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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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considering that panasonic et all are involved in this 1080p race, and for there top guy (spares and service and technical to be fair) to say theres no benefit to be gained from 1080p, even pioneer (my fave) say the same, if anyones gonna know about it it'll be them

and i do base what i say on the facts that i have played resistance on ps3, and of course gow, cod on the 360, and i just dont see anything better about the ps3......so what do you base that i know nothing on?.....sheer opposition to the fact that i dont agree with you?, and of course the price point is a joke

to counter blu ray ....hd dvd looks stunning to, so how is that not a good product? for example corpse bride is absolutly razor sharp on hd dvd


the only slowdown i have on my machine is quake 4, as it was alaunch title then fair enough.....i dont get any frame trouble or tearing or any other faults that folk have claimed about


you can throw as many photos as you like, neither myself or anyone else i know that has seen and played the ps3 is fooled

so please.....knock yourself out with facts, my 20:20 is what i trust

i agree with you on the headset thing tho.....


You are basing your knowledge of ps3 after playing 1 game? :blink: nice....

You will also note Ray. Im not slagging 360 so why counter my points? I have one and its a good console too, im just pointing out to anyone who is thinking of getting a ps3 to not listen to a f*cking word u say.


If you cant see slowdown and popup on the 360 you aint playing much then. Pgr3 popup, tdu popup and slowdown, proevo 6 slowdown, graw and graw 2 popup and slowdown, the list is endless..

Its not the end of the world as they are all still great games but it makes me wonder is it lazy programming or cant the 360 handle it.

im on my box just about every day...i dont have those games you listed so how can i see the popups then?, doesnt mean im countering your points...just airing mine

and how many titles do you need to play before you know wether a console is the one you want?....1?....10?..100?

people dont have to take what i say at all....as i sadi before what i dont like is the bullshit that sony constantly spill out....read about the blu ray drive, oh it tallies up with what ive said before....read the bit about resistance game size, oh my, it tallies up to......

i would have thought the tumbling sales figures would be enough info for folk to know where the hard earned should go.....

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One key difference is the way each disc is read--Blu-ray disc drives read information at the same speed regardless of where on the disc the information is located (think: the Tortoise), while standard DVD disc drives vary the read speed based on how far the information is from the center of the disc (e.g. the Hare). ).


Nonsense. Both blu-ray and DVD are CLV. The data transfer rate is the same no matter where on the disc you are. They simply change the angular velocity (RPM) depending on where is being read from at any one time.


The different methods put Blu-ray at a staggering advantage in the future, but currently 1x and 2x Blu-ray drives trudge along compared to a 12x DVD drive, which gathers information at a rate of 8.2 - 16.5 megabytes per second (depending on the amount of data stored).


Err, let's just ignore the half-truths for a moment. For the sake of the discussion the 360 has a 12X DVD-ROM drive and the PS3 has a 2X Blu-ray drive. The blu-ray drive has a constant transfer rate in the region of 8.5MB/s which is slightly more than half the speed of the transfer rate of the drive in a 360. There's no future advantage to Blu-ray at all. The only advantage of the platform is that it stores more data. Seek rates are also worse than typical DVD drives so in general one can expect to see slower loading speeds than the 360. 12X DVD-ROM drives do have an additional disadvantage. The much higher rotational speed makes them quite noisy as well. Proper noisy.

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12X DVD-ROM drives do have an additional disadvantage. The much higher rotational speed makes them quite noisy as well. Proper noisy.


Yes I must confess, my 360 sounds like a jet turbine when it gets some serious disc spinning action going.


The answer, of course, is to turn the volume up.


Either that or command Mrs Turnip, "Wife! Stand in front of my games computer and use your womanly curves to direct its foul aural emissions away from my ears!"


(The second option tends not to work very well.)

lol....nice one

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More evidence that the humble wii is kicking both the 360 and the ps3's arses come from end april game sales charts.




