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Ps3 Announced

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Pretty much confirmed now, and as I thought BC is still there as per European PAL 60GB PS3's which use software for BC rather than a chip anyway. Loses 2 USB ports and memory card reader (no biggy).


40Gb PS3 - £299


Normal PS3 will drop to £369 with shops selling for £349




Thanks for that , got my head so far up my backside at the mo with christmas.I will be checking the net at regular intervals tomorrow.This will definitely make things more interesting for christmas , some big releases on the way and a nice juicy price drop on the way.If they release a 40Gb PS3 with Blu Ray then I can easily see it outselling 360 Elite this christmas and because of availability issues it could well beat the Wii.


PS That 360 Deal on Play is amazing.It costs me way more than that to buy them.Next 360 Premium order will be direct from Play.I spoke to 360 supplier this afternoon and told him what Play were doing and he just said 'well they must be taking a big hit at that price' and was not open to any negotiation.

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That articles a bit confused on the backwards compatability, the emotion engine was removed from euro ps3's but not all the bc is software, there's still a hardware ps2 gpu. If thats removed from the new 'core' it wont do bc.


Still, a cheaper ps3's definately good news.

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That articles a bit confused on the backwards compatability, the emotion engine was removed from euro ps3's but not all the bc is software, there's still a hardware ps2 gpu. If thats removed from the new 'core' it wont do bc.


Still, a cheaper ps3's definately good news.


Indeed, there are two hardware components to PS2 BC.


One is the emotion engine chip (which we never got) the other is a GPU chip that did the poly/texture fills or some such thing, apparently it was a very advanced piece of hardware for its day and would be difficult to emulate in software.


If the PS3 loses that second chip, then it's basically bye-bye BC.

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Whos to say the gpu chip cant be emulated too? Not that im really bothered but cant see them removing bc. To big a selling point imo.






Microsoft is the King of Cash. They can buy almost anything (Take 2) and anyone (Paramount execs) on the planet. It seems the only thing Microsoft can't buy is 1st place in the gaming industry. No matter how much they spend, no matter how many loyal fanBoys they collect along the way, they just can't seem to get over the hump. The Wii hump seems insurmountable for now and the PS3 hump has the potential of eclipsing even the likes of the PS2 in a few years. It seems like every decision Microsoft makes is not only wrong, that would be an understatement. Their decisions are "Galactically Wrong" if there is such a thing. Just this year they paid $50 million dollars to Take 2 for exclusivity rights to GTAIV content that no one will see until Q4 2008 at the earliest. Next was the $150 million dollars that the handed over to Paramount which basically says, Paramount will release their movies on HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray for an 18 month period of time. In this particular case, Microsoft is hoping that within the next 18 months the 2 million people that went out and bought Blu-Ray players & PS3s will switch over to HD-DVD. Uhmmm... No! That won't happen. Last, but certainly not lease is Microsoft's $1.5 Billion dollar attempt to rid itself of the dreaded "Red Ring of Death" through the likes of the Falcon Mother board and the 65nm CPU. We'll... to all of our surprise... that plan didn't work either. The first reports of the RROD have been coming in. It seems that the XBox360 Halo 3 edition, which is fitted with the new Falcon MB & 65nm CPU is failing. When was the Halo 3 Launch??? It was 1 Week ago. Let me repeat that just incase you don't think you read it correctly. The NEW Halo 360 systems that came out 1 week ago are already malfunctioning! (http://n4g.com/xbox360/News-71365.aspx) Now that we have that cleared up, let's wrap up this blog with some simple math. The XBox Division started this year off being ruffly $5.7 Billion in the red (as reported by Forbes). Now add the $50 million dollars flushed down the Take 2 Toilet + the $150 Million that was flushed down the Paramount toilet (assuming the 2 million people that own Blu-Ray players don't switch to HD-DVD) + the 1.5 Billion used to NOT fix the Red Ring of Death problem = almost $8 Billion dollars. Holy Cow! Wait it gets worse... Nintendo has the inexpensive console market nailed down with the Wii and Sony has the High-End market nailed down with the PS3, so where does that leave Microsoft? It leaves them holding a DVD playing, non-HD console that is neither High-End like the PS3 nor Cheap and Fun like the Wii and will most likely malfunction out of the box. It's like watching a real life 3 Stooges Movie right in front of your eyes. For Microsoft though, this can't be funny.
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Whos to say the gpu chip cant be emulated too? Not that im really bothered but cant see them removing bc. To big a selling point imo.




Cor what a pile of sony fanboy crap. The ps3 doesn't have anything locked down, and nobody playing games gives a crap how much microsoft are spending.


There's not even any assurance that the processor in the halo 360 is a 65 nm, it's just something people are assuming because it's got a different heat sink configuration. The three rings problem is supposedly related to the gpu, which hasn't changed. It might be that the 65nm cpu's haven't arrived yet, and if they had, there might not be one in that console pictured.


You fan rant sony rules as much as you like, but they've got no games, or sales, and they're so far floundering compared to the 360. That may well change if the price drops and some games appear, but that observation is way off course. Seems amusing to say Sony is high end when games like Skate are being marked down for poor graphics performance.

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I don't understand why having Microsoft chuck billions of quid at the 360 is supposed to be a bad thing?


Personally I'd rather have a 360 where I know MS are taking a massive hit on the hardware, than get the stripped-out crippled PS3s that Sony foist on us (especially in Europe) to try and save a few quid. (And still charge a lot more than you'll pay for a 360.)


As for the three red rings, yeah it might happen, might not, three year unconditional warranty from Microsoft, so who cares?


Oh yes, and games of course, the 360 has games, although I realise this is becoming something of an alien concept to PS3 owners, as they watch their complimentary copy of Casino Royale for the five thousandth time.

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SNATCH!!!! I ain't buying either until Bill Gates burns in hell (and replaces that £150 quid I shelled out) or Sony repays my loyalty for years of hard service with a decent machine thats comparable with the US and Japanese specs. Screw 'em both, I'm taking a Wii on both their consoles.

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SNATCH!!!! I ain't buying either until Bill Gates burns in hell (and replaces that £150 quid I shelled out) or Sony repays my loyalty for years of hard service with a decent machine thats comparable with the US and Japanese specs. Screw 'em both, I'm taking a Wii on both their consoles.



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