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Mrsa At Nobles


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I see on the front page of today's Independent a story about a woman who contracted MRSA (the hospital super bug) that she caught in Nobles when she was having a caesarean. I was quite surprise that such a new hospital as Nobles would have cases of MRSA, hopefully it's a one off, but sympathies with the family involved.

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As MRSA is carried by people without it actually being harmful to them - anywhere frequented by a lot of people is at risk and so the 'newness' is not actually an issue. It's a basic hygiene problem related to the care of open wounds and the hands (usually) of the carer.

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1 in 3 people have it.


It only affects someone if they have a low immune system or a deep open wound


It could be, maybe, that the patient was carrying the bug and it infected her cesarean wound.


Inpatients are generally swabbed for MRSA but in an emergency situation they perhaps don't have time to wait for the results

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