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Ps3 Announced

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I really feel like I'm missing out by not having a PS3, what with all this exciting talk of upgrading hard drives and some good games that might be coming out next year.


Does anyone want to swap their PS3 for my 360 and my house and my car?

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I really feel like I'm missing out by not having a PS3, what with all this exciting talk of upgrading hard drives and some good games that might be coming out next year.


Does anyone want to swap their PS3 for my 360 and my house and my car?


Ill take the house and the car. You can keep the 360 though lol :cool:

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I really feel like I'm missing out by not having a PS3, what with all this exciting talk of upgrading hard drives and some good games that might be coming out next year.


Does anyone want to swap their PS3 for my 360 and my house and my car?


Ill take the house and the car. You can keep the 360 though lol :cool:


Your PS3 is almost certainly worth than my car :D

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I really feel like I'm missing out by not having a PS3, what with all this exciting talk of upgrading hard drives and some good games that might be coming out next year.


Does anyone want to swap their PS3 for my 360 and my house and my car?



Why don't you get back to bioshock - I'm reading you don't even need to pick up any weapons in bioshock as the wrench will take out anything with ease. Nice.


"You could, if you wanted, run through the entire game with nothing more than a wrench. It's superior at taking out turrets, bashing in security cameras and caving in craniums, more so than any shotgun, crossbow, pistol, rocket or grenade launcher. If only the main character looked like Mario then the circle would be complete."


"Yeah, yeah, yeah...BioShock looks amazing. It's an artistic achievement. It has good acting...some good writing. But it's no revolution for gameplay and in many respects, a leap backwards, thanks to a few ill-conceived and nonsensical concepts that render the entire experience shallow and simple. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play a real man's game: Space Giraffe!"

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I really feel like I'm missing out by not having a PS3, what with all this exciting talk of upgrading hard drives and some good games that might be coming out next year.


Does anyone want to swap their PS3 for my 360 and my house and my car?



Why don't you get back to bioshock - I'm reading you don't even need to pick up any weapons in bioshock as the wrench will take out anything with ease. Nice.


"You could, if you wanted, run through the entire game with nothing more than a wrench. It's superior at taking out turrets, bashing in security cameras and caving in craniums, more so than any shotgun, crossbow, pistol, rocket or grenade launcher. If only the main character looked like Mario then the circle would be complete."


"Yeah, yeah, yeah...BioShock looks amazing. It's an artistic achievement. It has good acting...some good writing. But it's no revolution for gameplay and in many respects, a leap backwards, thanks to a few ill-conceived and nonsensical concepts that render the entire experience shallow and simple. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play a real man's game: Space Giraffe!"


It is true that if you concentrate on the physical enhancements (both offence relating to maximum damage with the wrench, and speed of movement + swinging the wrench, and defence in terms of the "armoured shell" which you can double-equip in +1 and +2 flavours for a total defence bonus of +3) - the wrench is pretty much the deadliest weapon in the game.


I only used the crossbow and chemical thrower out of curiosity, I certainly didn't need them for anything.


Paradoxically, the game gets easier the further you get into it, particularly if you have a good idea of how you want to play the game and what sort of character you want to play as.


By the closing stages of the game I could take out entire armies with nothing more than the wrench (there's even a tonic you can equip which gives you health and eve for inflicting damage with the wrench), and only needed weapons for Big Daddies and the final showdown with uber bad guy.


Thoroughly enjoyed the game though, kept me playing solid, 3-5 hours per night, for six nights, which isn't bad going, and I'm definitely going to give it a full second playthrough, and also try to crack it on hard level.

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Why don't you get back to bioshock - I'm reading you don't even need to pick up any weapons in bioshock as the wrench will take out anything with ease. Nice.


Heh, you really can't pick on bioshock as being a bad game, it's one of the best games ever, no question. You could go through the game with the wrench, in fact theres plasmid specialities that let you power the wrench up and get stealth options that make it pretty deadly, but that's what makes bioshock better than anything else, you can kill stuff any way you want. Sure you can just beat on stuff, good luck hitting a big daddy with the wrench enough to kill it....but if you want to you could. It'd be boring as fuck. Or you could set up a hacked turret trap, charm the big daddy into it and release him at the worst spot. Or a hundred other ways you could kill him too. That's the joy of bioshock.




