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If you are happy with your setup all well and good, I am happy with mine. It's a free world and I'm not going to get all upset by someone who doesn't want the same things I want. If you are happy downloading go for it, I have told you why I am not and why I can't possibly reconcile your arguments with my needs.


I cannot agree with some things you say regarding the relative merits of downloaded quality HD and fixed media HD technically it just cannot make sense. Plus I find your comms expectations very optimistic based upon the relative speeds I have been able to obtain (and this is without adding in hundreds of users all simultaneously downloading Gb's worth of data). But hey I couldn't care less as long as it floats your boat. In the future when the technology improves somewhat downloading may be an option for us all (yes even me). However I think you will find that shiny discs will be with us for a while yet.


Thats my piece, I am afraid my friend we will have to agree to disagree. So thanks for the extra 9000 DVDs you credited me with, and toddle off now before I unleash my mighty shiny plastic army on you and your environment.


And yes sorry to all others who thought this was a thread for the PS3 or even about gaming.

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If you are happy with your setup all well and good, I am happy with mine. It's a free world and I'm not going to get all upset by someone who doesn't want the same things I want. If you are happy downloading go for it, I have told you why I am not and why I can't possibly reconcile your arguments with my needs.


People are rapidly coming round to realising it isn't a free world. That what you personally do has a dire impact on everyone. There's a lot of scientific consensus now that rampant consumerism like amassing unnecessary crap like dvd's is a significant contributor. I wouldn't mind if there wasn't a better alternative, but there is. It's happened very rapidly in the music industry and it'll happen the same for movies. The luddites just need to wake up to it.


I cannot agree with some things you say regarding the relative merits of downloaded quality HD and fixed media HD technically it just cannot make sense.

Why not? You're talking about digital media here, whats not to accept? It's just a different transmission method. You're using a plastic disk in the post, I'm using a network connection.


Plus I find your comms expectations very optimistic based upon the relative speeds I have been able to obtain (and this is without adding in hundreds of users all simultaneously downloading Gb's worth of data).


Now you're showing your ignorance. With swarming, the speeds are faster when there's more simultanious users. This is why the movie industry rather than fighting technologies like bittorrent, is now actively employing it to distribute new media.

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People are rapidly coming round to realising it isn't a free world.
Well done Slim for declaring your anti-DVD dictatorship (who would have thought that DVDs were responsible for global warming). I will be sure to bow to your DVD police when they come round to imprison me. In the meantime I will just nip down the road in my massive SUV to the airport to take a jet to go and burn down some rainforests. See, see the evil of DVD purchasers, see how green (well apart from the power stations need to power all of the comms equipment) the downloaders are. But ha I will have destroyed your planet before you can stop me.


Now you're showing your ignorance.

You got me there. I am far more ignorant than a man who thinks DVDs are responsible for destroying the planet, who can't see the difference between 720p and 1080p, and who thinks that thousands of people simultaneously downloads Gb's of data doesn't but a massive strain on todays comms services. You certainly have me banged to rights.


Well I can tell you that all of this intellectual debate has put me in the mood for watching a planet killing DVD, then maybe listen to a CD or play a game on my PS2, oh the humanity.

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Sarcasm, the last defence of the witless. Why not actually respond to a point rather than just post shite?


At no point did I suggest that dvd's were solely responsible for global warming, but they're a significant contributor. Producing something that needs to be replaced every few years and actually isn't required in the first place is lunacy, and you'll see that pretty soon it'll simply stop happening as it has in the record industry and is starting to happen in the games industry too.


Comms systems use a pretty flat rate of power, if I download a dvd over t'internet, I'm not drawing anything significantly more than if I hadn't. It's simply not comparable to mass producing plastic disks, sleeves, shipping them, storing them, then destroying them when they're obsolete.


I asked you to show me an example of 720p vs 1080p. I've provided an example, but you're pretty quite on the subject. What 1080p have you watched that's loads better than 720p?

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At no point did I suggest that dvd's were solely responsible for global warming, but they're a significant contributor.


Actually gaseous emissions from cows are a significant factor in global warming. So does that make a cow with a tin of beans and DVD player the most dangerous thing on the planet?


Comms systems use a pretty flat rate of power, if I download a dvd over t'internet, I'm not drawing anything significantly more than if I hadn't.

You are if you didn't have your computer on. Oh and I think you will find your computer isn't the only thing that uses power to create the internet.


I asked you to show me an example of 720p vs 1080p.
I'm sorry I think you have mistaken me for Coleburns.


