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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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most of it is borne from the perception that sony are supposed to be the best console makers.....as i have said i had the ps1 and it was great, it truly was

however this time its not the case, the kindest thing i can say about the ps3 is that graphically its no better than the 360, so why pay all that extra for it?.....pretty much most of the titles are available for the 360 also, as sony have upset so many developers with the handcuff deals they got them in on the ps2, a strategy that worked until this generation of consoles...

with all of sony's bullshit pr about how much better the ps3 and now we all can see that its not, the complete bs about blu ray being superior when the world can see its not, and this claim that 1080p is superior when we know its impossible to tell any difference on hdtv's, where is the logic to thinking that this is a superior machine?, so far the only thing i ve seen that the ps3 does is take more electric to run....


for all their faults microsoft have delivered on a machine, its hi def, it has rumble, its got an unbeatable online service, you have the option to run hi def movies, unlike the ramming down the throats approach of blu ray, and the 360 is at a realistic price point...its technology is proven, trusted and easy to develop for....

what i really despise about sony is the continual condescending attitude they have to thier customers and dealers, their sheer contempt for being warned not to put rootkits on their cd's to try and stop folk from ripping cd's....and thats just one incedent.....

from launch of the 360 to about this time quality games for the 360 started to appear, and it shows no sign of slowing down, some titles generating pre sale orders towards the millions thru sheer expectation alone, there is none of that with the ps3, i monitor both consoles closely, as i said in a previous post we have sent back about 60 ps3 consoles and around 400 copies of games because this perceived glut of orders for it just havent appeared


i agree about the competition side of things but the ps3 is a serious missfire, the only true competition is from the wii and that will win out even tho its not a hi def console


from a blu ray point of view serious movie watchers are not going to by a ps3 (or 360 for that matter) just to watch movies, i know i have the addon but thats a stop gap as i will be ordering the next model from toshiba when it becomes available

i just dont see anything in the ps3 that i dont already have with my 360

and we have plenty of ps3's that wont/dont play games or blu ray movies in our faulty section...it doesnt make me feel like ive bought the wrong console

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So why waste the energy bleating? You like your console, I like mine. All my mates with PS3's are happy, all my mates with 360's are happy - we don't bang on about the differences, it's down to personal choice what you spend your money on.


It's pettiness to the extreme.

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touchy spanna touchy.......i do enjoy fishing

so i used to sell tv's dvds etc and i dont know anything about anything at all?....typical sony fanboy answer really

so prove then what is so special about the ps3?......1080p is a waste of money and time, and that comes straight from panasonic service engineer, oh and pioneer and jvc for that matter, but to your thinking its bollox is it?

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touchy spanna touchy.......i do enjoy fishing

so i used to sell tv's dvds etc and i dont know anything about anything at all?....typical sony fanboy answer really

so prove then what is so special about the ps3?......1080p is a waste of money and time, and that comes straight from panasonic service engineer, oh and pioneer and jvc for that matter, but to your thinking its bollox is it?


first off you can try call me a sony fanboy all you like but since I spend most of my gaming time on the 360 your going to look even thicker than usual calling me one.


Second off there is nothing special about the ps3 its just a very good console.


Doing a direct unbiased comparison I can say straight off that Motorstorm, F1 and GTHD all look way better than anything I have on 360. There is also zero popup or slowdown. That severely annoyed me on the 360. Popup and especially slowdown should not be happening in this gen but it does on games even as relatively low graphics as pro evo 6 on the 360.


Bleat all you like, Bluray is fantastic . When the wife actually notices something looks impressive on the tv then you know something is good. (Considering there was hardly any notice of Sky hd.)


Whats a panasonic service engineer got to do with gaming? 1080p as in GTHD looks better in every way than it does in 720p, Ill go take a comparsion photo if you really want or does actual facts not work with you.

I could carry on but im bored.


At the end of the day tho I still play on the 360 more. There are way way way more playable games out on the 360 than the ps3 at the moment, but with the games looking this good in first gen on ps3 it makes me think that the ps3 will start having some extremely impressive stuff out. They do have to sort out the online headset problem tho.. its no fun unless your screaming abuse at your mates.

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considering that panasonic et all are involved in this 1080p race, and for there top guy (spares and service and technical to be fair) to say theres no benefit to be gained from 1080p, even pioneer (my fave) say the same, if anyones gonna know about it it'll be them

and i do base what i say on the facts that i have played resistance on ps3, and of course gow, cod on the 360, and i just dont see anything better about the ps3......so what do you base that i know nothing on?.....sheer opposition to the fact that i dont agree with you?, and of course the price point is a joke

to counter blu ray ....hd dvd looks stunning to, so how is that not a good product? for example corpse bride is absolutly razor sharp on hd dvd


the only slowdown i have on my machine is quake 4, as it was alaunch title then fair enough.....i dont get any frame trouble or tearing or any other faults that folk have claimed about


you can throw as many photos as you like, neither myself or anyone else i know that has seen and played the ps3 is fooled

so please.....knock yourself out with facts, my 20:20 is what i trust

i agree with you on the headset thing tho.....

