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Ps3 Announced

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Got any quotes from devs that the ps3 is a nightmare to code for?


Many. For the last 12 years or so I've run a mailing list that contains folks that work at various developers, and I've some friends who are also working for codeshops. To be fair, it was the same for the xbox and ps2, the ps2 was a pain to code for, for the same reasons, awful design and really bad development environments. MS offering the tools in visual studio makes things a lot easier. MS have a clear advantage there as they're the biggest software company in the world.


There's an article here too that outlines what I'm talking about:



Or any figures that the 360 is more powerful than the ps3 cus thats not what I have read online for the past 2 years. The 360 is easier to code but that doesnt make it more powerful.

They're very close, and the different design make direct comparrisons, it's true. The graphics are clearly more powerful on the 360, for a variety of reasons, and we're already seeing some evidence that the ps3 isn't actually powerful enough to manage 1080p with a decent framerate, so we're seing games running at lower resolutions and upscaling, which is pretty naff.


The other issue is that games development is now so expensive that very little in the current gen are exclusive, other than the wii anyway. So most games are developed for the 360, ps3 and pc at the same time. As a result you dont see any clear advantage on any platform, other than the pc's ability to throw more hardware at a game to reach better performance at very high resultions. So in actual play, it doesn't matter wich is more powerful, they're both effectively identical.


I do agree that there isnt any ground breaking games out for it yet. But I got my 360 on launch and that had nothing ground breaking either. The best game on 360 launch was pgr3

and the best game on ps3 launch is motorstorm.. so all a much of a muchness.


The dev support is key now. If the ps3 loses any jap exclusives it could face real problems. Losing GTA was a real blow to Sony outside japan. Problem is the wii's been very successful indeed in japan, and the developers can't ignore that. Be interesting to see how it pans out.

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Your accusing posters here on bias against the machine, and countering that with reviews on the machines performance. Nobody here's commented on the machines abilities, just the cost/value. Are you so hard of thinking that you can't understand?

To be fair, Ray's slagged off pretty much everything about it.

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Good on em if they did manage that, the extra stock would have made a difference. I do suspect though that this is marketing spin based on sell to stores, not selling to end users. Charttrack can monitor stock to stores then judge sales based on returns to wholesale. We've all seen that there's no shortage of stock on shelves, this is what chartrack could be counting.

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The methodology used across all Chart-Track's services is continuous quantitative retail research. Chart-Track reports are based on over-the-counter retail sales where the data is captured electronically each day from retailers' EPoS systems. Reports are generated using an Oracle relational database, integrated with a custom-built PC-based processing system.

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I find that hard to figure out. It seems to be saying that ALL retailers voluntarily subscribe to Chart-track and allow them to access their EPoS figures. Given that retailers are usually very cagey about these figures for fear of losing an advantage I 'm not sure they all subscribe to this service.

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The numbers are probably largely down to stock. The 360 and wii were both highly constrained at launch, with preorders selling out very early. The PS3 wasn't stock limited, so managed to sell more in the first few days. How it pans out will be interesting.


Was in game today, and there was a lady in begging to be allowed one of the next Wii's to come in stock, even asking to pay for it fully in advance. They weren't budging, said they were first come first served.

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Nintendo have always had the same mentality of Europe, they just dont see it as a big market and because of this they always tend to sell them short.

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Nintendo have always had the same mentality of Europe, they just dont see it as a big market and because of this they always tend to sell them short.


Might have been historically true, well was true for the n64. Hasn't been true for a while though. The Wii is out of stock in the US too, it's a worldwide problem. They launched the wii before xmas and didn't wait to build up large stocks, so they're basically shipping it as quick as they can manufacture. Sony instead chose to stockpile and oversupply. Not sure it was the right thing to do, as the stock situation of the wii's created a bit of a feeding frenzy.

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I find that hard to figure out. It seems to be saying that ALL retailers voluntarily subscribe to Chart-track and allow them to access their EPoS figures. Given that retailers are usually very cagey about these figures for fear of losing an advantage I 'm not sure they all subscribe to this service.


Chart Track have been around for quite a while and yes retailers are protective of their figures but I'm sure some confidentiality agreements are drawn up. It is providing a service to not only us but the industry as a whole - not looking at POS figures and passing information to other companies.


It's similar I guess to how Gallup provide results for their charts.



Chart-Track was formed in 1996 to monitor sales of music, videos and software through retail in the UK and Ireland. Since then we have established an unparalleled reputation for fast and accurate retail research in the home entertainment market.


Our operations now encompass the UK, Ireland and Denmark and key report services include:

UK Leisure Software

Republic of Ireland Leisure Software

European Leisure Software (in conjunction with GfK)

UK Hardware and Peripherals

Republic of Ireland Music and Video

Denmark Leisure Software


As we know figures in this sort of market are open to abuse, as we have seen in the past with music sales. Plenty of number 1's in the Top 40 have been through devious sales alledgelly.


Probably harder to fix through consoles/hardware though due to the individual item cost.


As Slim says, it will be interesting to see what happens they might hold out til Christmas, but I wager a price drop around Nov just to push sales.

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They're making more money than God, why don't they spend some of it and build a fucking factory?


Setting up manufacturing is fucking expensive, you dont want to set up a factory large enough to cope with the initial rush that'll be sat doing nowt in six months time. So normally what a company will do is set up a factory that's right for the regular consumption, then stockpile before the product launch so you can deal with the rush.


Nintendo wanted to get the wii out before xmas and before ps3, so they didn't stockpile, and they just haven't managed to catch up.




Puts the global figures at :-

360 = 9.66m

Wii = 6.03m

PS3 = 2.67m


So Nintendo have managed to ship a huge number since launch, especially when you consider how long the 360's had to get a head start.

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I'll say one thing for Sony, by essentially sitting on the Euro launch until they made sure they had enough consoles for everyone who wanted one, they have, at a stroke, completely shafted up the arse the entire army of scummy fucking eBay twats - so they get a hearty pat on the back from me for that.


Amen to that

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