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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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Played the demo last night.

Loved it!!

Im not a massive fan of the tomb raider style games but this game just straight off made me want to play it more.

Everything is really good from what u play in the demo.

The Plot - You get a little intro and it makes me want to know what happens next

Graphics - Perfect. Makes you feel your in a rainforest, aztecy island. The water is some of the best looking ive seen in game. Also no slowdown!! or vertical sync issues.

Controls - I love the controls, the aiming is smooth, you can roll between and get behind cover easily, its easy to jump and climb and it uses the sixasis cleverly when balancing on things.

Scripting - Was quite funny, made me laugh outloud at one point

Ai - enemies arent stupid at all and keep moving and come at you too.

Also nothing in the demo niggling me, which is always good.

I like how you can find your way without any gay maps or arrows on screen too, You just look around and figure it out . It flows really well.


This is going to be the first game to make me stop playing Cod4.

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Eurogamer 9.0 - Truly, Uncharted is the first game I've seen to date that makes me wonder if it could be done on the Xbox 360, and as a huge admirer of the software line-up on Microsoft's system, that's saying a lot.



Heh, the comments on that article are superb:


"P.S. Krudster, can you please tell me which make and model of HDTV you review games on that you don't see tearing on because I want one! ;) "


It's a Sony, model number: B4CKH4ND3R


It's a shame the reviewer didn't back up that statement with anything, I wonder what makes him think the 360 couldn't do Uncharted?


And, ooh, sales figures? Seen last week in the US?


Wii - 192,482 (+45,548)

Xbox 360 - 173,895 (+35,117)

Nintendo DS - 142,229 (+5,640)

PSP - 75,954 (-4,374)

PlayStation 3 - 63,788 (+8,342)


..and that's after the ps3 price drop.


PS3's doing better in euroland tho:


Nintendo DS - 246,562 (18,484,652 in total)

Wii - 84,373 (4,020,909)

PlayStation 2 - 82,295 (44,551,425)

PlayStation 3 - 72,605 (2,078,340)

PSP - 60,284 (9,541,269)

Xbox 360 - 54,090 (4,229,429)

Game Boy Advance - 6,042 (21,308,046)


Estimated worldwide installed base:


Wii - 13,114,192

Xbox 360 - 12,340,120

PlayStation 3 - 5,551,826


Key figures really though, and not often quoted, is the software figures. This is where the manufacturers really make their money based on the licensing of the platform, and despite a high number of units, the wii's software sell through rate is surprisingly low. PS3's are quite low per console too, which makes me wonder how many are being bought just as BD players. The US figures last week:


Xbox 360 - 1,686,081

Wii - 960,104

Nintendo DS - 615,485

PlayStation 3 - 512,807

PlayStation 2 - 387,470

PSP - 233,371


Software sales Japan:


1. Mario Party DS (Nintendo DS, Nintendo) - 242,000 | NEW

2. Dynasty Warriors 6 (PlayStation 3, Koei) - 176,000 | NEW

3. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 78,000 | 335,000

4. Dynasty Warriors 6 (Xbox 360, Koei) - 27,000 | NEW

5. Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (Nintendo DS, Square Enix) - 24,000 | 235,000

6. Castlevania (PSP, Konami) - 20,000 | NEW

7. Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 18,000 | 2,091,000

8. Nishimura Kyotaro (Nintendo DS) Tecmo) - 16,000 | 112,000

9. Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 15,000 | 1,648,000

10. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo DS, Nintendo) - 13,000 | 2,528,000


Looks lik e Dynasty Warriors was a big boost for the ps3 this month.

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Post robbed from another forum :) quite funny but is any of it true?



Guide to rating AAA PS3 Exclusives

* Deduct point if it copies the best of other games. Not orginal enough.

* Underplay graphics and overplay rare clipping and pop-in ignored with every other game.

