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Ps3 Announced

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Oh and Slimy dude you should really calm down, as visit to any shops must send you apoplectic. It's been fun playing with you :) and remember beware the cows.


Dont be an arse, I'm perfectly calm. Educating peons always puts me in a good mood.

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Back on topic, sony just announced they're removing hardware backwards compatability with the ps2:




Hard to know how much more of a mess they can make of this launch.


They have got upscaling BC working thru software now. So have ditched onboard ps2 hardware. Makes sense to me. Just a shame we cant have the cheaper production costs passed onto us already.

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They have got upscaling BC working thru software now. So have ditched onboard ps2 hardware. Makes sense to me. Just a shame we cant have the cheaper production costs passed onto us already.


Ha, you've swallowed the marketing bollocks in one go! The software emulator's already been announced as 'limited support for ps2 titles'. Conning twats!

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Chopley we know u cant afford a PS3 and have a massive chip on your shoulder because of this. So I doubt anyone listens to what you say.


Slim - I dont get this slag off Sony marketing every single company in the worlds marketing department lie out their a$$. Sony are no different. MS, Apple, Intel everyone its all lies. But who gives a f*ck.

Someone either wants wats being sold or doesnt. whooopeee dooo.

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Spanna, this is a dicussion forum, designed for the expressoin of opinion. You expressed yours, I suggest you've fallen for the marketing bollocks. The ps3 in europe is less for more money, that's a fucking con, and I'm damn well going to express my opinion on that, ta.

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Express away but I cant see why you feel the need to have a go at whoever wants to buy x, y or z.


I'm not. I'm having a go at you swallowing sonys marketing bullshit that the removal of a hardware emulator and replacing it with a low compatability software emulator is some kind of improvement. You go ahead and buy it, it's your money. I'll not be going near it till its under 300 quid.


ps. I want proper pro evo and will buy whatever console that is on. Does that mean I have fell for marketing bolox.............?


The 360 version not proper? No idea personally as football sucks piss.

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Yes the 360 version isnt "proper"

I have every single pro evo from ISS so I think im qualified enough to know that the 360 version is not "proper". Its still the best version out at the moment but the amount not in it, makes me think Konami are holding out for the PS3.

For a start off it was built on the ps2 Winning eleven engine, also No editing, no saving replays, slowdown!!! on a f ing 360, only 1 player online no 2 v 2. the list goes on and on, PES6 is good but its not as good as it shud be and personally i think the "next gen" proper pro evo will be on the ps3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

10 million p'd off Xbox360 owners who have just found out that the only way of linking their glorified toaster (sorry games console) to their HD Tv is to buy a new machine.


What with glowing red hot Xbox's, uber-expensive incompatible PS3's, and lethal weapon hurling Wii's it looks like a good year for PC gaming. That is until you installing the rip-off, unstable, resource monster that is Vista. Oh sod it I'm going back to my Speccy and play Jet Set Willy.

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10 million p'd off Xbox360 owners who have just found out that the only way of linking their glorified toaster (sorry games console) to their HD Tv is to buy a new machine.


What with glowing red hot Xbox's, uber-expensive incompatible PS3's, and lethal weapon hurling Wii's it looks like a good year for PC gaming. That is until you installing the rip-off, unstable, resource monster that is Vista. Oh sod it I'm going back to my Speccy and play Jet Set Willy.


Dont forget the 13month xbox360 deatharama!! That ms want 80 pound to fix!

Sounds like hundreds are dieing at 13 months. looking at the gaming forums.. not good at all

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