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Ps3 Announced

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Is it me or does the background look tosh in that screen shot. Is the PS3 hardware running the in car and the PS2 hardware (compatible models only) running the backdrop, to boost performance?


Agree, it's the limited texturing, it's all a bit wank. Look at the road and grass textures, they're bloody awful.

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U did see i said it was a demo? ... slagging grass textures is a bit thick. Considering it isnt final code.

Being unfinished code , means its only going to get better from this point and its plays and looks amazing now.

I cannot wait...Forza2 will be gathering dust bigtime.

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U did see i said it was a demo? ... slagging grass textures is a bit thick. Considering it isnt final code.

Being unfinished code , means its only going to get better from this point and its plays and looks amazing now.

I cannot wait...Forza2 will be gathering dust bigtime.


Yes it's a demo but I've yet to see a demo that the graphical end result is substantially different (if at all). To think they're going to spend time improving on the graphics at this stage of the process is more thick to be honest.


Code changes after a demo release normally include bug fixes not major changes, unless it gets struck off as crap and the date pushed right back. But to release a demo is usually indicative of the end result.


You did say it looks better than anything on the 360 so you've nothing to worry about :) but looking at that screenshot I've seen plenty better on the 360.


I've no doubt it'll be good but I think it's all running a bit too little too late now to be anything ground breaking.

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Sony beg third party developers not to abandon their piece of shit paperweight "games console"........




One piece of news that came out this week was that Sony pleaded with third-party developers not to abandon its struggling platform. That change in attitude is a marked difference compared to the arrogance of past years. The argument is that the PS 3 will show its strength as developers learn how to make games for it. But developers know they can staff four or five Wii teams with the same number of people it takes to make one PS 3 game. We may have a glut of Wii games soon, but that’s not as bad as not having enough games on the PS 3.

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U did see i said it was a demo? ... slagging grass textures is a bit thick. Considering it isnt final code.

Being unfinished code , means its only going to get better from this point and its plays and looks amazing now.

I cannot wait...Forza2 will be gathering dust bigtime.


Slaggin textures isn't thick, I see yet another PS3 game that's struggling with texture memory bandwidth.

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So you have played it then?.... or u just making up sh1t again. :rolleyes:


You don't have to have played it to judge the visuals, the net's awash with screens and vids. There's no anti aliasing, the cars are covered in jaggies, the textures are low rez, theres very little detail other than the cars, there's not even tyre marks on the track. Some particular low points are the trees, they look bloody awful.


But the worst part is, it's still the same old GT, you still just drive as fast as you can, hit a car going into the corner, and let it steer you round, because there's no damage model.

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But the worst part is, it's still the same old GT, you still just drive as fast as you can, hit a car going into the corner, and let it steer you round, because there's no damage model.


Heh - that's my tactics exposed on the GT series, full speed down a straight, hand-brake, slide sideways into the leader and carry on. That's why I am so unbelievably poor at Forza.

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You don't have to have played it to judge the visuals, the net's awash with screens and vids. There's no anti aliasing, the cars are covered in jaggies, the textures are low rez, theres very little detail other than the cars, there's not even tyre marks on the track. Some particular low points are the trees, they look bloody awful.




IGN's review of Forza 2's graphics:


Jaggies, jaggies, and more jaggies. At times, it appears this is LEGO Forza Motorsport 2. The drab colors and weak art design don't help. 60fps is welcome, though.

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IGN's review of Forza 2's graphics:


Jaggies, jaggies, and more jaggies. At times, it appears this is LEGO Forza Motorsport 2. The drab colors and weak art design don't help. 60fps is welcome, though.


Agree, Forza 2 is a fairly bland looking game, as was Forza 1. I'm not here claiming it's the visual second coming though.

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The truth is that neither the 360 or the PS3 are "true" hi-def consoles in that neither of them can do 720p 60FPS massively detailed games.


You either go for a DIRT-esque level of detail and accept 30FPS with some slowdown, or you go down the Forza route and sacrifice detail and special effects in return for 60FPS.


Halo 3 actually renders internally at 640p and is upscaled to 720p for display purposes, simply because the 360 doesn't have enough VRAM to do the HDR effects and kick out at native 720p.


