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Ps3 Announced

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I got a call on friday from Game telling me they were taking pre-order money on saturday and to get down early as they only had limited numbers coming in. But K said he was in town today and the sign outside said they were still taking pre-orders today, doesn't sound like they took that many on saturday.


I'm gonna wait till i've finished God of War 2 before i buy one, no point till then, Resistance, Ridge Racer and V Tennis are the only games i'm even slightly interested in just yet, i'm waiting on Assasins Creed and Heavenly Sword.

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Anyone preordered?


Its broken all preorder records at woolworths. one being ordered every 20 seconds. Thats pretty impressive.

they'll just be trying to sell the ones in usa and japan that arent selling at all.....theres plenty sat on the shelves being rightly ignored :lol:

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I am going to hold off as long as i can, i have loads of things to keep me going and i am hoping that i can hold off until the summer.


I will prolly crumble after a week but at least my intentions are good :)


that's how i'm hoping to play it out as well, I'm hoping to last out till xmas ( when hopefully Sony will have some exciting games coming out )...

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I echo those who have concerns over this console. Too expensive, BluRay, Releases, etc. Would be worth adding that GTA4 and a couple of other previously PS exclusive games have been announced that they will ship simultaneously on the XBox360. One less reason to be ripped off by the ludicrous launch price. Wait a year and I bet the PS3 sells for about the same price as the XBox, and by then BluRay movies may be actually be worth owning and a few good games may be out.

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HD-DVD and blue ray are both pretty unimportant in my book. With ever increasing bandwidth into the home, that's the true future delivery pattern of hi def content, not silly placcy carbon heavy disks.

Interesting but for those who want to own a movie the only option is physical media for the foreseeable future. Bandwidth is nowhere near capable of streaming a 20Gb movie and even with a 1Tb hard disk you would start running out of space. In the future optical hard drives will lead to a leap in capacity that, improved encoding methods, and better comms will make downloadable HiDef a practical reality (However the world might end before Manx Telecom ever provide it either at all or at a reasonable price.

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Interesting but for those who want to own a movie the only option is physical media for the foreseeable future.


You do own it, you own it on physical media too, usually a magnetic disk. What difference does it make that it's on magnetic rather than optical disk? Other than magnetic is far more practical, reusable and environmentally friendly. Why would you need to keep more than 1 tb worth? If you want to watch something again, you just download it again.


Bandwidth is nowhere near capable of streaming a 20Gb movie and even with a 1Tb hard disk you would start running out of space. In the future optical hard drives will lead to a leap in capacity that, improved encoding methods, and better comms will make downloadable HiDef a practical reality (However the world might end before Manx Telecom ever provide it either at all or at a reasonable price.


You think sky HD is downloading at that kind of bitrate? 20gb isn't required to get a very good HD image. I'm happily watching and storing HD content now, with no blu ray or HD DVD or Sky HD. I can't stream, no, but I can download. Streaming wont be far away.


UK net speeds are what, 8mb adsl? Sweden has rolled out 10/10mb cable. Uncompressed 720p needs what, 480kbps? H.264 significantly less, so it's really not a way out idea.


It's about time people accepted that it's a daft idea to horde little plastic disks that you might watch once every few years, you're far better off just grabbing it when you want to watch it and then delete it.

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You say you are happy with 720p that's fine but I like to view my films with the best possible picture quality so will mean 1080p. There is a massive difference in quality between streamed 720p and HDDVD 1080p put it through a decent larger sized LCD go and see for yourself.


Another problem with download on demand is given the pants speed of Manx Telecom that just isn't an option yet over here. Even if it was what do you think will happen to those speeds when everyone starts to do it. The technology just isn't there yet to deliver true hi-def pictures on demand to a mass market.


This leaves downloading to watch later and back to hard disk sizes. Well personally I am a bit of a film fan and currently own nearly a thousand DVD's (and yes I have watched them all more than once bar Ocean's 12 which was a mistake to buy). Given that I would need servers worth of disk space without even thinking about the extras. Ok so I don't need that all are instantly available but it is a convenience and it means I can lend them to my friends. Therefore as a portable media DVD \ HDDVD \ BluRay are both more practical and more portable. As for environmentally friendly I'm sorry but this may be true in a small way but I couldn't give a toss.


For you downloading seems to make sense. If you have the comms speed and can live with the picture \ sound quality limits it imposes then it is a good solution. For a true cinefile like myself the technology just isn't available yet to make it a practicality. Oh and as for the environmental issue if you want to be really green you should be using electricity to watch Tv is the first place.


