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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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Rather than listening to all the biased non hands on comments from chopley, ray etc. Here are some unbiased hands on first impressions from avforums.

The general feel seems to be its better than was expected.


Not had a great deal of time on it so far but I must say that i'm very impressed from my initial impressions. Everything just seems really slick about it. The console itself looks really nice in the flesh and feels very solid and well built. Seems like a class above compared to previous consoles in terms of build quality, with the possible exception of the Wii.


When you fire it up you are expecting the 360 style fans to kick in but are greeted by near silence! The console also seems to shift the hot air very effectively as well, via vents in the right hand side and the rear. The pad is OK but not a patch on the 360's pad and it's really just a lighter version on the DS2 with triggers, which although a good addition, are no where near as good as the triggers on the 360 pad.


I actually prefer the cross media bar to the 360's interface. It looks more stylish and is easy to navigate if you've ever used a PSP. The image via HDMI is very crisp, but for some reason ( maybe the HDMI lead I have) 1080p isn't working properly as the screen is flickering. I have a 1080p set though and 1080i does look stunning on it. I'll probably get an official lead which should certainly give me 1080p.


So far i've signed up for my online account and played a couple of demos. I will be giving Motorstorm a bash after the Hull v Wigan game however .


Tried the GTHD and the F1 demo's and graphically they were both stunning. The graphics were VERY crisp and moved very smoothly with a superb framerate throughout. I have my sound going via optical to a 5.1 system and the output was very good for the demo's I tried.


If i'm honest i'd say that as a console it's better than the 360, with the exception of the joypad. It's a lot quieter, feels more solid and better built, seems to have better heat dispersation, just looks a lot slicker in the flesh (IMO), has a better interface (IMO) and better connectivity with HDMI, Ethernet, Multi AV, card readers, built in WiFi, 4 x USB, optical out and built in Bluetooth. I also prefer the disc loading mechanism to the tray style of the 360.


Games are what counts though and at the moment the 360 reigns there. That is to be expected though, with the PS3 only just released. It's a tricky one but there is just something about the PS3 makes it feel more special as a device than the 360, but at around £140 more you would hope so.


Not got any Blu ray's as yet but I expect that they will be of a similar quality to HDDVD's on the 360. I must say that the three of them make a nice set, sat there on my Oppli


Absolutely fantastic. Now I understand why the fanatical PS3 hate that goes on. Once this baby gets mainstream acceptance, there will be no stopping the PS3 in dominating this generation, Microsoft and the 360 can kiss their sorry unreliable @sses back where it belongs, making PC software..


Sony know the Gamer market, the PS3 shows this. It's everything you could want, and then some, it's quiet, it's exceptional build quality, reliable, and everything it does, it does it slick.


Updated to 1.60 firmware mostly without fuss (downloaded it last night onto a USB key, stuck it in the PS3, and did "Update From Storage Media", took about 5 minutes. When it rebooted the controller was unresponsive, but removing the USB key kicked everything back into life.


Queued up all the demos and the Casino Royal 1080p trailer let it download them, whilst I went and played Resistance, and Motorstorm. Background downloading works really well, but there are some rough edges, like game updates can't be background downloaded.


Played Black Hawk Down on Blu-Ray, and it looked stunning on my Panasonic 42in Plasma, really could not fault the PS3 Blu-Ray playback at all. It started very quickly, and played the movie better than any standalone HD players I have seen (HD-DVD and Blu-Ray units included).


Threw a few of my favourite CD's in, and imported them, so they are at hand. The media player is nice, with decent visualisations; it does CDDB so sucks all the track data from net. Copied aload of favourite pictures to the PS3, and really liked the slideshow, very stylish, Got favourable comments from people that saw that "wow, how did you do that.."..


All myPS2 games which aside from GT4 and SSX3 all worked well (Crazy Taxi, which was labelled as a 1* noticeable issues, was still very good, with slight graphical glitching, that's it).


The downsides. Games (currently), although the dry spell is almost over, there are some cracking games in the next 3-6 months, so Motorstorm, and RFOM. That said however, consider these are launch titles, the EU launch line-up is perhaps the best console launch line-up of all time, I remember the 360,PS2 and PS1 launches, and the line-ups there were quite dodgy.


The other real problem is trying to not let the PS3 turn me into a couch potato, a very real problem, it's simply THAT good.


Whilst people may moan about the price, if you want quality, you have to pay for it, and the PS3 is worth every penny, and then some.



Ive just read 250 first impression posts and have found one post being negative. This is from Avforums btw not ps3fanboyforums or anything like that.