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So why waste the energy bleating? You like your console, I like mine. All my mates with PS3's are happy, all my mates with 360's are happy - we don't bang on about the differences, it's down to personal choice what you spend your money on.


It's pettiness to the extreme.


Dunno if you've noticed, but this is a discussoin forum. It's here for people to express their opinions. Why jump on folks for doing just that?

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Ray, you've lost me here though mate. What kind of eejit would claim 1080p is pointless? It's true that it's implementation can be flawed, but higher resolutions are never pointless, particularly as screen sizes get bigger.


1080p on a 32" may well be pointless, but on tv's bigger than that, it definately makes a difference.

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remind me to get you a beer when im next over slim

Yeah, all the ps3 slaters in a monks chain, love it. Its starting to get really stupid now, all this hatred and time/energy spent/wasted deploring a console, tryin to compare it when ones been out nearly2 years and the othe 2 months, astonishing really, and all you can come up with in real differences isthat they are not much different? When considered the time scale? Just fuck off, its boring now, and anyone who really gives a shit is going to take no notice whatsoever. If your console is so much better than every other, then why aren't you playing it to death, why the hell do you spend so much time on here bleating about the other one? The wii is only so popular because it costs a tenner, its got no power and doesn't deserve to be talked about in the same context as 360 or ps3, i've played on one, its shit, a gimmick, kids machine.


ps, my dex,mixer and pioneer cd deck are going on ebay tomoro so i can get a ps3, stick that up ya arse and smoke it.

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Jeez, slag everyone for expressing their opinion.....then go on and express yours. Genious.


What you say there is really what most of us are on about. I dont hate the ps3, I'm more dissapointed by it. It's the latest console, yet it's virtually the same performance wise as something that's been out ages and costs less. You said it yourself, see?


I love my ps2, it's given me many, many happy years of gaming. Sony's messed up with the ps3 though, and I'm really worried about the harm it's going to cause on the future of console gaming.

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Dunno if you've noticed, but this is a discussoin forum. It's here for people to express their opinions. Why jump on folks for doing just that?



Yeah but where is the discussion. In this thread recently it is mostly you, chopley and ray keeping this thread alive with your links and news about console sales figures and quips about PS3 being the next betamax because it ranks lowly at the moment..... cool nice quip BTW very drool.


Not a discussion but a swipe IMO. But hey you are right, opinions right or wrong are welcomed in any public forum - crack on....

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Jeez, slag everyone for expressing their opinion.....then go on and express yours. Genious.


What you say there is really what most of us are on about. I dont hate the ps3, I'm more dissapointed by it. It's the latest console, yet it's virtually the same performance wise as something that's been out ages and costs less. You said it yourself, see?


I love my ps2, it's given me many, many happy years of gaming. Sony's messed up with the ps3 though, and I'm really worried about the harm it's going to cause on the future of console gaming.

Exactly my point though, how can it be compared at this early stage? If its the same ish now, then surely it can only get much much better just as the 360 has? Surely?

I don't see how its messed up at all, there's still great games on it now as someone said, Motorstorm is as good looking as anything they've played on the 360 and that was a launch title. Its just a load of fanboy shit thats getting thrown on this thread. Wait and see is something i've said since this shite was getting thrown, its still my opinion now, but i'm going for what i believe will be the better machine in the long run.

2 consoles xbox had out in ps2's lifespan, in the elite they've already got one identical to the last in the ps3's lifespan, i know who i think is doing the ripping off here.

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Exactly my point though, how can it be compared at this early stage? If its the same ish now, then surely it can only get much much better just as the 360 has? Surely?


Well the danger is that there's so many new games that are cross platform, that the ps3 wont get much better. Also it's specs aren't actually that much better than the 360 other than the capacity of blu-ray and in some cases they're worse.


I don't see how its messed up at all, there's still great games on it now as someone said, Motorstorm is as good looking as anything they've played on the 360 and that was a launch title.


Project gotham was a launch title too, and a blooming amazing one.


Its just a load of fanboy shit thats getting thrown on this thread. Wait and see is something i've said since this shite was getting thrown, its still my opinion now, but i'm going for what i believe will be the better machine in the long run.

2 consoles xbox had out in ps2's lifespan, in the elite they've already got one identical to the last in the ps3's lifespan, i know who i think is doing the ripping off here.


I'm not a fanboy of either, I don't have a 360. As I've said, I'm more concerned with the ps3 as a value proposition vs the 360. Even if you like the console you have to admit it's not great value, especially as you can get a brand new one on ebay now for around £320, a huge £125 off the rrp.

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So why waste the energy bleating? You like your console, I like mine. All my mates with PS3's are happy, all my mates with 360's are happy - we don't bang on about the differences, it's down to personal choice what you spend your money on.


It's pettiness to the extreme.


Dunno if you've noticed, but this is a discussoin forum. It's here for people to express their opinions. Why jump on folks for doing just that?



Probably because it's been the same opinion for the last 20 pages or so, nothing new is being added to the discussion.


It's like watching kids saying my dads bigger than yours, over and over again

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