Lastly why do you have optical disks so, it seems quite illogical, were you scared by one as a child or something?


Sorry to others if this is rather Off Topic.

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You say you are happy with 720p that's fine but I like to view my films with the best possible picture quality so will mean 1080p. There is a massive difference in quality between streamed 720p and HDDVD 1080p put it through a decent larger sized LCD go and see for yourself.


I don't need to go and see. I've got a hd setup and at sizes of a reasonable domestic screen you can hardly tell the difference. You might well get hung up on 720p vs 1080p but having been viewing HD for a good while rather than just talking about it and wanking over Which magazines I've found in actual use the source matters far more than the resolution you're running it at. I've seen DVD's in 480p that look stunning and 1080i films that look awful. Do you have a HD setup? What are you using to drive your screen at 1080p? What media are you currently using to make the comparrisions you're talking about?


Take this as an example, screenshotted:




That looks stunning in motion, let me tell you.


Another problem with download on demand is given the pants speed of Manx Telecom that just isn't an option yet over here.

But it is. A HD Rip at x264 runs in at what, 7-8gb? TV's pretty reasonable too, I grabbed all of Hero's in HD for example, the episode size downloads take about the same size to download as to watch, and that's at 2mb, we'll be at 8 soon, a significant increase.


Too slow? I'll race you. Order yourself a HDDVD from amazon, and I'll start leeching one now. Who gets to watch the movie first?


And let's not get hung up on just using the internet. Satellite and digital terrestrial can also offer content to download and store, your nights entertainment in HD can be delievered via those and stored.


Even if it was what do you think will happen to those speeds when everyone starts to do it. The technology just isn't there yet to deliver true hi-def pictures on demand to a mass market.


If everyone did it, it'd be faster. Torrents are perfect at this kind of thing, and a dream come true for ISP's. Say our TV was delivered nightly via bittorrent, and 500 users on manxnet leeched it. That content could be swarmed just via manxnet users using fewer public internet connections.


This leaves downloading to watch later and back to hard disk sizes.

Hard disk sizes are largely irrelivant if you've got reasonably fast downloads. YOu just leech it again if you want to watch it again.


Well personally I am a bit of a film fan and currently own nearly a thousand DVD's (and yes I have watched them all more than once bar Ocean's 12 which was a mistake to buy). Given that I would need servers worth of disk space without even thinking about the extras. Ok so I don't need that all are instantly available but it is a convenience and it means I can lend them to my friends. Therefore as a portable media DVD \ HDDVD \ BluRay are both more practical and more portable. As for environmentally friendly I'm sorry but this may be true in a small way but I couldn't give a toss.


Listen to yourself. You need a disk so you can lend it to friends? You're friends wont need to lend it, they can just leech it and save you a trip. You cannot tell me that a disk is more practical than a file for portability? You're having a laugh there surely?


As for your collection, why? What a complete and utter waste of plastic, space and materials. The energy wasted in producing your sleeves and associated 'special edition' shite. The printing costs. The shipping costs. It's all unnecessary bollocks. And what use are your 1000 dvd's now, all in max 480p now that you're telling me 720p isn't fucking good enough for you? You going to throw them all out and buy em again in 1080p? And what about when holographic smellyvision comes out? Throw your blu rays out and buy em again? Bonkers mate, download, watch delete. Want it in a new rez when you've got a nice hd setup? Download it again, but in a higher rez.


For you downloading seems to make sense. If you have the comms speed and can live with the picture \ sound quality limits it imposes then it is a good solution. For a true cinefile like myself the technology just isn't available yet to make it a practicality. Oh and as for the environmental issue if you want to be really green you should be using electricity to watch Tv is the first place.

You've got 1000 movies in 480p on dvd. You have picture/sound quality limits mate, not me. I'm watching stuff now at a better quality than your collection you're so proud of.


Oh and as for the environmental issue if you want to be really green you should be using electricity to watch Tv is the first place.

Lastly why do you have optical disks so, it seems quite illogical, were you scared by one as a child or something?


Sigh. Creation and transportation and the subsequent discarding of your 10000 disk collection vs the insignificant energy consumption of my flat panel. I'm not saying we should all go live in fields mate, I'm saying we should dump the unneeded and outmoded crap horders think they must have. There's better out there now, better for the user and better for the environment.

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