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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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you have to connect the controller to the PS3 via a short cable to recharge it, which effectively puts the controller out of operation for hours,


The PS3's Sixaxis has an internal battery charged via a USB cable from the console, doesn't switch itself off when it's not being used, and runs down within a couple of days of heavy play.


You can still use it while its charging, granted on a cable - but having said that for a nights play it only take 15 mins to charge if that. Oh and It switches off automatically now after latest firmware update.

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you have to connect the controller to the PS3 via a short cable to recharge it, which effectively puts the controller out of operation for hours,


The PS3's Sixaxis has an internal battery charged via a USB cable from the console, doesn't switch itself off when it's not being used, and runs down within a couple of days of heavy play.


You can still use it while its charging, granted on a cable - but having said that for a nights play it only take 15 mins to charge if that. Oh and It switches off automatically now after latest firmware update.


And what happens when the internal batteries start to lose their ability to hold a decent charge?


All rechargeable batteries degrade over time, and are able to hold less of a charge. (Ever notice how your mobile phone's battery lasts distinctly less time after a year or so? And even less as time goes on?)


I think the fact that the 360's pads take bog-standard AA batteries is a big plus point, although there's nothing stopping you getting a rechargeable battery pack if you want to.


When a PS3 pad's batteries become goosed, the only thing you can do is throw the bloody thing in the bin.


Last time I was in B&Q they were knocking out 36 alkaline AA batteries for something ridiculous like £3.99, which would last the average 360 user a couple of years and more.

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Dont forget in a family of 4, theres an additional £30 x 4 (granted you can get it for £20 with some game deals), for the xbox live sub, which in my opinion is a rip off. Fair enough charging £30-40 per xbox, but per user, it is taking the piss.


I agree the xbox live is pretty cool, but it doesnt really justify the cost, especially when I have experienced no problems with the PS3 online gaming.



Slim, how do you stream to 360? do you need windows media edition or something?

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Really? What do you mean by 'runs faster' because everything I read says PS3 runs faster with no frame rate dropping like the 360.


Typo, meant the ps3 version runs faster because they simplified the visuals.


Ive played and completed Dirt on the 360 and I have played the dirt demo on the ps3.

I can tell the instant it started on the ps3 its looking alot better its also not slowing down like on the 360 , its also handling alot better and the game is running smoother.


Go and read the interview with the dirt people from e3 where they talk about using the 3 months difference to make the game look better and run better.


and did i see choppo quoting world of stuart complete bol0x again? Nice to see that fella is still speaking complete cr4p. no wonder he doesnt have a proper games journalist job anymore . :lol:

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And what happens when the internal batteries start to lose their ability to hold a decent charge?


I'll buy 10 more controllers, after all I'm fucking rich, rich I tell ya, beyond your wildest dreams!! ;)


Sony did make a statement they would replace controllers/batteries once the Lithium Polymer batteries died. However as the replacement batteries are available on the net for $12.95 (£6.50) I'll just undo the 5 screws and replace the battery myself.

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and did i see choppo quoting world of stuart complete bol0x again? Nice to see that fella is still speaking complete cr4p. no wonder he doesnt have a proper games journalist job anymore . :lol:


His conclusion was that at this moment in time, the 360 is a substantially better games machine than the PS3.


There are a number of PS3 owners on this very thread conceding that there's a horrible lack of good games for the PS3, so I'd say Stuart was pretty damned accurate.


Incidentally, as for him not having a "proper" games journalist job, his writing reaches a far wider audience than the recycled press releases that pass for "games journalism" in magazines these days.....



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and did i see choppo quoting world of stuart complete bol0x again? Nice to see that fella is still speaking complete cr4p. no wonder he doesnt have a proper games journalist job anymore . :lol:


His conclusion was that at this moment in time, the 360 is a substantially better games machine than the PS3.


There are a number of PS3 owners on this very thread conceding that there's a horrible lack of good games for the PS3, so I'd say Stuart was pretty damned accurate.


Incidentally, as for him not having a "proper" games journalist job, his writing reaches a far wider audience than the recycled press releases that pass for "games journalism" in magazines these days.....




wow he is awesome....not...... i thought u had grown out of kissing his a$$ chopp...


the conclusion should be.. even tho the ps3 is the better machine. at the present time if advising people on what to buy i would say 360 due to the amount of games out.

Not the 360 is a substantially better games machine cus its not. Machine wise the ps3 is alot better. Games wise the 360 is better. its simple.


oh and he is completely wrong about the battery life on ps3 v 360 controllers... no surprise there.

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Whereas propriatory hard disks or other peripherals are fine?


