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Ps3 Announced

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So why waste the energy bleating? You like your console, I like mine. All my mates with PS3's are happy, all my mates with 360's are happy - we don't bang on about the differences, it's down to personal choice what you spend your money on.


It's pettiness to the extreme.


Dunno if you've noticed, but this is a discussoin forum. It's here for people to express their opinions. Why jump on folks for doing just that?



Probably because it's been the same opinion for the last 20 pages or so, nothing new is being added to the discussion.


It's like watching kids saying my dads bigger than yours, over and over again


Well just don't read it then, man.


Easier said than done when i am interested in what the ps3 has to offer, some people might want to post reviews of games etc, can we now have a seperate ps3=betamax/ bluray shit/ sales figure thread?


That way the same boring shit can be posted every day and i won't have to read it :)

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Like it or not, this is a console advocacy thread. The posts your bleating about are more on topic than yours, which have nowt to do with the ps3. If you don't like the content, start your own thread.


Back on topic, I was trying to get to the bottom of Kutaragi-san's (Final Fantasy creators) comments. Eurogamer reported the comments as "The machine's architecture is tricky, and I don't like Ken Kutaragi.", referenced to 1up but I can't find the source article. I gather he's just kicking up some press for his new 360 game, but want to read the full article.


Meanwhile, anyone found a new ps3 cheaper than £320?

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Just seen one of those telly ads whilst standing in the queue at Douglas main PO. £650 including delivery!

Someone is milking the shortage. That's ripping the p***

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I may have to buy a PS3 sooner than expected....


Oh well...


Hmm, that article really underlines why it's not worth buying a ps3. They're developing GTA4 to the 360 and ps3, so it wont take advantage of the hard disk and blu ray to make it fit on both platforms.




There are already games developed for the 360 that use the HDD to cache - like Oblivion. Core users who haven't upgraded to a HDD are few and far between and are not going to determine the next few years of games. Also if the developers wanted to take advantage of Blu-Ray, which I doubt because they should fit all the game data on DVD9, they could provide multiple discs for 360 users.

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when i had the ps1 ff7 was on four discs if i remember, didnt bother me to have to load the other discs at all....if anything it felt like value for your money to have more than one disc

pretty much all ps3 games are having to have the data double written on the bd discs to make it work better, and padding added aswell because blu ray at 2x speed is slower than dvd at 16x

hence the claim that resistance was 22gb when in actual fact the game is only 7gb..plenty of room for dvd9

plus compression techniques are so efficient these days so that all that room isnt needed, in oblivion there isnt one tree model in the game whatsoever, and oblivion isnt a tiny game

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considering that panasonic et all are involved in this 1080p race, and for there top guy (spares and service and technical to be fair) to say theres no benefit to be gained from 1080p, even pioneer (my fave) say the same, if anyones gonna know about it it'll be them

and i do base what i say on the facts that i have played resistance on ps3, and of course gow, cod on the 360, and i just dont see anything better about the ps3......so what do you base that i know nothing on?.....sheer opposition to the fact that i dont agree with you?, and of course the price point is a joke

to counter blu ray ....hd dvd looks stunning to, so how is that not a good product? for example corpse bride is absolutly razor sharp on hd dvd


the only slowdown i have on my machine is quake 4, as it was alaunch title then fair enough.....i dont get any frame trouble or tearing or any other faults that folk have claimed about


you can throw as many photos as you like, neither myself or anyone else i know that has seen and played the ps3 is fooled

so please.....knock yourself out with facts, my 20:20 is what i trust

i agree with you on the headset thing tho.....


You are basing your knowledge of ps3 after playing 1 game? :blink: nice....

You will also note Ray. Im not slagging 360 so why counter my points? I have one and its a good console too, im just pointing out to anyone who is thinking of getting a ps3 to not listen to a f*cking word u say.


If you cant see slowdown and popup on the 360 you aint playing much then. Pgr3 popup, tdu popup and slowdown, proevo 6 slowdown, graw and graw 2 popup and slowdown, the list is endless..

Its not the end of the world as they are all still great games but it makes me wonder is it lazy programming or cant the 360 handle it.

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when i had the ps1 ff7 was on four discs if i remember, didnt bother me to have to load the other discs at all....if anything it felt like value for your money to have more than one disc


Ray, that's quite spectacular. That's almost as good as saying high resolutions are pointless. Four low capacity disks are better than one big one? You're seriously saying that? You work in a games shop? I hope you don't give people advice like this and get paid for it?


plus compression techniques are so efficient these days so that all that room isnt needed, in oblivion there isnt one tree model in the game whatsoever, and oblivion isnt a tiny game


Um, no. Oblivion doesn't use compresion, it uses procedural techniques to generate landscape. Models dont take storage space anyway, models take fuck all space. It's textures that take storage, and you can't compress them heavily without losing quality. There's some good quotes from the developers of Gears saying the storage on the xbox was very limiting because of the way Gears was made using texture streaming. DVD9 is a limitation, more is always better, and disk swapping is never desirable.