52 sites give a score of 95%, I think it's safe to say bioshock rules.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah...BioShock looks amazing. It's an artistic achievement. It has good acting...some good writing. But it's no revolution for gameplay and in many respects, a leap backwards, thanks to a few ill-conceived and nonsensical concepts that render the entire experience shallow and simple. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play a real man's game: Space Giraffe!"


Space Giraffe, also not available on ps3 :)

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Any ps3 owners purchased warhawk???


IMO the first must have ps3 game(just about lol)


No single player mode, only online but certainly a great game.


Feel free to add me - chapperlin.


Also has any1 else heard the news about lair?? yes its that dragon game which has got mixed reviews so far but one interesting thing which has just come to light is you can play it on ur psp with remote play:) - a sign of things to come for future releases?

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Any ps3 owners purchased warhawk???


IMO the first must have ps3 game(just about lol)


No single player mode, only online but certainly a great game.


Feel free to add me - chapperlin.


Also has any1 else heard the news about lair?? yes its that dragon game which has got mixed reviews so far but one interesting thing which has just come to light is you can play it on ur psp with remote play:) - a sign of things to come for future releases?



Yeah i'm on and getting severely ass kicked...


PS3 name: slinkydevil

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Five levels though, all from the demo? Cheapass.


Lair? Shite! Heavenly Sword? Shite!


PS3? Shite!


Do you have one then? The only thing that's shite about the PS3 is the lack of decent games. There are some good looking games scheduled for release between now and xmas for the 360 and the PS3 and I can honestly say that I will most likely go for the PS3 versions. It's not in some attempt to justify spending 'so much' money on the PS3 either, I really think it's the better console. XBL and the games available makes the xbox well worth having, which is why we bought it but from an in game performance point of view, the PS3 delivers better than the 360.

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The only thing that's shite about the PS3 is the lack of decent games.


Just run that by us again? The only thing that's shite about a games console is the games? So it's shite then? We're all in agreement?


There are some good looking games scheduled for release between now and xmas for the 360 and the PS3 and I can honestly say that I will most likely go for the PS3 versions. It's not in some attempt to justify spending 'so much' money on the PS3 either, I really think it's the better console. XBL and the games available makes the xbox well worth having, which is why we bought it but from an in game performance point of view, the PS3 delivers better than the 360.


For example? All the UT engine stuff looks fucking awful on the ps3.

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Just run that by us again? The only thing that's shite about a games console is the games? So it's shite then? We're all in agreement?


But it's got Blu-Ray!


And a big hard drive!


The games will be along in due course, I'm sure.


(And form to date suggests that where games are released for both platforms, the 360 version will often look better. This isn't to say the PS3 doesn't have the potential to outgun the 360, but by all accounts no one really knows how to program the thing properly.)

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Just run that by us again? The only thing that's shite about a games console is the games? So it's shite then? We're all in agreement?



For example? All the UT engine stuff looks fucking awful on the ps3.


Er, no. The fact that there aren't any great games at the moment doesn't make the console shite. I don't see how you can argue that it does or how you can write it off before there are any games worth playing that can be compared to the same game on the 360. I own both, therefore I'm open to persuasion, if a game appears to be better on the PS3, I'll have that version but if it appears to be better on the xbox or it's a game that I'll play loads online with my xbox owning friends, then I'll get it on the xbox.


Assasins Creed, Stranglehold, PES7 are the ones that spring to mind. Who knows they could be better on the 360 than PS3 but on the strength of what I've seen and played so far of other games I own, I will buy those (maybe not PES7, not my thing) for the PS3. Perhaps it won't make much difference as the games have been made for both consoles and if that's the case, it won't make any difference which I buy but ideally I'd get both versions and then I'd know for sure which is better.

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Why is it some people feel the need to repeat over and over and over again that they think the ps3 is shite? thats ur opinion and ur welcome to it but the "360 rules all" thing was no doubt covered in the 1st few pages.


It seems to be the trend with this thread. It lies dead for a few days then someone posts something positive and immediately the fanboys jump on board and have a go.


well done.


Oh yeah, Bioshock- Overated, over hyped run of the mill fps with excellent visuals. From what ive read online a fairly large % of people seem to agree!

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