Na, I'd prefer it if they weren't, but it's not as serious because they're not consumables. Besides, the 360 controllers work on the pc, so it's not too propriatory.


I actually agree with Spanner for once, Stuart Campbell is a monsterous fucking cocklord of a tool. Always has been. His treatment of Minter in the SG review is testament to his penisness.


Ive played and completed Dirt on the 360 and I have played the dirt demo on the ps3.

I can tell the instant it started on the ps3 its looking alot better its also not slowing down like on the 360 , its also handling alot better and the game is running smoother.

Go and read the interview with the dirt people from e3 where they talk about using the 3 months difference to make the game look better and run better.


If you look at the link above, it shows comparitive screenshots. They took assets out of the ps3 version, it runs faster, which probably makes it look better, but the visuals had to be downgraded, it's hardly like for like.


You didn't mention how you've played Stranglehold on the ps3?

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I actually agree with Spanner for once, Stuart Campbell is a monsterous fucking cocklord of a tool. Always has been. His treatment of Minter in the SG review is testament to his penisness.


See now I'm just not getting this, I honestly think Stu is pretty much the most committed, brilliant and independent games journalist the world currently has.


What do you mean by his "treatment of Minter"?


Stu's review said in plain English that Space Giraffe is an unmissable and brilliant 360 game, and that everyone who owns a 360 should buy it.


What would you have him do, suck Jeff's cock for an encore?


Yeah I know he came on Manxforums once and cussed a few people up, but he was quite right to do so, because it was all about early 360 adopters buying a games console that had fuck-all games worth playing on it, which I thought was fair enough.

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See now I'm just not getting this, I honestly think Stu is pretty much the most committed, brilliant and independent games journalist the world currently has.


Larf. What do you base that off? Do you know any other games journalist? What makes them non-independant not brilliant? I've worked for games mags and websites, I know how jaded you can get, how hard it can be to still love games after having played some shite for days to review it, to the point where you end up as pissed at everthing like campbell is. Theres many many journalists who still love the medium dispite this but not Campbell. He just comes across as a bitter and twisted and living in the past.


What do you mean by his "treatment of Minter"?


He just always seems to get personal in his reviews of minter stuff, eg "if you're unfortunate enough to have encountered them, it's easy to be put off by the people who made it." . No need for that is there?


What would you have him do, suck Jeff's cock for an encore?


Nope, just leave out the personal shite.


Yeah I know he came on Manxforums once and cussed a few people up, but he was quite right to do so, because it was all about early 360 adopters buying a games console that had fuck-all games worth playing on it, which I thought was fair enough.


Nope, don't even remember that. He's been an idiot longer than that :)

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I find it quite staggering how, 41 pages in, the Xbox guys still rant and rave like demented wazzags any time anyone dares to post something pro-playstation in a playstation thread. As soon as they can they fly in, quotes/links ablazing, furiously pulling the head off it about how their machine is the best when in fact the only thing that is better about it is the games are in plentiful supply. But the PS3 is starting to build up a repetoire of its own now, so that argument will be futile shortly. Also completely ignoring the fact that the Xbox with all the trimmings, or even half the trimmings and having to pay to play online costs a fair wedge, yet saying the playstation is a rip off? There's probably about 30 quid in it! :lol:

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Yeah I know he came on Manxforums once and cussed a few people up, but he was quite right to do so, because it was all about early 360 adopters buying a games console that had fuck-all games worth playing on it, which I thought was fair enough.

The irony. :rolleyes:


But that was actually my whole point.


Any "early-adopter" is an idiot in my opinion, because the killer games don't turn up for many months (or years) later. (I only got a PS2 once GTA3 had been released, because prior to that the PS2 was just PS1 games with slightly nicer graphics.)


360 owners who bought the console on launch day had fuck-all games to play that were any better or different from the previous generation, and the XBL + XBLA services were a nonsensical joke - as I said at the time.


18 months down the line, and the 360 actually became a good console for a gamer to buy, which is why I bought one.


Same goes for the PS3, even the fucking PS3 owners say it ain't got the games yet, it's clearly a very capable and powerful console, and who knows, maybe if developers really get to grips with the 7-cell CPU architecture, it will start to put some distance between itself and the 360, but in the meantime you have the situation where the 360 is a lot cheaper, has a lot more good games available for it, and the PS3 has done nothing to prove itself as being worthwhile over the 360.


Make no mistake, if the PS3 gets a catalogue of exclusive games or proves that it can run the same games as the 360 but with much better graphics or framerates or whatever else, then I'll be down the shops for a PS3, I'm not a Microsoft or a Sony fanboy, I'm a games fanboy, so I buy the console with the best games - and at the moment, hands down, that's the 360.

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