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Why is there such a negative campaign being raged by certain posters on here regarding certain consoles?


Do these people actually want the consoles or the companies making them to fail?


What would be left if Sony and Microsoft do give up on consoles? Will the games industry be led by the Wii style games (I really hope not I like my games a bit more complex then most of its titles)?


Would the PC games industry survive without XBOX \ PS ports (there aren't many cross platform Wii PC games)?


I am interested in your responses.

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Why is there such a negative campaign being raged by certain posters on here regarding certain consoles?


I can't speak for others, but personally I'm exercising my right as a free spirited consumer. All the current Gen are flawed in my book.


Do these people actually want the consoles or the companies making them to fail?


Yes, if they're going to continue to rip people off.


What would be left if Sony and Microsoft do give up on consoles? Will the games industry be led by the Wii style games (I really hope not I like my games a bit more complex then most of its titles)?


In the nature of free markets, if there was a demand someone else would fill it.


Would the PC games industry survive without XBOX \ PS ports (there aren't many cross platform Wii PC games)?


Sure. I've rarely played a cross platform game on my pc, most of em have been shite.

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The only thing thats wrong is that there's no new software out on it till next month. Microsoft at that kind of loss despite having been out nearly 2 years. Nintendo making profit, woohoo, the wii only costs a fiver and is last gen, its not in the same catagory as 360 and PS2.


I think the wii quite happily out performs the ps2.

Just about, but it should do anyway it came out, what, 6 years later?


There's plenty of new wii releases, are you blind?

I was talking bout the PS£, thought that was obvious. There's loads of kids stuff out for the wii.

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Why is there such a negative campaign being raged by certain posters on here regarding certain consoles?


Do these people actually want the consoles or the companies making them to fail?


Yes, if they're going to continue to rip people off.



Noone is ripped off if the person is happy and think its worth it to pay the amount.

What you mean is yes you want to see them fail cus YOU personally think its not worth it.

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Noone is ripped off if the person is happy and think its worth it to pay the amount.

What you mean is yes you want to see them fail cus YOU personally think its not worth it.


Sure, don't see the difference. I dont want to pay that much. I'd like it to fail, as it looks like it has, so that the message is quite clear what level consoles should be priced.


A price drop this summers reported, so it looks like they're getting the message.


As for wii games being for kids, behave? Zelda is 12+ rated, Excite truck, Tiger woods, Red Steel are all adult games.

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Noone is ripped off if the person is happy and think its worth it to pay the amount.

What you mean is yes you want to see them fail cus YOU personally think its not worth it.


Sure, don't see the difference. I dont want to pay that much. I'd like it to fail, as it looks like it has, so that the message is quite clear what level consoles should be priced.


A price drop this summers reported, so it looks like they're getting the message.


As for wii games being for kids, behave? Zelda is 12+ rated, Excite truck, Tiger woods, Red Steel are all adult games.


I see a big difference and its been out 10 minutes so how you can claim it has failed I have no idea. The 360 is doing alright at the moment but launch sold less than the ps3. Its been out a year and a half now and its doing fine, I expect the ps3 will do exactly the same.


the price drop has been planned since day one. so I dont see your point


excite truck and tiger woods are adult games? :lol: classic.

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I see a big difference and its been out 10 minutes so how you can claim it has failed I have no idea.


It's failed so far. The wii's not been out much longer, and is selling more than six times the ps3 worldwide. That's a failure in my book. Sure it may pick up, I hope it does, and drive the price down.


the price drop has been planned since day one. so I dont see your point


Show me evidence of that please?


excite truck and tiger woods are adult games? :lol: classic.


In what way are they kids games? Explain yourself instead of 'loling' like a tool.

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In what way are they kids games? Explain yourself instead of 'loling' like a tool.


He is called "Spanna" its quite difficult living up to the name. Hes been trying for years, and has just about perfected it ;)

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In what way are they kids games? Explain yourself instead of 'loling' like a tool.


He is called "Spanna" its quite difficult living up to the name. Hes been trying for years, and has just about perfected it ;)


arf arf :lol:


ur asking me in what way are wii games for kids? :blink: maybe in the same way every single nintendo console since year dot has been for kids.

that has always been the way.

Thats how they do so well in the market place. They have their niche sector of kids , families , and blokes that should be on registers.

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ur asking me in what way are wii games for kids? :blink: maybe in the same way every single nintendo console since year dot has been for kids.

that has always been the way.

Thats how they do so well in the market place. They have their niche sector of kids , families , and blokes that should be on registers.


"It's for kids because it is"? I know you're a bit dim, but you need to actually qualify what you say or it just looks like you're talking biggoted shite. Tiger woods isn't a kids game, it's aimed squarely at adults. It's also on the ps3 as well as the wii. Does that make the ps3 a kids console too spanna?


The wii is very deliberately not targetted to kids, look at the wii marketing: http://wii.com/ see any kids?


I shouldn't be surprised that you're a bit dim, you played double the cost of a 360 for something that plays the same games...

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