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more unbiased impressions


Ok, after almost a day of playing about, this is my view...


I have an xbox and wii so i'm gonna be objective...


Design of the console is not everyone's cup of tea but to me it looks impressive, much better than anything i've owned before and very very..(trying to think of another word for shiny!)


The XMB is easy to use and i find everything i want in a matter of seconds.


The picture quality is amazing, i have an 1080i tv and i'm well impressed with the graphics and blu-ray movies ie casino royale and ice age which look and sound superb in lossless sound.


I have motorstorm and resistance. Both are great and very playable but i wish we had a 2 player option on the former...


I attached a external hd drive and it found everything i had on there, pics, music and movies and displayed it all in the right places..


Playstation store is a million times better than i expected. It's well set out and download times are'nt an issue at all. It's also nice to have all the movie trailers i've downloaded so far in hd.


The only downsides i have are that it gets very dusty quickly but i'm hoping that it'll be better in a cabinet and it crashed on me last night when loading motorstorm but it came back up again which is more than i can say for another console i own (onto my second one..)


My personal opinion is that I love this console already, it was worth the money to me as it does everything i wanted it to do and more and i can't stop playing with it so far.

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Oh behave yourself. Someone who's just spent 500 quid+ on a new console and a few games isn't anywhere close to being unbiased. None of us have slagged the ps3's abilities off, just the absolutely daft price tag. It's got fuck all to do with bias.

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Some of the blokes on avforums wont blink an eye at spending 425 on something. Considering half of them seem to have no trouble spending 10k a year on av stuff, so yes the people i quoted from their are very unbiased, if something they bought is sh1t, they complain more than chopley on a bad day.


There was lots of people wetting their knickers about the ps3 but thats no use, I made sure I got some unbiased quotes, people who own at least a 360 as well. but two of those people have the wii too.

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Where did I mention power?

People might read this thread wanting to know about the ps3 (rather than read about how well the wee is selling etc.)

Sorry for letting people know the facts and real hands on experiences then.. Silly me. :rolleyes:

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Where did I mention power?

People might read this thread wanting to know about the ps3 (rather than read about how well the wee is selling etc.)

Sorry for letting people know the facts and real hands on experiences then.. Silly me. :rolleyes:


Your accusing posters here on bias against the machine, and countering that with reviews on the machines performance. Nobody here's commented on the machines abilities, just the cost/value. Are you so hard of thinking that you can't understand?

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The PS3 is monstrously expensive, this much is a fact. The fact it's so expensive might be forgiveable if there were some great games to play on it, but the truth is that there's nothing exclusive to the PS3 that can't be experienced in one form or another on a variety of other formats.


It's a lovely piece of kit, no doubt about it, and it's doubtless very capable of playing host to some truly fantastic games. But until those games actually exisit, you'd need to be a certifiable fucking maniac to lash out £500 and more on one.


Unless you want a Blu-Ray player, when you would be a 'certifiable fucking maniac' not to buy one at that price. I however am skint and can afford nothing.

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The 360 may well be rougher round the edges than the PS3, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper, and most importantly of all, it's got a good number of really good games to choose from.


It's also got a better specification, despite being older, the 360 is actually more powerful than the ps3.

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Ahhh yes, Blu-Ray, the subtle art of paying a fortune to buy all the films you already own all over again. (See also, HD-DVD.)


Except this time round, things might look ever so slightly sharper if you pay really close attention!



Fair do's - my telly is still one of those big square thingies so it's not something that bothers me yet.


Edited to add: Fuck me even widescreen would be a luxury to me... ^_^

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(A bit like the Saturn vs the PS1, the Saturn actually had a very advanced dual-RISC processor architecture but so few people were capable of exploiting it properly that its games almost always looked inferior to the PS1's.)



No, its quite a common misconception, but the 360 is slightly stronger than the ps3 paricularly the gpu. A lot of the benefits come down to ease of use too, the 360's coded to a fairly straightforward archetecture using visual studio. The ps3 dev tools are reportedly a nightmare and the whole seven core thing.... The ps3 is ahead on some parts, it can do 1080p, it's got a bigger hdd by default and of course it has the blu-ray drive.

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Got any quotes from devs that the ps3 is a nightmare to code for?


Or any figures that the 360 is more powerful than the ps3 cus thats not what I have read online for the past 2 years. The 360 is easier to code but that doesnt make it more powerful.


I do agree that there isnt any ground breaking games out for it yet. But I got my 360 on launch and that had nothing ground breaking either. The best game on 360 launch was pgr3

and the best game on ps3 launch is motorstorm.. so all a much of a muchness.

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