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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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I know what you're saying but I just dont see developer support dwindling for PS3 or Microsoft.


Jap dev for the 360 is already fairly pitiful. Who've you got, capcom & Temco and that's about it? Even then the capcom stuff's been developed purely for the west and hasn't been released in Japan. Pretty evident the lack of jap dev when you're calling a 10 year old jap dev'ed ps1 one of the best xbox 360 games available!


Nintendo have done bloody well considering a few years ago they were on their asses. The DS has been their saviour and then launching a

very innovative if 'gimicky' control pad for their next gen console has stood them in good stead.


Nintendo have never been on their asses, where'd you get that from? They've not bee a huge mass market success with the cube and the n64, and a lot of people think that this results in a failure, but nintendos model has always been very different from Sega, Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo have never sold a console at a loss with a view to making the costs back on licensed software sales, and they've never relied on third parties to sell the games for its platform to make them money. So the consoles that may have looked a failure were actually very lucrative for them. The must be making an absolute bomb on the wii and DS though, which are again not sold at a loss, but also a mass market success.


As long as decent games are being released for the 360 I will stick with it. For me it's the best console I have owned, the interface is brilliant and the live service can't be beaten at the moment.


It's good, particularly online it's very strong. It does worry me the loss it makes though, especially when you look at how quick the xbox was dropped. I'm really fustrated with all the new consoles, as I was last round too. PS3 has gone too far with spec and as a result is too expensive, the 360 hasn't got jap support and has made some really bizzare decisions around things like browser support and wifi, and the wii is a bit underpowered, has really weak 3rd party support and very slow 1st party releases. Sadly, the machine that's powering my gaming is the pc, and that's coming from a huge console fan who owned every one of the last gen (ps2, cube & xbox).



I still think it's a culture thing in Japan, they tend to go with stuff thats a bit 'out there' rather than traditional type games.


I think it's a complete marketing failure by microsoft personally. If they'd have secured a headline developer such as Squenix the sales would have come, but they've simply not managed that and the sales haven't happened for em.

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I think you will go very quiet on those charts when mgs comes out in japan or winning eleven.

and singstar in europe. As with any console ever its all to do with big games and they are all on their way.


mo is right too. japs love gimmicks. The only people that buy wiis in europe are kids and families. If any bloke over the age of 20 buys one and it wasnt for his girlfriend/family I would be wanting him put on one of those registers!!


Pretty much everything you've said there is bollocks :)

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I think you will go very quiet on those charts when mgs comes out in japan or winning eleven.

and singstar in europe. As with any console ever its all to do with big games and they are all on their way.


mo is right too. japs love gimmicks. The only people that buy wiis in europe are kids and families. If any bloke over the age of 20 buys one and it wasnt for his girlfriend/family I would be wanting him put on one of those registers!!


Pretty much everything you've said there is bollocks :)


do you want to bet? I bet mgs goes top of japs charts.. and winning eleven will be in top ten

I also bet singstar will sell ps3s by the bucketload in europe.


do u have a wii slim? *sends slims name into crimestoppers*

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Metal Gear did fuck all to help the PSP sales, I dont see why it'll change the ps3 unless it has a big price drop before then. My only objection to the ps3 is the stupid price.


Yes I have a wii, and if you think kids should be playing games like red steel, then it's you that needs locking up..

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I think you will go very quiet on those charts when mgs comes out in japan or winning eleven.

and singstar in europe. As with any console ever its all to do with big games and they are all on their way.


mo is right too. japs love gimmicks. The only people that buy wiis in europe are kids and families. If any bloke over the age of 20 buys one and it wasnt for his girlfriend/family I would be wanting him put on one of those registers!!


Pretty much everything you've said there is bollocks :)


To a point I'm with Slim on this. As if the likes of singstar would be a big PS3 promotional title? I can't imagine that for something that involves participation more than visual goodness (ie that you can get the same level of gameplay on any console)


I know several people that have Wiis (all male, over 20, with no family) and to be honest I suspect that's actually a bigger portion of the market than families etc. Yes it's good to give your nephew a beasting on Wii Boxing, but getting a couple of the lads round for a few bevvies and a bit of red hot Wii action is great, and takes me back almost to the glory days of being wrecked playing Sega Bass fishing with my housemates. Doesn't change that I still got my Snes out to play mariokart the other week after all the modern stuff, but the Wii is a fairly damn cunning device. And (comparatively) hella cheap too.