* Deduct point if not multiplayer even on RPG and aventure games

* If it does have multiplayer, Ignore the fact that you get lagless gameplay and dont have to pay for it.

* Complain that custom soundtracks is not a feature.

* Complain how Rumble would have been great.

* If too many features, complain about a identity crysis

* Always deduct an hour from the games length but if its really long then dont bother mentioning it.

* If rumors that the game will be released on another platform, make sure to mention it with a ;) at the end.

* If SONY Loyalist complain, play it off with "people have different opinions live with it!" or "it wasnt a bad score, what are you bitching about"

* For extra credit: Make sure you rate another mediocre game in the same issue with the same score. while you LOL as the fans create 30 page threads and you get free press.


Guide to other console exclusives

* Ignore all faults you accuse PS3 titles to rub it in on the SONY fanboys.

* thats it, enjoy the game

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Tried the Jap version, it's really smart, but it's virtually impossible to play because it's so text heavy.


You might like front mission in the mean time:



thanks for that buddy, working my way through advance wars, but always on the lookout for some turnbased shenanigans!


sorry for hi-jacking the thread everyone! :P

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Heh, the comments on that article are superb:


"P.S. Krudster, can you please tell me which make and model of HDTV you review games on that you don't see tearing on because I want one! ;) "


It's a Sony, model number: B4CKH4ND3R


It's a shame the reviewer didn't back up that statement with anything, I wonder what makes him think the 360 couldn't do Uncharted?



Seems obvious to me. You get what u pay for. Like i said up there i havent seen tearing playing the demo of drake and i have a sony.


why wud the reviewer have to back his statement up with anything. It's his experienced opinion.

I know in your world droid noone is allowed an opinion unless they are in the "I cream over my 360 each night club" (that ur president of)

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Not that I care about install base etc, but considering that the 360 has been out a couple of years before the PS3 and the fact that many 360 owners have bought more than one console cos theyre last one is shagged or they needed to "upgrade" to the Elite, the PS3 having an install base which is a third of the 360 is pretty impressive.


Cant wait for Drakes Fortune...I just hope it isnt as much of a disappointment as Assasins Creed appears to be.

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Not that I care about install base etc, but considering that the 360 has been out a couple of years before the PS3 and the fact that many 360 owners have bought more than one console cos theyre last one is shagged or they needed to "upgrade" to the Elite, the PS3 having an install base which is a third of the 360 is pretty impressive.


Aye things are picking up for the ps3 since the price dropped for sure.

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Seems obvious to me. You get what u pay for.


Well that's been my point all along. The ps3 and the 360 are roughly equal give or take a few bits, yet my argument was that Sony bullshited about the power of the ps3, and charged too much.


I'm being proven correct, sony have had to reduce the price, and the games coming out are roughly the same on both platforms.


So you don't get what you pay for with the ps3, you actually get something that's the same as a 360, for more money.


why wud the reviewer have to back his statement up with anything. It's his experienced opinion.

I know in your world droid noone is allowed an opinion unless they are in the "I cream over my 360 each night club" (that ur president of)


Lord you're stupid, heh. I'm looking for his opinion, I'm interested to here why he thought that rather than making a blanket statement, like the one you made above.


His exeprienced opinion on what, the graphics? The AI? The huge levels? He just doesn't qualify it, so there's really no way of knowing what he was talking about.


Spent every night this week on my pc, and tomorrow is Mario day my 360 is uncreamed, and looks to stay that way for a little while.

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Do we really need to go into the cost of each console and the extras (wireless, HD drive, online gaming, hardrive, headsets, keyboards, mice etc) you have to pay to make them "equal" to prove that the PS3 was not over priced compared to the 360?

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Do we really need to go into the cost of each console and the extras (wireless, HD drive, online gaming, hardrive, headsets, keyboards, mice etc) you have to pay to make them "equal" to prove that the PS3 was not over priced compared to the 360?


Oh come on! If it wasn't overpriced, why did they drop the price? For fun?

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