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There are already games developed for the 360 that use the HDD to cache - like Oblivion. Core users who haven't upgraded to a HDD are few and far between and are not going to determine the next few years of games. Also if the developers wanted to take advantage of Blu-Ray, which I doubt because they should fit all the game data on DVD9, they could provide multiple discs for 360 users.


Sure, but there's a big difference to supporting something that might be there but also making the game work if it isn't, and writing something to make use of it all the time. MS made a bollocks really doing an xbox without a hdd, in my opinion, and if cross platform ps3 games are being dumbed to support a diskless xbox, than that's a real shame in my mind.


Multiple disks is a crock, it increases wear, it pisses folks off and it increases costs, nobody wants it.

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when i had the ps1 ff7 was on four discs if i remember, didnt bother me to have to load the other discs at all....if anything it felt like value for your money to have more than one disc

pretty much all ps3 games are having to have the data double written on the bd discs to make it work better, and padding added aswell because blu ray at 2x speed is slower than dvd at 16x

hence the claim that resistance was 22gb when in actual fact the game is only 7gb..plenty of room for dvd9

plus compression techniques are so efficient these days so that all that room isnt needed, in oblivion there isnt one tree model in the game whatsoever, and oblivion isnt a tiny game


I think i might have to pop into HMV for some entertainment cus that is f*cking hilarious. :lol:

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when i had the ps1 ff7 was on four discs if i remember, didnt bother me to have to load the other discs at all....if anything it felt like value for your money to have more than one disc


Ray, that's quite spectacular. That's almost as good as saying high resolutions are pointless. Four low capacity disks are better than one big one? You're seriously saying that? You work in a games shop? I hope you don't give people advice like this and get paid for it?


plus compression techniques are so efficient these days so that all that room isnt needed, in oblivion there isnt one tree model in the game whatsoever, and oblivion isnt a tiny game


Um, no. Oblivion doesn't use compresion, it uses procedural techniques to generate landscape. Models dont take storage space anyway, models take fuck all space. It's textures that take storage, and you can't compress them heavily without losing quality. There's some good quotes from the developers of Gears saying the storage on the xbox was very limiting because of the way Gears was made using texture streaming. DVD9 is a limitation, more is always better, and disk swapping is never desirable.


yes i do get asked for advice, as i got asked for advice in the tv shop where i worked also, and have a lot of happy customers....my advise is read what i said...i was pointing out about the 4 discs and not being bothered thats all....


i read a gow article and it said about the texture streaming, didnt see anything about the 360 limiting it so ill have to go with your info

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when i had the ps1 ff7 was on four discs if i remember, didnt bother me to have to load the other discs at all....if anything it felt like value for your money to have more than one disc

pretty much all ps3 games are having to have the data double written on the bd discs to make it work better, and padding added aswell because blu ray at 2x speed is slower than dvd at 16x

hence the claim that resistance was 22gb when in actual fact the game is only 7gb..plenty of room for dvd9

plus compression techniques are so efficient these days so that all that room isnt needed, in oblivion there isnt one tree model in the game whatsoever, and oblivion isnt a tiny game


I think i might have to pop into HMV for some entertainment cus that is f*cking hilarious. :lol:

from joystick


One key difference is the way each disc is read--Blu-ray disc drives read information at the same speed regardless of where on the disc the information is located (think: the Tortoise), while standard DVD disc drives vary the read speed based on how far the information is from the center of the disc (e.g. the Hare). The different methods put Blu-ray at a staggering advantage in the future, but currently 1x and 2x Blu-ray drives trudge along compared to a 12x DVD drive, which gathers information at a rate of 8.2 - 16.5 megabytes per second (depending on the amount of data stored).


4x Blu-ray drives overcome 12x DVD drives by running a constant 18 MBps; however, a 4x Blu-ray drive is far too expensive for Sony to use in the PlayStation 3, and more likely gamers will get a 1x or 2x drive. Maybe that rumored hard drive can be used to decrease loading times. Remember, though: slow and steady wins the race.

If the game used realtime movies [and no padding of course] you coul easily fit it on standard DVD9

6GB of game + 2GB of audio.

Some info I gathered


"Since the other thread got closed, I suppose I'll put this here. Those numbers in that Resistance file list are the LBA indices and each block is 2kb. This means that each padding file equals 32MB, making is a total of 7GB of FMV with 1.9GB of padding. Audio, in all its localisations, totals 2.24GB. The remainder is the archived game assets totalling 6.12GB."


yeah mate....i dont know anything




read the game.psarc bit

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