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Issues Of Accountability And Censorship Sadly Perhaps


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NZ truly living in the 50's. grandparents forcing daughter to give up baby for adoption and trying to insist she cannot have contact with her baby after birth to change her mind, small minded, dated, hateful views, and social services response whilst apppearing to uphold UN declarations on HR and Rights of Child not much better.

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just in case folks are still interested in this information - the website is still up and running at this time AFAIK


British social workers appear to have now entered the fray too ....



CYFS' practices appal British social workers


By Simon Collins


Two British social workers have accused New Zealand's child protection agency of "gross professional incompetence", including unnecessarily ripping children from their mother's arms without any idea where to place them.


The men, recruited by Child, Youth and Family Services last year, have resigned in protest at the "unethical practices".


One, Manurewa social worker Jonny Ward, 35, sent his criticisms to CYFS minister Ruth Dyson and has been invited to brief her officials. He plans to return to Britain. The other man, 27, is unwilling to be named as he works for another agency and does not want to risk his registration.


They said standards fell far short of what they were used to. Mr Ward said he took part in removing children from a family last week with another social worker, eight police and two dog handlers.


The other social worker tried to stop the mother cuddling her son when she tried to comfort him.


The children were eventually placed with their grandmother.


"We could have spoken to the grandmother beforehand and told the children, 'It's okay, you know your grandmother'. Instead we had them in the back of the car, all three of them crying because they didn't know where I was taking them."


In Britain, he said, social workers tried to get the parents' agreement to a removal, or at least pack the children's belongings and make sure any health needs were known.


The Ministry of Social Development official in charge of CYFS, Ray Smith, said local practice placed more emphasis than Britain on keeping children within the extended family, which could mean searching for family members if children had to be removed in an emergency.

Posted by cyfswatch at 08:39 Saturday, 3 February 2007




BTW there is another article by the same journalist in the NZ Herald which gives more detail concerning the British Social Workers observations and concerns etc


The issue of censoring now appears to have triggered concerns on a few fronts so while there are various references online but it seems to me that much of it is being under reported possibly etc It now appears Google has replied to these bloggers with regards to one posting only out of the many proffered so far! This may be due to possibility that the author mentioned some court officials in their story as well as the social workers involved etc




We'd like to inform you that we've received a complaint regarding your blog cyfswatch.blogspot.com. Upon review, we've noted that your blog is not in compliance with Blogger Terms of Service (http://beta.blogger.com/terms.g). As a result, we've been forced to remove the infringing posts from your blog.


Thank you for your understanding.



The Blogger Team

Posted by cyfswatch at 13:56 Friday, 2 February 2007




One other posting which was thoughfully removed by the bloggers themselves was due to the very disturbing R18 content within it. This posting was related to the sexual deviancy scandal which refers to the Minister of Social Development . This is also available elsewhere online with greater detail etc AFAIK at this time there has still been very little mainstream media attention to this matter! There was also former scandal involving the same MP i.e when the NZ Police allegedly commented about November 2005 that he wasn't to be prosecuted despite police finding that there was a prima facie case that he had assaulted students whilst teaching.





Allegations of "sexual deviancy"

In the December 6, 2006 edition of Investigate magazine, journalist Ian Wishart published fresh allegations about Benson-Pope. He claimed that Benson-Pope was an active member of a Dunedin-based BDSM club, engaging in "sexual torture sessions."[1] When asked about his activities, Benson-Pope responded "when would I have time for [that]?" but has not explicitly denied the allegations. A member of the club said that Benson-Pope was not a member.[2] Wishart alleges that such activities are incompatible with Benson-Pope's role as Minister of Social Development


So far over 100 Social Workers and other public servants have been named and shamed - and there appears to a number of other websites which have now encouraged similar disclosures etc

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One other posting which was thoughfully removed by the bloggers themselves was due to the very disturbing R18 content within it. This posting was related to the sexual deviancy scandal which refers to the Minister of Social Development . This is also available elsewhere online with greater detail etc AFAIK at this time there has still been very little mainstream media attention to this matter! There was also former scandal involving the same MP i.e when the NZ Police allegedly commented about November 2005 that he wasn't to be prosecuted despite police finding that there was a prima facie case that he had assaulted students whilst teaching.





Allegations of "sexual deviancy"

In the December 6, 2006 edition of Investigate magazine, journalist Ian Wishart published fresh allegations about Benson-Pope. He claimed that Benson-Pope was an active member of a Dunedin-based BDSM club, engaging in "sexual torture sessions."[1] When asked about his activities, Benson-Pope responded "when would I have time for [that]?" but has not explicitly denied the allegations. A member of the club said that Benson-Pope was not a member.[2] Wishart alleges that such activities are incompatible with Benson-Pope's role as Minister of Social Development


All a bit 'News of the World', and draws attention away from the seemingly legitimate concerns about the child welfare system. For one thing, are BDSM clubs or the specific acts alleged illegal in NZ, or merely distasteful to the author? With some fairly limited exceptions, what happens between consenting adults in private should surely be their own business? Obviously if someone's private life impacts on their ability to perform a public role (for example, a conflict of interest) then that's a different matter.


Freedom of the press is important, but so is the freedom of individuals not to be subjected to unwarranted press intrusion into their private lives, or inaccurate reporting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just in case anybody is interested in update of the above issues ....


Google removed the blog last week following NZ authority complaints regarding verbal threats against bureaucrats - loads of discussion buried in different places and material cached still ... as well as of course mirror sites etc

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Ive tried 2 access the links put up but unfortunatley they seem 2 have been deleted!

So i cant really make a proper post!


But it seems 2 be the same ole storey im afriad, those in *power* can + do shutdown/remove truths!

The closure of the original manxnet forum web site was a classic example, but we all know what happened!

There is, believe it or not, uk MPs with important positions + roles within goverment governing us who use 2 belong 2 + participated in violent football holigan fight orginizations, (there tatoos of gang membership cant hide the fact!) there not the type of people id like 2 have desision making on our behalf! :angry:


But anyways----


Welcome back nessa!!!!! :)

I will send you an e-mail soon!

Steven :)

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Yay yay - just wonderful news - I am so so pleased to cyberconnect again Steven!!!




I am not surprised at your insights re violence & power Steven but will have to post you links now as sadly my folder on that stuff is huge here :( The public website is virtually changing every few days it seems so its become a bit of a real mess for the department involved plus government etc


Anyways the website link which I mentioned at start of this thread has gone and moved about 4 times now at least plus the original has now given birth to multiple private membership sites or loops etc Number of mirrorsites around still plus they are backing each other up as the Govt cant stop it basically Other stuff involving Google or other national money matters being discussed about just this one agency and their service and complaints & so loads is being explored by different groups now as well etc Also some of the shock stuff &/or anger on streets here has now moved more underground thus some worry more about that unfortunately :(


Just crazy as here IRL Steven.... and yeah this CYFSwatch stuff last month was overtaken last week by much worse scandal involving another public disgrace!!! Many national shocks are still going down here - so this new stuff is much much worse imho frankly :(


If you can email from here as soon as possible that be brilliant - am back on MSN chat finally - but not sure if I can get Yahoo or some of the other programs etc


Take care and talk soon

nessa :):):):)

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