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Ps3 Announced

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Just about the first thing that has made me want to buy a PS3.......


Gamers will be able to download episodes of BBC Two show Top Gear inside video game Gran Turismo 5.


Forty episodes of the popular motoring show will be available on a dedicated Gran Turismo TV channel accessed via the PlayStation 3's online network.


Gran Turismo is the world's most popular racing video game series, with more than 47 million copies sold.


The test track used by Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond will be recreated inside GT5.


Virtual drivers will be able to race the hundreds of cars licensed inside the game around the track featured in the show.


BBC Website

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Sorry, but I really can't help being a smug fuck here:


Yes the 360 version isnt "proper"

I have every single pro evo from ISS so I think im qualified enough to know that the 360 version is not "proper". Its still the best version out at the moment but the amount not in it, makes me think Konami are holding out for the PS3.

For a start off it was built on the ps2 Winning eleven engine, also No editing, no saving replays, slowdown!!! on a f ing 360, only 1 player online no 2 v 2. the list goes on and on, PES6 is good but its not as good as it shud be and personally i think the "next gen" proper pro evo will be on the ps3.


And the reviews are in:


The bitter battle between fans of the two next generation consoles can at times be a nasty exchange. Supporters of Microsoft's Xbox 360 take great pleasure in pointing out, at every opportunity, the PS3's failings - the lack of exclusive triple-A games, the high price and the late ports. The PS3 camp claims a more powerful console, HD movie playback built in and the ability to fit more on a Blu-ray disc compared with a DVD. But one thing that PS3 and 360 fans alike must admit is that developers are, on the whole, finding it hard to get to grips with Sony's console. Some have pointed out the complexity of the system, while others speak of issues with the way the console handles memory. Either way, we have seen some very high-profile PS3 games that have suffered from slow-down, less than impressive graphics and glaring drops in frame rate. Unfortunately nowhere is this more apparent than in Pro Evolution Soccer's debut on the PS3.


To summerise the review:


Shit framerate.

Poor graphics.

Terrible music.


He also added:


By the way, none of the framerate issues during gameplay are apparent in the 360 version


You bought a ps3 for this game?

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Funny that. Where is that review from ? Indiatimes again? :D

As I will always say to you droid, it seems to be reoccuring this. Since you love to gob off so much but HAVE YOU PLAYED IT... and yet again the answer is no. What a surprise.


Cus im playing it right now and loving it. My 360 version has just come in the post so I can do a direct comparison soon.


But I dont have blinkered biased eyes like you two. So so far I can say this.



- you can import peoples completes edits which will include proper kits, names etc. (which you cant do on the 360)

- the controller is miles more responsive on the ps3, something is not right with the 360 thumbstick.



- online at the moment is unplayable at the moment, but theres a message when you join saying Konami are aware and are rectifying the problem . So at least thats good.

- replays are a joke. That is where the frame rate and slowdown issue hits. There are no problems in game.

- I dont think voice chat is in game. It mentions it in the manual but I dont think its there.


Fair enough I believed Konami would put more into Sony like they have before but I think Ms have been clever again and put down alot of money to sort out the bias Konami have showed in the past.

Wrong on that then but i was right with the wired rockband controllers on 360. :) hahah.


Next question is.. do i give up on my garden and play pes all day... hmmmm

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Leave poor Spanna alone , you fanboys are hilarious ;) The Eye Of Judgment is superb


It's a silly idea! Quite a cool concept, but who could be fucked. Setting up a table top in your living room near to your ps3 and tv? For the sake of digitising cards? Why not just play with digital cards in the first place?


Besides, it aint gunna make sony much dosh either.

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Funny that. Where is that review from ? Indiatimes again? :D





As I will always say to you droid, it seems to be reoccuring this. Since you love to gob off so much but HAVE YOU PLAYED IT... and yet again the answer is no. What a surprise.


No, I haven't played it. There's this thing called a consumer review. It allows consumers to get opinions on products before they part with their money. It's what stops you from buying shit. Read enough reviews, and you get a consensus of opinion, and the consensus of opinion is that the ps3 version of PES is worse than the 360.


