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Ps3 Announced

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Ray you say hd dvd is outselling bluray, everything I have read has said Bluray is outselling hd dvd 3 to 1......


My understanding, for what it's worth, is that Blu Ray is outselling HD DVD in the USA, but in Europe it's the other way around. Mind you, sales are so small they're a drop in the ocean compared to DVD still so any major development could swing things either way, such as WalMart ordering 2 million HD DVD players



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I like the look of a 360 to replace my ageing PS2, but I'd wait for the Elite, which although is out in the states in a week or so, we have to wait for November...


(at least Rock Band may be out by then :) )



you don't need to wait for rock band, get guitar hero 2 on the 360, brilliant game

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ok i didnt make myself clear enough....hd dvd in europe is better supported than blu ray....35 studios versus 10...not good odds

as for pissed off shareholders your quite right, sony share holders are spitting tacks because of the cockup that is the ps3, and with the forcast being cut already on future ps3 sales, not to mention the hardware backers of blu ray as they are going to be left with a very dodgy market because of their blind faith in sony's format, and as we speak they are prepping bd+ to be added to blu ray titles which means more delays in order to get the discs made, and at the end of that it means that ps3's wont be able to access the special features on those discs because the ps3 doesnt support bd+ and it doesnt look like a firmware upgrade will fix that....and the blu ray specs still arent finalised till this august...talk about a half assed format


as im not interested in what happens in japan and usa, all that interests me is the european one, and right now hd dvd is the way to go, i havent seen one bit of proof that blu ray is the better one at all....and seeing how this supposed superior formats movies so far are single layer only makes a mockery of the claim that its superior, if you want to get techy all hd dvd releases have been dual layer, beating blu ray by 5gb...

so for all the backers of blu ray, ill be buying the normal dvds of future films, there is nothing to convince me that blu ray is the one i want at all....

between sony philips and panasonic lets see their list of failures........

quoting barry fox


betamax (or blu ray ver.1)




hd mac tv


mini disc

sacd / dvd-a

umd video


doesnt really fill you with confidence, i do have a technics md recorder which is good, but that format is still a flop no matter how you try to defend it


also bd's claim to kill dvd in 3 years is just completely insane, they dont have a hope in hells chance of that, not by a long way,


try finding actual sales numbers of standalone bd decks, curiously there doesnt seem to be any, yet bd claims it has won....?


if you want the american numbers tosh has now sold (not shipped) 100,000 plus hd dvd standalone players, this does not count hd dvd addon for the 360, but im guessing that the addon is selling well......i know at work we have sold a hell of a lot lately and the sales have increased over the last 2 weeks etc.....

meanwhile, bd camp counts the ps3 as a standalone player which is ludicrous, so their figures are artificially inflated by that, but with more delays on bd production looming, and ps3 sales slumping by the day, its not looking good for the bd camp,

attachment rates for the ps3 are pitiful at best, and they have to give away casino royale to get people into the hi def side, then they have the nerve to count those freebies as sales!!!

sony has always had a good pr devision, but they forget it always turns round in the end to bite them in the ass.....

as for the games on the ps3?.....i cant see any games on it that say its better than the 360 at all......graphically its no better, certainly doesnt feel any better playing any of them, and no aaa titles worth getting excited about for it either, as more and more titles become availble for 360, seem to me that the 360 is still going to be the better console for a long time to come..

...and the wii ofcourse, sony didnt see that one coming....getting stuffed on 2 fronts on there home turf, the wii and the ds.....

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slim says


That's why the xbox 1 was dropped so fast. Development support stopped very early after the 360 was announced, and now there's fuck all new releases. This is the danger with the 360, it's such a poor seller that it's not really economically viable.


you consider almost 11 million sold units poor?...umm?

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Yes it is, when you consider the wii's up to 6 million and it's been out a fraction of the time. The ps2's sold 120 million in comparrison. Lack of sales in asia really hurt the xbox, and it's looking the same way for the 360.

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Problem is Ray, your extremely Anti Ps3. so your last 2 posts will be so full of biased cr4p its difficult to take what you say seriously.


And you work in a game shop ? which one is it again....

so im anti ps3, and anti all the sony related bullshit that so many people bafflingly buy into......

try googling for the info yourself, if you can bring yourself to finding out the info as i have done, then you will see that im not talking crap at all....simply restating facts that are out there for all to see.....

and shall we say i work for a major high street retailer that sells games music dvd's vinyl etc....a very well known one, so i see how the stock moves as that falls under my job description, just tonight we are sending back our blu ray players as not one has been sold.....tell me im lying, as im the one that organises for things to be shipped out


slim, it was always on the cards that support for 360 in japan wasnt going to happen, and thats more down to the japanese supporting there own market over the american products, as for the wii, all ill say is 100% fair play to nintendo, ive always had a soft spot for them, if your talking pure numbers then fine, but you cant compare (and im not) the wii vs the xbox360 in a hi def sense, thats twixt the ps3 and 360


so i dont like the ps3?...alot of people do, and a lot of others dont, i prefer the xbox brand, it works, its delivered on what it offered, and it has some quality games out for it too....., my only gripe is that my machine is noisy, but with my sound system thats soon forgotten


with less then 14k units sold (and dropping) in japan, and usa isnt fairing any better, it wont be long b4 giants like EA seriously start to worry about the cost for developing for an expensive platform that just isnt cutting the mustard, they'll move to the platforms that are performing well, they dont care.....eg the wii and the xbox, and considering the prohibitive cost of the ps3, the ps2......


i can understand people defending the console/gadget of there choice, i loved the ps1 originally, but i felt the ps2 was a huge letdown, for me the xbox1 was what the ps2 should have been, graphically and the overall games the xbox ruled...a true step forward, not a cash cow for them to milk simply because it had the name sony on it


your making it obvious that you havent checked out the hd dvd in europe bit, or the problems that bd+ will cause ps3 owners and your saying im biased?

i remember the 3do which was technologically superior to consoles around at that time, and look what happened to that

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HMV then.

Well I now know where to go for unbiased knowledgeable games assistance............ :lol:

( I dont actually, your all as sh1t as each other, 6 year old kids know more about games than you lot. )


Ray - 14k wat? Cus its not ps3 (880k) and its not 360 (360k)

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Ray, what you say about european studios supporting hd-dvd is meaningless. What you didnt mention about these studios is that most if not all of them are small independent studios. I doubt very much whether their dvd sales have any significant impact to the total number of dvds sold let alone hd-dvd's sales.


As for bd+ its a software problem not a hardware problem , therefore when thr time comes sony will release a firmware update to resolve any issues

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your forgetting that a lot of usa movie studios have different distribution deals in europe.....just because say lionsgate distribute them selves in the us doesnt mean that they have the rights to distribute elsewhere, and canal plus is hardly a small european company with a hell of a lot of clout, and they back hd dvd


are you sure a firmware update is going to cure that problem?......im still waiting for them to fix the downrezzing problem theyve got, as im sure a lot of ps3 owners are too

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