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Ps3 Announced

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Or that the 360 is so massively unreliable that sonys claim is a nice safe one for them. When you get your hands on a ps3 you will see it is an extremely well made machine. You get what you pay for.

If this chronic reliability was the main player (Ie sony) rather than the weaker underdog .. everyone would be going nuts.


The ps3 is expensive because of the BD DRive and the bizzare decision to put redundant processors in it. Sony isn't the main player, nobody hates sony because their the main player, I love my ps2, still play it today. The ps3 comes for flak because it's too expensive compared to the competition. You can bleat on all you like about the cost of blu ray drives in comparrision, it's meaningless. It's a games console, the games are identical to the 360 equivs, and the console costs shitload more. That's why nobodys buying it, that's why people give sony a hard time. You can't dispute this central fact.


Sony know it too of course, which is why they're finally dropping the price. Be interesting to see how this drop translates into quids.


On that namco list the only thing interesting is ace combat 6.. the rest is a pile of cr4p wtf are namco upto.


Jeez you're so clueless its embarrasing! Culdcept was fantastic on the ps2, and it's nature means it'll be amazing on the 360 integrated with Live. Katamari is simply fantastic and original fun. Eternal Senata's the game that caused the 360 sales to go 200% in japan, and got a famitsu score of 35/40, a very high mark for them. It's an rpg with a battle system centred around classical music, a fab original concept jap game, the kind of thing you used to play on the ps2 but Namco's bringing it to the 360.


Spanner = clueless betamax owner.

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aww dont do personal insults slimy... your normally such a nice chap........

Im clueless cus i dont like gimmicky jap games or rpgs? :rolleyes:

Course, silly me .. everyone has to like the same style of games that you do or they are clueless and stupid.


I wish u would read my post before going off on ur generic u hate the ps3 (even tho u dont have one) rant.


ps. the price drop was mentioned at launch time. so not really "finally" dropping the price is it.

Its summer noone buys consoles or games.. no demand equals drop the price time. simple economics. Might be a bit over your head tho slim. You just stick to reading ukr.

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Im clueless cus i dont like gimmicky jap games or rpgs? :rolleyes:

Course, silly me .. everyone has to like the same style of games that you do or they are clueless and stupid.


Why you commenting on the output of a jap developer if you dont like jap games?


I wish u would read my post before going off on ur generic u hate the ps3 (even tho u dont have one) rant.


Are you stupid? You didn't even read what I said, right?


ps. the price drop was mentioned at launch time. so not really "finally" dropping the price is it.

Its summer noone buys consoles or games.. no demand equals drop the price time. simple economics. Might be a bit over your head tho slim. You just stick to reading ukr.


Simple economics? You've said over and over it's not overpriced. Yet the price is dropping. What rule of economics does that follow?

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Got to agree about the wii, no matter how many they sell it's still a shite kids console, awful graphics.


Heh, clueless.


You made a daft statement. The wii's a superb party console. Xbox Live is superb when your alone, to get online and play with your mates. When you've mates round, pissed up, the 360 sucks. The wii rules here, people wiggling round doing stupid shit with the wiimote, it's superb fun, and not just for kids. In fact, the wii's so popular worldwide precisely for this reason, people who wouldn't normally buy games consoles are buying the wii, not just kids.

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And let's not forget Guitar Hero 2. Admittedly getting the game and an extra guitar costs about six million pounds, but bugger me it's a lot of fun, especially since it's always one out of the two players who cocks it up for the other and has to hand the guitar over to the next in line.


Both ace games if you've gameplaying mates round. Your grandad isn't going to play guitar hero though, while he is going to manage wii sports bowling no worries.

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When you've mates round, pissed up, the 360 sucks.



And let's not forget Guitar Hero 2. Admittedly getting the game and an extra guitar costs about six million pounds, but bugger me it's a lot of fun, especially since it's always one out of the two players who cocks it up for the other and has to hand the guitar over to the next in line.


Both ace games if you've gameplaying mates round. Your grandad isn't going to play guitar hero though, while he is going to manage wii sports bowling no worries.


A daft statement from yourself there too, bit of a contradiction.

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Not contradictory at all, unless you find english hard to understand. The 360 isn't a good party console unless you've got gaming mates around. The wii is a laugh with anyone, gameplayer or not. Most definately not for kids. Clear enough for you?


As for graphics, most people actually dont care, provided they're servicable. Guitar Hero and singstar sold loads of ps2's, and it wouldn't matter a jot about their graphics. It's the same with a lot of wii games. The 360 is a great 'gamers' console, but it'll never hit the number of sales the Wii and the DS have, because they're selling to a new market, the traditional non-gamer.

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Well we'll have to agree to disagree then but lets not start calling everyone clueless just because they don't agree with your opinions.


In my opinion the wii is not a very good console, yes it might be fun with your grandad and pissed up mates if thats what you want from a console.


The fact you have to be pissed to enjoy it says a lot ;)

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Well we'll have to agree to disagree then but lets not start calling everyone clueless just because they don't agree with your opinions.


It's not my opinion. I'm a fan of games, so I'm not really the wii demographic although I got one for Zelda and Metroid. I just know who's buying it in such massive numbers to make it outsell the ps3 6 to 1 - non gamers. Not kids. Saying it's a kids console is wrong. Not my opinion, that's just how it is. I hardly play mine in favour of the 360, but it does get hammered when we've guests round, as does the singstar still.

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Intresting to see that the Wii outsold the PS3 by six to one last month....




Surely Sony must be worried about this enough to actually do something, especially as their very own GT5 isnt seeing the light of day for probably another year.


And outselling the 360 by 15:1 - (http://www.360-gamer.com/news.asp?id=1168)


Of course the Wii sells well in the Jap market - I'd expect nothing less from a console with such innovation at a reasonable price, especially in Japan. I'll get one too when they are readily available, just for the novelty factor.

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PlayStation 3 price cut by $100


Looking to jump-start sales of its PlayStation 3 game system, Sony (SNE) has cut the price by $100, to $499, and plans to introduce a $599 package with a larger (80-gigabyte vs. 60-GB) hard drive and one game next month.


Most analysts were surprised at the price cut's timing and size. "We would have figured $50 by Christmas and $100 by next spring," says Richard Doherty of research firm The Envisioneering Group.


Market forces in action, ey?.... :)

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