps moving.


However, several times this week it has all ground to a halt, because someone stops outside RBS. Victoria Street becomes one lane, more traffic tries to go along the side road by Riley's (which quickly fills up). Eventually, it's all backed up to Prospect Hill (and presumably further) all because one person doesn't think about the consequences of their action.

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I don't see how this can work. Particularly Amadeus's link, this is because people don't think about the consequences of their actions. An example -


I don't know if you've noticed they've reorganized Victoria Street. The bit of concrete that bus passengers used to get on and off the bus has gone (Amadeus will be pleased) and the taxi rank moved further up the road to Ces't La Vie. This has worked well at "home time" because the traffic further down can split into two lanes one to go passed the Sea Terminal, and one along the Prom. And the traffic keeps moving.


However, several times this week it has all ground to a halt, because someone stops outside RBS. Victoria Street becomes one lane, more traffic tries to go along the side road by Riley's (which quickly fills up). Eventually, it's all backed up to Prospect Hill (and presumably further) all because one person doesn't think about the consequences of their action.

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It does already work - read around some more on that site, and about the project in general - the whole idea is to make people think and interact more.


Obviously, your example of central Douglas doesn't work in this context and has nothing really to do with this approach - missed the point, so to say...

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Maybe I just don't have enough faith in the human race, but I don't see how that could work in reality on a large scale. Too many selfish and or/stupid people around which would probably lead to more "chaos" than there already is.


Also what happens when someone gets run over because there is no designated place to cross a road etc.?

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Also what happens when someone gets run over because there is no designated place to cross a road etc.?


They get punished for being stupid?


Seriously, I never use pedestrian crossings, I have eyes and ears and can cross a road by myself without walking across a strip of alternate black and white paint or waitng for an image of a little green man to appear with accompanying beep beep beep noise.


'Road furniture' is a pain in the arse, I'd recommend trying this at least somewhere on the island to see how it works out.

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They get punished for being stupid?


Seriously, I never use pedestrian crossings, I have eyes and ears and can cross a road by myself without walking across a strip of alternate black and white paint or waitng for an image of a little green man to appear with accompanying beep beep beep noise.


As a relatively young, able bodied person, it's easy for you to do that.


A mother with a pram, a pensioner with a walking stick or a blind man with a guide dog sadly doesn't have that luxury. Just because you don't happen to use them because you feel capable of doing it without, doesn't mean they're redundant pieces of 'road furniture' for 'stupid' people.

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