PS3 developers are having to make the same sorts of sacrifices, and that's what we're seeing with GT5. You can definitely forget about anti-aliasing in a 720p fast action game, neither the 360 or the PS3 has the horsepower to do that.


(It's kind of amusing that the dear old Dreamcast could do full screen anti-aliasing in hardware, and yet here we are in the "next gen" wars and neither of the main heavyweights can manage it.)

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It's right that it's always a compromise, but the ps3 does suffer more than the 360 visually because of the memory bandwith issues, 48 gb/s on the ps3 vs 278.4 GB/s. The ps3 also suffers because it has superb floating point peformance that's great if all your instructions are floating point math, but in reality they're not. The 360 has poorer floating point performance, but better general peformance.


Wouldn't be such a big deal if, like the wii, games were written soley for the ps3 and took those design decisions into account. It's all about the games right?


Well yes, but what we're seeing is lots of games ported to the pc, 360 and ps3, and the ps3 ends up being the worst of the bunch, because on like for like games the ps3 has less power.

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It's right that it's always a compromise, but the ps3 does suffer more than the 360 visually because of the memory bandwith issues, 48 gb/s on the ps3 vs 278.4 GB/s. The ps3 also suffers because it has superb floating point peformance that's great if all your instructions are floating point math, but in reality they're not. The 360 has poorer floating point performance, but better general peformance.


Wouldn't be such a big deal if, like the wii, games were written soley for the ps3 and took those design decisions into account. It's all about the games right?


Well yes, but what we're seeing is lots of games ported to the pc, 360 and ps3, and the ps3 ends up being the worst of the bunch, because on like for like games the ps3 has less power.


I'll grant you that, certainly, when games are simply ported across platforms, the PS3 comes off worse.


And of course, that's what pretty much everyone is going to be doing from now on, as games development is just too horrendously expensive to do it any other way.

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My tuppence worth:


I've been reading this thread for ages now, everyone going back and forward in a my-speccy's-better-than-your-c64 or my-megadrive-kicks-your-nes-ass kind of way. Don't get me wrong, it's been really funny. But. We don't seem to be getting anywhere, however the last 2 posts on here by Chposticks and Ai Droid seem to be the most level headed and un-biased I've seen for a while.


I got a PS1 when it came out and a PS2 when it arrived. I was an early adopter. I got an Xbox and got it chipped with a bigger HD. It rocked, except I couldn't get the hang of SSX Tricky on the xbox controller because I was so used to using the PS2 one.


I so wanted the PS3 to succeed, and totally expected it to at least match what the Xbox360 had to offer. However, I think that for this obviously important Xmas period anyway, Microsoft has done the business (out of the two). Each time I look at IGN or Gametrailers, I want to see a really killer game that would make me want to get a console. The PS3 hasn't done that yet, and that's disappointing. I have always been a fan of the Gran Turismo series, and I love the look of GT5, but the game isn't as "next-gen" as I wanted it to be - it still misses that reality I've always wanted from it. I played PGR4 last week in HMV in London on a big LCD and I was blown away. If the xbox360 could get near to a good specced PC on COD4 then I'd be totally convinced.


At the moment, I've got a Wii. It's great fun playing big brain academy, super paper mario and Wii Sports (still..) and I'm looking forward to some great things like Mario Galaxy. I read last week that there were something like 84 games to be released for the Wii over the xmas period, as opposed to 30ish each for the 360 and the ps3 which is great.




I think I'm going to get a 360.

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however the last 2 posts on here by Chposticks and Ai Droid seem to be the most level headed and un-biased I've seen for a while.

Pity the posts were complete and utter b0lox. But hey ho. Never let facts get in the way of a anti ps3 post. (not having a go at u ade. your not to know how much complete drivel those two spout)


I suppose it depends on what you want from "next gen"? Personally I want realism.

Comparing forza2 to gt5

The only thing forza2 comes on top with is damage. I love forza and have played it to death but to me having as accurate physics as possible in a game, accurate inside modelling, a 900degree wheel, outstanding graphics, Adaptive AI, etc all adds up to being the most immersive racing gaming experience you can get. And surely thats what next gen is about. Being the most immersive and realistic possible.

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