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Ps3 Announced

the mo beats experience

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Oh and on topic, I am getting a PS3 next month for the following reasons: Blue ray (yes i am one of those types that has been reffered to as buying a bd player with a games console as an extra.) PS3 over the intarweb does not require a subscription (as far as i understand but i will flinch up ready for the flack if i am wrong.)


It's good value if you want blu ray that's for sure. Yes ps online stuff is free, but then it's crapola compared to Live, which rules! Apparently the 360 will have a BD add on within 3 months.



Yea, the thing is i dont plan on using the multiplayer stuff much so i could not justify a sub for it.

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Oh and on topic, I am getting a PS3 next month for the following reasons: Blue ray (yes i am one of those types that has been reffered to as buying a bd player with a games console as an extra.) PS3 over the intarweb does not require a subscription (as far as i understand but i will flinch up ready for the flack if i am wrong.)


It's good value if you want blu ray that's for sure. Yes ps online stuff is free, but then it's crapola compared to Live, which rules! Apparently the 360 will have a BD add on within 3 months.



Yea, the thing is i dont plan on using the multiplayer stuff much so i could not justify a sub for it.


That's one of the best things about the 360, xbox live. Once i've completed the games on single player, i've still got months of gaming left with the online part of it.

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Once i've completed the games on single player, i've still got months of gaming left with the online part of it.


So have I - on my PS3. Although I admit xbox live is a better online experience at the moment, but you'd expect that for a fee.

Exactly, i don't mind paying a fee for what is a far superior service

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Not inferior, you different. I love pc gaming too, but you can't veg on a sofa in front of your big telly and play a pc game.


PC when gaming, heroin when relaxing on the sofa - the recreational configuration of the sublime. Console games, which I'm reliably informed all involve Mario playing football with Yoshimitsu, or trying to win a motor car race against him, are a poor and inelegant addition to this scheme, and one that's hardly worthy of a gentleman's copious leisure time.

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Still haven't had that on mine and it's nearly two years old :)


Mines been fine too, which is more than I can say for me ps2 and psx which both died! The 360 reliability certainly isn't ideal, but they seem to have cracked it with the falcon revision, and the warantee extended to 3 years is a reassurance. A pain in the arse but not the end of the world.


Seem to be lots of bargains about lately too, picked up Overlord and PGR4 today, both for 15 quid new.


Bizzarely, I've reccomended the ps3 to two mates the last few days. They're buying silly expensive Blu Ray players, and I recon that's soft. Spend 500 quid ona player that's not even profile 2 upgradable? Buy a ps3, and it'll play games and browse the web and is a good BD player.

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Bizzarely, I've reccomended the ps3 to two mates the last few days. They're buying silly expensive Blu Ray players, and I recon that's soft. Spend 500 quid ona player that's not even profile 2 upgradable? Buy a ps3, and it'll play games and browse the web and is a good BD player.


If I was after a hi-def movie player, I'd get a PS3 as well (although I'd have to hide it behind the TV 'cause they're such ugly monstrosities).


I'm a right commoner though, I happily watched The Clockwork Orange a couple of weeks ago, the whole film was a 700MB compressed XVID and it was on a 40 inch LCD via the original XBox Media Player. Looked and sounded like shit of course, but within 2 minutes of the film starting I'd forgotten all about that and was just concentrating on, y'know, watching the film.


It's kind of the same from DVD to hi-def IMO, you almost have to take yourself 'out' of the film to concentrate on the technical aspect of things, otherwise you just get immersed in the film and the picture + sound quality become kind of immaterial.


Not saying you shouldn't have as good a source as possible, all other things being equal, but as long as the picture and sound are at least consistent, I'm not particularly arsed. (And the number of Blu-Ray discs being sold (not that many) would suggest I'm not the only one.)


It's all very well saying Blu-Ray has won the format war (which it has), but the attach rate of discs to players is still only about 3:1, same as it is for HD-DVD.

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