That said, my brother brought round his 360 and PS3 the other week (as he only has a pissant telly and we have a donging great 50" screen), and while the 360 certainly looked tasty (playing PGR3), the PS3 looked the complete dog's danglies on it. Forget the name of the game but it's an offroad racing game and the quality of it on le big telly was despicably good. They're silly money and I can't afford one but I still want.


The bottom line is the 'my console is better than your console' argument is probably nearly as old as the longbows are better than crossbows debate. Who cares - just enjoy what you have and don't pay top dowwa for the privilege.

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Analysts predicted grim news from Sony's fourth quarter financial results, especially in regards to PlayStation 3 performance. Sony has several times stated their gaming division would remain in the red for the foreseeable future, but sluggish sales in the early going has resulted in today's confirmed news of a $563 million net loss in the quarter ending March 31, 2007 -- the biggest Sony's reported in the last four years.



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Published: April 26, 2007

"Microsoft has released their quarterly earnings, and of note is the $315 million in losses the Entertainment and Devices Division reports for this quarter. Last year at this time they lost $415 million"


Consoles are loss-leaders - wow big news. It's estimated $4 billion was lost on the original Xbox.

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*Ray marshall stylee*

but but but ... the 360 lost $158 million dollars less than the ps3 therefore the 360 is the best and the ps3 is crap. and i will be telling everyone that the ps3 is a waste of space because the 360 lost less money in a quarter............ :lol:

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Consoles are loss-leaders - wow big news. It's estimated $4 billion was lost on the original Xbox.


Not necessarily. What was Nintendo's 2007 operating loss? Fuck all, in fact they're in profit, up 77%.


Claiming their loss leaders is also rot. While it's MS and Sonys model to sell the console at a loss, they're supposed to claw back the outlay on game licenses. If the overall divisions are still running at a loss, there's something very wrong.

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Not necessarily. What was Nintendo's 2007 operating loss? Fuck all, in fact they're in profit, up 77%.


Claiming their loss leaders is also rot. While it's MS and Sonys model to sell the console at a loss, they're supposed to claw back the outlay on game licenses. If the overall divisions are still running at a loss, there's something very wrong.



Not rot. I said consoles not game licences, everyone knows Sony and MS make the money from game licensing and not the hardware - otherwise it would all be a bit pointless eh?



Oh and I was specifically talking about MS/Sony but I should have mentioned it, my bad. Nintendo doesn't interest me.

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mo is right too. japs love gimmicks. The only people that buy wiis in europe are kids and families. If any bloke over the age of 20 buys one and it wasnt for his girlfriend/family I would be wanting him put on one of those registers!!


I really hope you where joking with that statement..... :angry:

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The only thing thats wrong is that there's no new software out on it till next month. Microsoft at that kind of loss despite having been out nearly 2 years. Nintendo making profit, woohoo, the wii only costs a fiver and is last gen, its not in the same catagory as 360 and PS2.


I think the wii quite happily out performs the ps2. There's plenty of new wii releases, are you blind?

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Not rot. I said consoles not game licences, everyone knows Sony and MS make the money from game licensing and not the hardware - otherwise it would all be a bit pointless eh?


Thats the whole division making the loss, including the revenue from game licenses. So it appears it is all a bit pointless, eh?



Oh and I was specifically talking about MS/Sony but I should have mentioned it, my bad. Nintendo doesn't interest me.


"Consoles are loss-leaders - wow big news", is not specifically talking about MS/Sony, as they are not the only people making consoles. In fact, they're currently the 3rd and 4th in terms of worldwide current sales.

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"Consoles are loss-leaders - wow big news", is not specifically talking about MS/Sony, as they are not the only people making consoles. In fact, they're currently the 3rd and 4th in terms of worldwide current sales.



Hence my statement "I was specifically talking about MS/Sony but I should have mentioned it, my bad."


My bad again.

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