Wrong on that then but i was right with the wired rockband controllers on 360. :) hahah.


Games not out yet of course, you could still be talking arse. Either way, the GH3 wireless will work.

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Pro-g... that well respected well known reviewing powerhouse. .....


Yes there is something call listening to others before making your mind up. But what i dont get is the amount you gob off with no first hand experience of your own. You even argue with people who have actually got experience on whatever it is your gobbing off about. Its amazing.


as for rockband it was confirmed ages ago about the wired controllers and the 360 coming with a usb hub. If you want wireless guitars u have to buy them seperate at a later date.

Ps3 version is wireless but not bluetooth. Its there own wireless technology.

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Leave poor Spanna alone , you fanboys are hilarious ;) The Eye Of Judgment is superb


It's a silly idea! Quite a cool concept, but who could be fucked. Setting up a table top in your living room near to your ps3 and tv? For the sake of digitising cards? Why not just play with digital cards in the first place?


Besides, it aint gunna make sony much dosh either.


It was said tongue in cheek.

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Pro-g... that well respected well known reviewing powerhouse. .....


The lag/framerate issues are in quite a few reviews, and also admitted by Konami who said they're working on a patch:


Konami is suffering criticism from gamers who say the PS3 version of the game suffers from frame rate issues and slowdown. Earlier today Konami apologised for the quality of online play with an online notification displayed when gamers enter the PES 2008 lobby. It revealed that the publisher has uncovered "issues which can affect the online gameplay quality of PES 2008" and is working "full strength to find a solution as quickly as possible".


Konami's UK office however have now added to that stating an "offline" patch was also being worked on to combat the game's issues


Yes there is something call listening to others before making your mind up. But what i dont get is the amount you gob off with no first hand experience of your own. You even argue with people who have actually got experience on whatever it is your gobbing off about. Its amazing.


Yes, you've proved to be very knowledgable about the issue too, heh. Shall we talk about the hardware again Spanna? I don't have first hand ps3 experience, because it's an overpriced, underspecced piece of tat. That's entirely the point, if I had first hand experience of this mess, I'd be an eejit like you!

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Former Harmonix dev bashes the heck out of the PS3 - 'reality from trenches'


PS3 misconceptions and spin


I read various game forums from time to time, and often see gamers complaining about 'lazy ports' to the ps3. They often mention how the ps3 is the most powerful game console and blame developers working on the console for doing a bad job. Sony has all of these people duped by impressive marketing spin, and I'm often amazed at how potent this type of rhetoric proves to be. For those unaware, I'm going to break it down simply and explain exactly why ports to the ps3 will never be as good as their 360 counter parts, and why most ps3 exclusives will likely continue to suck. First, lets debunk a few common misconceptions:


"The PS3 is more graphically advanced than the 360"


Fill rate is one of the primary ways to measure graphics performance - in essence, it's a number describing how many pixel operations you can perform. The fill rate on the PS3 is significantly slower than on the 360, meaning that games either have to run at lower resolution or use simpler shader effects to achieve the same performance. Additionally, the shader processing on the ps3 is significantly slower than on the 360, which means that a normal map takes more fill rate to draw on the ps3 than it does on the 360. And I'm not talking about small differences here, we're talking roughly half the pixel pushing power.


"Ok, fine, but the cell is like, super powerful"


In theory, sure, but in reality it doesn't work out that way. Game code simply doesn't split well across multiple processors. You can probably find a way to split a few things off fairly easily - put the audio on one processor, animation on another; but generally the breakup is always going to leave several of the SPUs idle or underutilized. On top of that, it's usually not CPU speed that restricts the visuals in games - it's fill rate.


"Uh, Blue Ray!"


Great for watching movies, but not so great for games. Getting data off the blue ray drive takes about twice as long as it does to get the same data off the 360's DVD drive. That translates into longer load times, or god forbid if your streaming from disk, tighter constraints on the amount of data you can stream.