1) Spider-Man 3

2) Wii Play

3) God Of War II

4) Singstar Pop Hits

5) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

6) Buzz! The Mega Quiz

7) FIFA 07

8) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

9) Virtua Tennis 3

10) Pokemon Ranger


No 2 & 9 games are wii exclusives, no 3 game is a PS2 exclusive. No ps3 games to be seen anywhere.


Japan looks even bleaker for the ps3:


1. Final Fantasy XII : Revenant Wings

2. Super Paper Mario

3. Momotarou Dentetsu DS

4. Wii Sports

5. Big Brain Academy

6. Gyakutensaiban 4

7. One Piece : Unlimited Adventure

8. Panel de Pon DS

9. Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2

10. Wii Play


Nintendo must be laughing all the way to the bank.

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More evidence that the humble wii is kicking both the 360 and the ps3's arses come from end april game sales charts.




1) Spider-Man 3

2) Wii Play

3) God Of War II

4) Singstar Pop Hits

5) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

6) Buzz! The Mega Quiz

7) FIFA 07

8) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

9) Virtua Tennis 3

10) Pokemon Ranger


No 2 & 9 games are wii exclusives, no 3 game is a PS2 exclusive. No ps3 games to be seen anywhere.



Nintendo must be laughing all the way to the bank.

Bold are all on PS3. Must try harder.

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No 2 & 9 games are wii exclusives, no 3 game is a PS2 exclusive. No ps3 games to be seen anywhere.


Bold are all on PS3. Must try harder.


I said 'exclusives'. Must try to read harder.

Full stop, new sentence. But i take the point you're trying to make. Thats alright though isn't it? So what there's no PS3 "exclusive games up there? Must try harder.

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Who cares what the japs are buying apart from the companys and developers themselves.


I wouldnt buy a Wii anyway, I dont like any of the games and the controller sucks piss unless you have a big living room and a few mates over.


The Japs love Nintendo and their gimicks, it makes obvious sense Nintendo are leading the way in Japan.

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Who cares what the japs are buying apart from the companys and developers themselves.


Me. If somethig nosedives in sales, it means very little in the way of developer support in 6-12 months. Witness what happened with the dreamcast!


Jap dev support in particular is vital to me, as they make the best games in the world. The xbox suffered badly from dev support, which is why its effectively a dead platform now and the ps2 is still very vibrant. You can't discount the jap market for a console's success, even on these shores.


I wouldnt buy a Wii anyway, I dont like any of the games and the controller sucks piss unless you have a big living room and a few mates over.


I think it's true that it's not really shown off to good advantage. The wii's suffering a little bit from the surprise of it's success. The DS Suffered the same fate initially. Games take a long time to develop, and consoles that sell well can take a while to get decent games. I think the wii's lineup will hopefully not have as many gimmiky mini game driven fluff in six months time.


The Japs love Nintendo and their gimicks, it makes obvious sense Nintendo are leading the way in Japan.


They love sony more traditionally the original GBA and Gamecube both bombed in japan, so that's a bollocks argument :)


Oh and it's not just the Japs. Here's the USA hardware sales charts:


Nintendo DS 508K

PlayStation 2 280K

Wii 259K

Xbox 360 199K

PlayStation Portable 180K

Game Boy Advance 148K

PlayStation 3 130K

GameCube 22K


PS3 selling less than the shitty old Game Boy Advance? Sheesh.

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I know what you're saying but I just dont see developer support dwindling for PS3 or Microsoft. Nintendo have done bloody well considering a few years ago they were on their asses. The DS has been their saviour and then launching a very innovative if 'gimicky' control pad for their next gen console has stood them in good stead.


As long as decent games are being released for the 360 I will stick with it. For me it's the best console I have owned, the interface is brilliant and the live service can't be beaten at the moment.


I still think it's a culture thing in Japan, they tend to go with stuff thats a bit 'out there' rather than traditional type games.

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I think you will go very quiet on those charts when mgs comes out in japan or winning eleven.

and singstar in europe. As with any console ever its all to do with big games and they are all on their way.


mo is right too. japs love gimmicks. The only people that buy wiis in europe are kids and families. If any bloke over the age of 20 buys one and it wasnt for his girlfriend/family I would be wanting him put on one of those registers!!

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