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Ps3 Announced

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To be fair, it is being stocked much higher than other launch consoles. There's reports of Europes initial allocation being 10x more than the 360 launch.


Hmmm yes I suppose they have all the unsold ones from Japan and the USA to get rid of somehow.


Apart from the European machines are built different. But hey dont let facts get in the way. :rolleyes:


Im not sure which launch I have prefered.

360s, where MS got a pathetic amount of consoles out for launch and most people had to wait for months or pay stupid prices on ebay for a machine.

or Sonys where they delayed europes launch and have enough consoles to go round.

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Apart from the European machines are built different. But hey dont let facts get in the way. :rolleyes:


Im not sure which launch I have prefered.

360s, where MS got a pathetic amount of consoles out for launch and most people had to wait for months or pay stupid prices on ebay for a machine.

or Sonys where they delayed europes launch and have enough consoles to go round.

Yep correct they have bits missing in the european machines that are built into the american/asian machines, but lets not let that fact get in the way.


360 carried out a worldwide launch in a matter of a week, the PS3 has taken nearly 6 months. So as a matter of fact people in Europe have still had to wait months for the machine, or pay cheaper (than they will be available for in the UK) prices to buy one off ebay, or from an foreign store.


And now next week it will be launched in Europe for an over inflated price, delayed to the hilt, slightly stripped out making manufacturing costs cheaper than 6 months ago and the blinkered gimps will buy it in their droves because its the latest must have piece of kit.


but its got blueray!


fanboy. :rolleyes:

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right Ive had enough of this expensive bolox.


360 premium (inc 20gig hd) = 280

hd dvd drive = 130

wifi adaptor = 55 quid

total = 465


ps3 premium (includes 60 gig hd) = 420

bluray drive = included

wifi adaptor = included

total = 420


Fair play to Microsoft for making morons believe that a PS3 is more expensive than a 360 tho. MS marketing at its best.

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Poor argument. :rolleyes:


I've got a premium console connected to the router so no need for a wifi adapter so -£55


I bought a games console not a dvd, hd or blu ray player so again, no need for the hd/dvd drive -£130.


Full xbox360 games console £280


Full ps3 games console and blu ray player £420 = rip off :D


And will blu ray go the same way as sonys other wonderful new media formats?, ie mini disc, umd...

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And i would like a "games machine" but i dont want a Blueray player, so why should i be forced to buy something i do not want, simply because Sony would otherwise be trying to sell a white elephant of a HD player.


It's called consumer choice, and Sony have chosen to remove all choice from the consumer, there isn't even an option to buy the 20gig machine because they know how fickle the european market is, and the good old Playstation fanbase will buy any old crap Sony chose to pedal on them.


You will find that the xbox 360 is in actual fact 194.94 for a core version (Tesco Direct), which is 225.06 cheaper than a PS3.


In all fairness its Sony that should be handed out awards for Marketing, they could sell ya a shit on a stick, and they would still think its the best thing since sliced bread. :rolleyes:

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And i would like a "games machine" but i dont want a Blueray player, so why should i be forced to buy something i do not want,


But you are not 'forced'. You got what you wanted as there is an alternative - you bought the Xbox 360 - so why fucking bleat. Jeez. It's an option - you know, a choice. You have made yours and weren't subjected to gestapo tactics forcing you like a bitch to buy a PS3 @ £450 with an enforced Blu-Ray drive. No one is 'forced' into buying anything. You choose what option, with whatever extras suits you best. You made your decision now fuck off.


It's a consumers market with plenty of choice so you make your decision and buy that, but all this one-upmanship and my cock is bigger than yours is just tiring. Your cock isn't bigger it's just different and suits you better.


I'm a PS3 / Sony fanboy if you like only because that's all I have ever known - but I won't be buying any new consoles for a year or so (PS3/Xbox/whatever). I'm just not 'that' interested anymore - but get a grip will you. It all sounds like sour fucking grapes to me.

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But you are not 'forced'. You got what you wanted as there is an alternative - you bought the Xbox 360 - so why fucking bleat.


I am sorry but who is bleating? You are going on about choice, i mearly said that Sony have not given european consumers any choice as far as its product is concerned. If you want one you buy what they say, you pay their over inflated price with its stripped down parts and expect people to like it, and people are so fickle they will complain but STILL go out and pay the price for it.


Yea i made a choice because it is what i wanted at the time, and i am more than happy with my choice, And why would it be sour grapes, if i wanted one i would get one. I CHOOSE not to.


No one is talking about who's is bigger than whos, a statement was made based on facts, i countered the statement with other facts, isn't that sometimes the form of a discussion/argument? If you have nothing constructive to say can i suggest you stamp your foot and cry over someone elses discussion.


I dont appreciate the fact you feel you have to throw in profanity to try make a point. you said nothing of any value, so why bother in the first place, i am mearly expressing MY opinion on a public forum is there a problem with that?

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I dont appreciate the fact you feel you have to throw in profanity to try make a point. you said nothing of any value, so why bother in the first place, i am mearly expressing MY opinion on a public forum is there a problem with that?


Ah, I'm sorry petal did I offend you?


'I am mearly expressing MY opinion on a public forum is there a problem with that?'


Touche my litle forum friend.

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I think the point thats bein missed here is that next-gen games are, sooner rather than later, going to need a larger amount of disc space than just a dvd, hence hd-dvd's and bluray. You'll end up getting one or the other, sony are future-proofing the ps3 at a considerable loss for the time being, microsoft have add-ons that bring the price up to more or less the same as the ps3, so its not expensive really, its just how much true next-gen gaming is costing at this moment in time.

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I think the point thats bein missed here is that next-gen games are, sooner rather than later, going to need a larger amount of disc space than just a dvd, hence hd-dvd's and bluray.


I thought tests had shown that some titles had been hugely padded out so as to be bigger than the capacity of DVD. I wonder how many genuinely bigger than DVD capacity titles there will be in the near future?

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PS3 isn't even out yet, i think its a bit presumptious to imply that the disc space won't be needed even though we're not at that stage yet. I don't know how much space a game takes, but i should imagine a game on, say, GTA:SA's scale, with next-gen graphics, surround sound and all that goes with it would be a hefty amount to try and get on 1 dvd.

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