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Or my house:


Sales Figures from VinnieK's House over the Period 1995-2007


PC: 5

PS2: 1

Nintendo Gamecube: 1

PS1: 1


The PC comes out as a clear winner against the glamour of the spazpad based gaming systems.


I know I'm only one man, but I'm awsome so my sales figures are surely worth at least as much as those of Switzerland or Portugal.

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yep. one thing they are good for.

If you go on rockband forums you can see them all whinging like kids that europeans were allowed to import them in.

I stand by my first post.

Thick as p1g sh1t.


Cor, a racist too? Hows your rock band stuff holding together? Seeing lots of winging about the instruments falling apart?


More figures, yummy, total installed user base usa:


PlayStation 2 - 41,120,000

Game Boy Advance - 36,240,000

Nintendo DS - 17,650,000

PSP - 10,470,000

Xbox 360 - 9,150,000

Wii - 7,380,000

PlayStation 3 - 3,250,000


Nobody,apart from you, cares about sales figures, so why post them every week?

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Or my house:


Sales Figures from VinnieK's House over the Period 1995-2007


PC: 5

PS2: 1

Nintendo Gamecube: 1

PS1: 1


The PC comes out as a clear winner against the glamour of the spazpad based gaming systems.


I know I'm only one man, but I'm awsome so my sales figures are surely worth at least as much as those of Switzerland or Portugal.


Oh god my turn


PC: 7

PS1: 1

PS2: 1

Toshiba satellite pro's: 2

PS3: 1

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yep. one thing they are good for.

If you go on rockband forums you can see them all whinging like kids that europeans were allowed to import them in.

I stand by my first post.

Thick as p1g sh1t.


Cor, a racist too? Hows your rock band stuff holding together? Seeing lots of winging about the instruments falling apart?


More figures, yummy, total installed user base usa:


PlayStation 2 - 41,120,000

Game Boy Advance - 36,240,000

Nintendo DS - 17,650,000

PSP - 10,470,000

Xbox 360 - 9,150,000

Wii - 7,380,000

PlayStation 3 - 3,250,000


Nobody,apart from you, cares about sales figures, so why post them every week?


It does make a difference though, because the further in front the 360 gets, the more and more likely it'll be that the PS3 will never get anything other than shoddy 360 ports which make precious little attempt to take advantage of the PS3's architecture.


Eurogamer do periodic side-by-side comparisons of the 360 and PS3, where both platforms are getting the same games, and they do it entirely objectively.


You'd think that by the most recent one - http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=89969


Developers would be getting to grips with and/or exploiting this much-vaunted cell architecture, but nope, the PS3 is, by and large, still just getting crappy 360 ports which look about the same or worse, and more importantly, suffer from shocking framerate issues and/or V-tearing.


Time after time after time, comments like this are simply par for the course:


Unfortunately the good will I had for the game diminished rapidly after loading up the PlayStation 3 version. Don't get me wrong, graphically it's very close indeed to the original Xbox 360 version as the comparison screenshots doubtless reveal. But this is one of the rare occasions where even a low-res internet video would reveal the night and day difference between the two versions. Put simply, TimeShift PS3 at its best still drops frames compared to the 360 game, even when barely anything is actually happening. At worst, it's extremely jerky and plagued with v-lock screen tear. What is interesting is that the 360 game has the option to enable or disable v-lock (it's turned on by default). There is no such facility in the PS3 game, it's off by default in an attempt to keep the speed up. That particular gambit fails to pay off and the unwelcome consequence is a nigh-on constant screen tear effect.


If you're buying a games console to, y'know, play games, it having the ability to maintain a playable frame rate is potentially pretty important, yes?


That's why sales figures matter, 'cause if the PS3 continues to under-perform in this manner, developers are never going to want to bother trying to optimise their core code base for the PS3 version, especially since the PC and 360 versions have relatively similar code bases, whereas the PS3 version will always require a near total rewrite to get the most out of it.


I'm not saying the PS3 doesn't have the untapped reserves of power in there, but the Sega Saturn suffered a similar fate many years ago, when the PS1 ran away with the sales figures, the Saturn was constantly nobbled with sloppy ports, which completely failed to exploit its dual RISC CPU architecture and far superior Yamaha DSP sound capabilities.


It was only right at the arse end of the Saturn's life in the Japanese market (it'd been wiped out everywhere else) that a few developers really managed to exploit the Saturn's power, and produced some positively stunning games in the process, but it was too late, because on the worldwide stage, the Saturn was already dead.


The PS3 isn't in such a dire situation yet, and it probably never will be, but it's heading off in that direction.

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Nobody,apart from you, cares about sales figures, so why post them every week?


Ah, a post devoid of any relevant content complaining about the content of my post, great!


I find the figures interesting, particularly when you look at the software sell through vs console sales. 3rd party Wii and all PS3 games simply don't sell that well. PC games aren't selling at all. On the Wii only Nintendo games sell, and on the PS3 nothing really sells, nowhere near the amount that should sell given the unit sales. Leads me to think that lots of ps3's are bought as blu ray drives, which really won't encourage developers to write stuff for the ps3.


Take last weeks UK Chart:


UK software chart for 13/1/08 - 19/1/08:

01 (__) [WII] Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games (Sega)

02 (02) [NDS] Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo)

03 (03) [NDS] More Brain Training From Dr Kawashima (Nintendo)

04 (05) [WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)

05 (01) [360] Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Activision)

06 (20) [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo)

07 (08) [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)

08 (07) [NDS] Cooking Mama (505 Games)

09 (04) [WII] Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo)

10 (06) [360] Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)


Not a single PS3 game. No PC games at all. Only 2 360 games. This is the kind of thing that shapes developers plans, it's worth watching out for. The count for the whole top 40:


Wii = 15

DS = 11

X360 = 7

PS3 = 4

PC = 2

PS2 = 1

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I find the figures interesting, particularly when you look at the software sell through vs console sales.


So why in th PS3 thread if your not gloating? Put them in a thread just for you called 'Sales Figures'.... oh wait...






because he is a kn0b.

Everytime someone in here talks about a ps3 game , or an upcoming game u have kn0b brains come in and post some drivel about how well the nintendo ds is selling in outer mongolia.


he doesnt even own a ps3 ffs. but spends more time in this thread than anyone.

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because he is a kn0b.

Everytime someone in here talks about a ps3 game , or an upcoming game u have kn0b brains come in and post some drivel about how well the nintendo ds is selling in outer mongolia.


he doesnt even own a ps3 ffs. but spends more time in this thread than anyone.


Aye, because calling people knobs is on topic too, heh!


Back on topic, sonys press today is as non sensical as ever.


Kaz Hirai speaking to Bloomberg, said "We want to promote games only available for PlayStation 3," he said. "The introduction of the 40 gigabyte model is in line with that strategy."


Eh? Selling a 40gb PS3 makes people play exclusives? How?

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Despite its current lead over the PS3, Xbox 360 sales are expected to slow in coming years according to Screen Digest. The researcher predicts that both Wii and PS3 worldwide unit sales will double that of Xbox 360 by 2011.


Nintendo's currently leads this generation of consoles

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here u go droid since u like gay reports & sh1t and claim to NOT be a 360 fanboy. This should give u a (tiny) boner.


quoted from a report to mcv on 24th Jan.


"In terms of installed base in some of our major markets, such as France, Spain, Germany and Italy ... our current cumulative installed base is now higher than Xbox 360," Reeves said, adding that the PS3 outsold the 360 in all PAL territories 3-to-1 last week.

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