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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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Pity the posts were complete and utter b0lox. But hey ho. Never let facts get in the way of a anti ps3 post. (not having a go at u ade. your not to know how much complete drivel those two spout)


I suppose it depends on what you want from "next gen"? Personally I want realism.

Comparing forza2 to gt5

The only thing forza2 comes on top with is damage. I love forza and have played it to death but to me having as accurate physics as possible in a game, accurate inside modelling, a 900degree wheel, outstanding graphics, Adaptive AI, etc all adds up to being the most immersive racing gaming experience you can get. And surely thats what next gen is about. Being the most immersive and realistic possible.


Were you dropped on your head when you were very little?

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Pity the posts were complete and utter b0lox. But hey ho. Never let facts get in the way of a anti ps3 post. (not having a go at u ade. your not to know how much complete drivel those two spout)


What's incorrect in my post Spanna?


I suppose it depends on what you want from "next gen"? Personally I want realism.

Comparing forza2 to gt5

The only thing forza2 comes on top with is damage.


Hmm, there's that whole thing about forza actually being released and GT just being a jap demo of a demo....


I love forza and have played it to death but to me having as accurate physics as possible in a game, accurate inside modelling, a 900degree wheel, outstanding graphics, Adaptive AI, etc all adds up to being the most immersive racing gaming experience you can get. And surely thats what next gen is about. Being the most immersive and realistic possible.


There is nothing immersive about charging down a straight and bashing into an opponant to take a turn.

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Games don't have to be realistic to be next gen. There's a lot to be said about very unrealistic games which are auguably more fun to play.


That was my point. If you read what I put .

It depends on what you class as "next gen" to me its realism. to u its waving a plastic remote control about.

Each to their own.

Playable games have always been there since the year dot. Any new gen wont allow more better playable games than the last gen but it can improve realism and immersion.

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360 has better "general" performance... wtf is that. Ive not seen any "general" performance measuring tools in use. So where are you pulling that complete cr4p from.? UKR by any chance?


The ps3 gets the worst conversions again total cr4p.. Might have been true about 6 months back or with ea stuff (no proper gamer would give an ass about ea sports games anyway). Nowadays the ps3 games are getting brought out later (coming out later is not good in my eyes like) as the developers are using the extra power. (their words not mine).

Dirt being a prime example.


are u a gamer at all driod? Why would u play a racing game just to bounce off cars to go round corners. The whole point is to try drive as best you can, avoiding other cars. taking the racing line etc. If you dont do that in a racing game theres no point playing it. Thats like playing an fps and turning invincible cheat on .. whats the point.

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are u a gamer at all driod? Why would u play a racing game just to bounce off cars to go round corners. The whole point is to try drive as best you can, avoiding other cars. taking the racing line etc. If you dont do that in a racing game theres no point playing it. Thats like playing an fps and turning invincible cheat on .. whats the point.


Yeeessss but if you make a mistake and smack into the side of another car going into the corner (let's say you get your braking line wrong) - in Forza you'll smack into the other car, twat your engine and bodywork, and be left with a car that won't be able to competitively finish the race.


In GT5 (and 4 and 3 and 2 and 1) you'll bounce off the other car as you push it off the track, probably gain an advantage from it, and be able to carry on like nothing has happened.


That ain't very realistic, man.


If it's realism you're after, Gran Turismo is the wrong place to look.

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360 has better "general" performance... wtf is that. Ive not seen any "general" performance measuring tools in use. So where are you pulling that complete cr4p from.? UKR by any chance?


Heh, you're showing your ignorance of the hardware here. When I said general performance in terms of the cpu, I mean non-floating point instructions. The ps3 has the 7 cell processors for really good parallel floating point peformance, but only one general cpu for everything else. The 360 has a much more sensible architecture, as in modern games most of the floating point instructions are offloaded to the gpu and the three general cpu's in the 360 is used for everything else. The 360's gpu is quite a bit more powerful than the ps3's, for a bunch of reasons that I already mentioned.


