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Ps3 Announced

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I've been reading this topic over the last few days and what strikes me is that everyone has their own personal tastes and preferences.


Nintendo have and will always do well in Japan. Sony will always do well in the states and europe and Microsoft seem to be doing well in the UK with their 360.


I must admit i'm a 360 fanboy, I love their online service, the games I have played are excellent and they have some cracking titles coming out this year. Forza2, Mass Effect, BioShock, Alan Wake, GTA4 and Halo3 to name but a few.


I think Sony are in for a bit of a shock in Europe, I dont think they will start selling well until Christmas when there will be a lot more games out for it. It says something that Rockstar have jumped ship to MS 360 for their release of GTA4. They obviously dont think the PS3 will get going for another year.


Anyhows, each to their own, there will always be people that buy the latest new console just because they can.

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It says something that Rockstar have jumped ship to MS 360 for their release of GTA4. They obviously dont think the PS3 will get going for another year.


Isn't it more a case of Sony not wanting to pay to have GTA4 exclusive, so it will release on the same day for 360 & PS3?


360 is a nice machine (sounds like a hovercraft taking off though), I've been contemplating trading in the PS2 for one, but need to justify losing SingStar first :)


On the other hand the Wii is ace!

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Listening to all of this my console is better than your console nonsense takes me back to the early days of gaming and the Speccy C64 debate/argument/war. The fact is the PS3 is a cool piece of kit.


The biggest problem it faces is that Sony's release of the machine has been shambolic at best and a cynical rip off at worst. We all know its over priced, but GB market always comes a poor third to the US and Japan in the electronic hardware value for money date of availability stakes. The biggest problem is lack of good software. The fact is we have no idea what this machine can do yet as the release games hardly show off its full potential. Heck the XBox360 is only just starting to get some decent games available and even then the pace of releases is rather slow.


The fact is that like the PC owners have found out that games nowadays are massive affairs that take years to program. The complexity of the games and quality of the visuals take a long time to perfect and many thousands of lines of code. The new consoles by catching the PC up in terms of capability are now finding the same problems. The future will see less games but hopefully of better quality. However as with any new hardware this will take time to appear (and where a simpler console like the Wii has an advantage).


The Wii certainly is a well marketed machine with neat motion sensitive gimic that has wide appeal. But hardcore gamers will probably come down to XBox360 and PS3. The true judge of these consoles and whether they will survive or not will come in the games that are produced for them. It is too early to say what will happen but if rumors of a XBox361 update and price reductions of the PS3 before Christmas, plus the fact that a fair few games should be released by then for both machines the end of the year may be the better time to compare and judge them.

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The only reason they have shipped enough units is because nobody is buying them.
i agree to that one :blink: . in a moment of madness today i decided to to buy a ps3 so i rang around our local retailers to ask how long i would have to wait if i wanted and they both(HMV&game) told me they had took delivery of more than they ordered. Game said i could have on tonite if i went down at midnite or just call in the shop some time as they will be on the shelves for normal sale :):)
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Heh Virgins PS3 launch event;




well those buggers in that queue and the rest upto 100 all walked away with a free 46 inch bravia tv!!!!


not sure how they walked away with them.. but very nice from mr sony.


bet number 101 was well p1ssed off.

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Desparate. Two of those in that pic were confirmed from Sony.


The oz launch went well:




Two thirty-something women who had stopped for a moment to perv on Daniel Craig were pounced upon. "Hey, ladies, are you here to buy a PS3?" the interviewer pleads.




"Fuck! Nobody is! Well, can you pretend you are? You'll be on TV!"


Sony need to drop the price pretty sharpish, or they'll be left with a betamax!

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