"But it's got a lot more space than DVD"


Ok, you got me there - it does have a lot more space, and there is the potential to use that to do something cool, but thats unlikely to be realized in any useful way. There are tons of compression techniques available for data and I'd personally rather be able to get my data faster than have more of it. Most developers who use the entire Blue Ray drive are doing it to work around other problems with the ps3 such as it's slow loading - for instance, in Resistance: Fall of Man, every art asset is stored on disk once for every level that uses it. So rather than storing one copy of a texture, you're storing it 12 times. If you took that entire game and removed all the duplicate data, it would likely fit on a DVD without any problem. They do this to speed up load times, which, as I pointed out before, are painfully slow on the ps3. So in this case, the extra space is completely wasted.


"Once developers figure out the PS3 they'll maximize the hardware and it will be amazing"


I suspect a small number of PS3 only developers will optimize the hardware to do something cool. However, this will be an exception to the rule, and will likely involved game designs that are specifically designed for the hardware and funded by Sony. If those will prove to be fun or not is another question.


Most of the performance centric research into the PS3 has been around making it easier for developers to get the same level of performance you get out of the 360 naturally. For instance, some developers are using those extra SPU's on the cell to prepare data for the rendering pipeline. Basically, they take the data they would normally send to the graphics chip, send it to an SPU which optimizes it in some manner, then send it to the graphics chip. So, once again we see an 'advantage' in hardware being used to make up for a disadvantage in another area - a common theme with the ps3. And this introduces an extra frame of latency into the equation, making controller response slower.


So, the common theme is this; developers must spend significantly more time and resources getting the PS3 to do what the 360 can already do easily and with a lot less code. Lets look at how this translates into practical realities for a moment:


Why the PS3 version often pales in comparison to the 360 version, and why exclusives often suck:


As outlined above, getting equivalent performance out of the PS3 requires a lot of work unique to the platform, and in many cases, even with all these tricks, you still won't see equivalent performance. Thus, many ps3 games have simplified shaders and run at lower native resolutions than the 360 versions. On top of this, there is shrinking incentive to do this work; the PS3 isn't selling.


The code needed to make the PS3 work is most likely only useful to you on the PS3, as the types of tricks you need to do to make the thing perform are very unique to the platform and unlikely to be useful on any other architecture now or in the future. These issues all stem from unbalanced hardware design, and any future hardware that is this unbalanced will likely be unbalanced in a completely unique way.


Finally, there's the problem of resources. Game Development is, at it's heart, a resource management challenge. Given finite resources, do I have these five engineers work on optimizing the PS3 version to look better, or do I use them to make the game play better and fix bugs? Do I change my design to fit with what the PS3 hardware does well, or simply run the game at a slightly lower resolution on the PS3 to make up for it? Developers striving to push the PS3 hardware have often sacrificed their game in the process.


This post might come across as a lot of Sony bashing, but it's just the reality from the trenches. Sony let their hardware be designed by a comity of business interests rather than a well thought out design that would serve the game development community. They are going to loose hard this round because of it, and I hope that in the next round they take lessons from this round and produce a more balanced and usable machine.



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but the 360 sounds like a vacuum cleaner - no wonder you all need these 6 billion watt surround sound systems for them - it covers up the jet engine in the corner of the room - it is the single main fault except for the awful reliablility and no one ever mentions it



it's a shame the games on the ps3 are so woefully inadequate

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Well Ive been playing pro evo on the 360 this evening and there is slowdown aplenty too.

But I do have to say its a bit less than the ps3.

Online doesnt work properly on the 360 either. I couldnt connect to any games tonight and it also said i needed to forward ports to even get to the online menu!! (Ive never had to do that before on 360 or ps3).

So it looks like overall Konami have made a complete ar$e of pes2008 on both systems.

Playing the game it looks like the 360 version is about 90% complete and the ps3 about 70% complete. Looks to me like they have rushed the game out to compete with fifa. and now we are going to have to sit around and wait while they sort out patches.

Thats not good cricket in my book.


On the graphics comparison. When playing in normal long view or wide view the ps3 definately looks better. The 360 just cant do detail in shadows at all (ive noticed that in other games too). its just black. But when the camera is right in on the players faces in the (1fps) replays the 360 wins that hands down.


Its a shame Fifa is still a pile of complete cr4p or I would have converted big time.

Fingers crossed a decent path on either system sorts the problems out.

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