Pretty much the only areas the ps3 is stronger than the 360 is in storage space (big woop) and floating point performance, which is pretty much useless when it's doing pc/360 to ps3 conversions, as most games wont be written or designed to use the paralell cores. Which is why we're seeing developers on projects like UT 3, Dirt and COD4 struggling.


The ps3 gets the worst conversions again total cr4p.. Might have been true about 6 months back or with ea stuff (no proper gamer would give an ass about ea sports games anyway). Nowadays the ps3 games are getting brought out later (coming out later is not good in my eyes like) as the developers are using the extra power. (their words not mine).

Dirt being a prime example.


Your right, dirt is a prime example of a game that's been dumbed down graphically to run on the ps3.


are u a gamer at all driod? Why would u play a racing game just to bounce off cars to go round corners. The whole point is to try drive as best you can, avoiding other cars. taking the racing line etc. If you dont do that in a racing game theres no point playing it. Thats like playing an fps and turning invincible cheat on .. whats the point.


'course I'm a gamer, I don't want to bounce of cars, but in GT it's always been irrisistable, a flaw of the physics design that allowed you to do it with no consequence. I loved the old GTA games, they came out when there was bugger all else. Since then though other games have added more features other than pretty visuals, and surpassed it in my book.


If they can get the damage in, then I'll be happier.

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Its funny but if you play forza2 online all the hosts turn off damage (or to cosmetic). Interesting how the gamers see the importance of damage.


So you have played dirt on both ps3 and 360 driod or is this yet another listen to UKR and other "independant" sites.

If you have played dirt on both you would realise you are speaking cr4p yet again.

Here is some proof from the developers mouth themselves. You cant argue with that.



its irrisistable to bounce off cars in Gt? wtf are u on about. If u need to hit cars in a racing game then your not good enough and you should stick to mario kart or something.

Ah you loved GTA games. Why didnt you say you werent into racing games then..... Forza and gt are racing sims.. for people who enjoy proper racing. taking the right line. accelerating out of corners etc.

Thats the enjoyment in them games. If you need to hit the cars you should be playing burnout or something like that.


Can I see the websites that have proven the 360 is more powerful in "general" performance then.

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Its funny but if you play forza2 online all the hosts turn off damage (or to cosmetic). Interesting how the gamers see the importance of damage.


Yeah, to stop griefers ruining racers. Multiplayer is like that.


So you have played dirt on both ps3 and 360 driod or is this yet another listen to UKR and other "independant" sites.

If you have played dirt you would realise you are speaking cr4p yet again.


We've covered this, the tracks on the ps3 have reduced detail.



its irrisistable to bounce off cars in Gt? wtf are u on about. If u need to hit cars in a racing game then your not good enough and you should stick to mario kart or something.

Ah you loved GTA games. Why didnt you say you werent into racing games then..... Forza and gt are racing sims.. for people who enjoy proper racing. taking the right line. accelerating out of corners etc.

Thats the enjoyment in them games. If you need to hit the cars you should be playing burnout or something like that.


Can I see the websites that have proven the 360 is more powerful in "general" performance then.


Sure, http://games.indiatimes.com/articleshow/852943.cms, but you don't need that, you just need to look at the specs:


360's cpu: 3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each

PS3's cpu: 1 x PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz


That's your general purpose cpu power, but crucially the 360 has 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core and 1mb l2 cache. The ps3 then has the 7 floating point units, which as I said aren't useful for anything but floating point obviously.


When I say 'general', I mean non floating point instructions, do you understand? The SPE's are dire at these general instructions, which means they're shit for things like AI or vector processing, but the biggest problems, as I said, is that to write a game that uses 1 general core and 7 floating point only cores means an engine design very different from if you were writing games for the pc or 360. The pc and the 360 are similar beasts, powerful general cpu, multi core, and a powerful gpu. That's your lot. This is why delays are happening in pc/360 ports to the ps3. See the notes on the ps3 version of splinter cell conviction, where the developer has said the ps3 simply doesn't have the cpu grunt to handle the AI.