As for sarcasm do your arguments warrant anything more, I suggest not, but what would I know I'm just witless, ignorant person who is full of a certain waste product. Your turn Slim old chap are you going to throw my cows in my face like you did my DVD's?

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Actually gaseous emissions from cows are a significant factor in global warming. So does that make a cow with a tin of beans and DVD player the most dangerous thing on the planet?


You're missing the key difference, do try to concentrate, it's not that hard. We need cows. We dont need massive piles of dvd's that are now obsolete.


You are if you didn't have your computer on. Oh and I think you will find your computer isn't the only thing that uses power to create the internet.

You dont actually need your computer on to download a movie. You can do it via your sky hd box. You can do it via an embedded bittorrent client in a media centre. I wasn't suggesting my computer was the only power source involved here, what Im saying is, my downloading doesn't create any more power drain on the internet than if I hadn't downloaded it.


I'm sorry I think you have mistaken me for Coleburns.


I think I've mistaken you for someone with personal experience of this stuff. Have you got a HD setup?


As for sarcasm do your arguments warrant anything more, I suggest not, but what would I know I'm just witless, ignorant person who is full of a certain waste product. Your turn Slim old chap are you going to throw my cows in my face like you did my DVD's?



What's the problem with my arguments? I'm giving clear and well thought out points based on personal experience. Why dont they warrent and equal response?


Sausages: Buy her a book, or a cinema ticket :)

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We need cows.
Vegetarians would suggest we do not.


You don't actually need your computer on to download a movie. You can do it via your sky hd box. You can do it via an embedded bittorrent client in a media centre. I wasn't suggesting my computer was the only power source involved here, what I'm saying is, my downloading doesn't create any more power drain on the internet than if I hadn't downloaded it.

Missing the point here I'm comparing your download via whatever method you choose verses the manufacture of a single DVD. Ok so I need a DVD factory and associated packaging and transport to a Shop. You need a vast network of interconnected computers, server centers, and Telecoms organisations on 24/7. Sounds green to me (whoops sarcasm alert).


Oh and yes I do have personal experience of HD and HD setups, does that make you happy (do you want me to whip it out so we can compare sizes in some testosterone fueled bragging contest)?


As for your loverly arguments they are beautifully crafted and eloquently put, I sit and marvel at them on cold winter nights. However their accuracy and intractability is somewhat less awe inspiring.


As I have said Slimy baby we all have different opinions and I gave no problem with how you choose to watch films. I suggest you extend the same courtesy to others who still appreciate the different advantages (and yes disadvantages) that physical media still has. Also I suggest you bookmark this thread so that in 10 years time you can come back and we can all marvel at your eco-minded foresightedness (or curse my small minded consumerism from our submerged storm proof bunkers. Or maybe we could just blame it all on the cows).

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Missing the point here I'm comparing your download via whatever method you choose verses the manufacture of a single DVD. Ok so I need a DVD factory and associated packaging and transport to a Shop. You need a vast network of interconnected computers, server centers, and Telecoms organisations on 24/7. Sounds green to me (whoops sarcasm alert).

No, you're missing the point, again. That communications system already exists. Your dvd factory only exists to produce DVD's. See? Simple enough for you?


Even then, they're incomparable. The environmental cost of distributing via the internet is insignifican't vs physical media. They're just not comparable.


Oh and yes I do have personal experience of HD and HD setups, does that make you happy (do you want me to whip it out so we can compare sizes in some testosterone fueled bragging contest)?


No, I'm just interested to know how you're delivering the 1080p that you're insisting you need. So, how are you?


As for your loverly arguments they are beautifully crafted and eloquently put, I sit and marvel at them on cold winter nights. However their accuracy and intractability is somewhat less awe inspiring.

Great, I'm after a discussion rather than vacuous replies. So, where am I innacurate?


As I have said Slimy baby we all have different opinions and I gave no problem with how you choose to watch films. I suggest you extend the same courtesy to others who still appreciate the different advantages (and yes disadvantages) that physical media still has. Also I suggest you bookmark this thread so that in 10 years time you can come back and we can all marvel at your eco-minded foresightedness (or curse my small minded consumerism from our submerged storm proof bunkers. Or maybe we could just blame it all on the cows).


I've yet to see any advantages for physical media, you've not given a single one, and there's a huge environmental downside. You just need to get out of your sad magpie mentality where you're little brain thinks you must own those shiney little disks.

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Well there goes another reason for me to get a PS3. Do Sony actually want you to buy the cheaper better software supported XBox360, the answer it seems is yes.


Oh and Slimy dude you should really calm down, as visit to any shops must send you apoplectic. It's been fun playing with you :) and remember beware the cows.

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