On the gpu and memory bandwidth issue, there's not even any argument, the 360 is simply clearly ahead of the ps3.

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Cant be ar$ed reading India fr1gging times.. I was expecting toms hardware or something with a bit more respect.


At the end of the day ive sat there with both machines and I know first hand some of the stuff Ive seen on the ps3 visually blows the best stuff on the 360 away. You can chuck as much vector a$$ munching at that as u like. It doesnt change anything. gt5p is possibly the best looking game out there at the moment full stop and its on the ps3.


I still play the 360 more cus it has more games out but you will look very stupid continually slagging off gt5p. Ive played it and im a lunatic racing fan. If it wasnt amazing i wud be the first to complain.

As for dirt. Listen to the Developers interview i put up. Not some cr4ppy comparision from a anti sony site.

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Cant be ar$ed reading India fr1gging times.. I was expecting toms hardware or something with a bit more respect.


Not Toms, but how about anand:




The PlayStation 3’s CPU, the Cell processor, pairs a general purpose PowerPC Processing Element (PPE, very similar to one core from Xenon) with 7 working Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs) that are more specialized hardware designed to execute certain types of code


When he says 'certain types of code', he's talking about the floating point instructions I was refering to earlier.




The most important selling point of the Xbox 360's Xenon core is the fact that all three cores are identical, and they are all general purpose microprocessors.


Which is what I'm saying. You've got a 360, which is like a pc, a multi core general cpu and a separate powerful GPU. The ps3 has a single core general cpu, a bunch of spu's and a weaker gpu. Which is fine on it's own, if the ps3 is all your developing for, but if you're porting things between platforms, in particular game engines like the UT engine (UT3, Splinter Cell, Raven Shield, Gears of War), it makes the PS3 very hard to work with.


At the end of the day ive sat there with both machines and I know first hand some of the stuff Ive seen on the ps3 visually blows the best stuff on the 360 away. You can chuck as much vector a$$ munching at that as u like. It doesnt change anything. gt5p is possibly the best looking game out there at the moment full stop and its on the ps3.


That simply isn't the case for conversions. As for GT5, it's a PS3 only game, so should fare better. I do think that the car models are very good indeed, but everything else is 'meh'.


Take this shot as an example:



Yep, the cars look superb, but look at the crowd. The same texture repeats over and over, so every section of the crowd is identical. Look at the track, no detail on it at all. Look at the tree textures, they look like PS1 trees.


Now take a PGR4 screenie:



No repeating textures at all, detail on the road. Pretty light on cheap tricks.

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Just about the first thing that has made me want to buy a PS3.......


Gamers will be able to download episodes of BBC Two show Top Gear inside video game Gran Turismo 5.


Forty episodes of the popular motoring show will be available on a dedicated Gran Turismo TV channel accessed via the PlayStation 3's online network.


Gran Turismo is the world's most popular racing video game series, with more than 47 million copies sold.


The test track used by Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond will be recreated inside GT5.


Virtual drivers will be able to race the hundreds of cars licensed inside the game around the track featured in the show.


BBC Website

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Yes I seen that, the top gear test track how smart is that!!.. Great news.


As for pgr4 droid have u played it ? Cus when i play it the graphics dont impress me at all . I would put it behind forza2 on the graphics stacks and forza2 is pretty poor on the graphics side too.

The game is good tho. But graphics wise.. definately not.. 7.5 out of 10 for graphics from me.

On the graphics I would go pgr4 7.5 , forza2 8, gt5p demo 9 .

I have hammered all 3 rather than just looked at some screenshots to.


pgr4 has bad popup and slowdown too. I know i would way prefer to have repeated textures in the crowd (which I cant see at 200mph) rather than slowdown which ruins the immersion.


Nice screenshot to post on the gt5p.. hahaha. thats heathaze which looks amazing when its moving rather than still like that.

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