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Ken Bigley Has Been Murdered...

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IF the report is true, then the question arises, which is more important, breathing, or being able to pay the bills.


Who in their right mind would go to Iraq?


If I was destitute and had debts of £100,000 I'd rather do time than have my head hacked off with a penknife.


Those in the forces are in a slightly different boat, but they made the choice.

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Lets just hope the SAS become aware of the abode of the murdering scum.


In and out, no fuss, just job done.


Ok the poor wretched guy was out there making a few bob, in a very risky venue, but to be be-headed..for xxxxs sake.


A grieved family with much dignity, a decent British Muslim community that did as much as they possibly could.


The world has such a long way to go..


Rest in peace Ken, we will never know the horrors you endured, back with your son, who was taken from this world well before time.


Look down on us and weep...

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I was struck by the fact that the murdered hostages have been pictured wearing orange jump suits. This seems very deliberate. I suppose that this is intended to mirror the uniforms of those people who are dubiously held by the US at Guantanamo Bay.


So I'm assuming that the people taking hostages are attempting to draw an equivalence. If you were them then you might try to make that connection. Or if you were part of any vague grouping with ill - defined, angry but vaguely anti western ideas.


I have no truck with either side. I'm certainly not attempting to justify or excuse what these people have done. So please don't jump on me.


I'm simply making an observation. Same as everyone else; I feel horribly sorry for his family and would condemn and hate the people who have done this.


But I continue to believe that the war has not made anything better. This man would still be alive if the US and Britain had not decided that war in Iraq was a good and sensible policy. The war seems to have only created new enemies. Unless Britain and the US actually win this war then the situation can only get worse. And, frankly, the 'legitimate' government of Iraq is starting to seem like the old South Vietnamese govt. Only that the opposition(s) are far more nasty and less well defined.

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I have no problem with what you have said simon, i see what you have seen.


In their own way they try to 'react' in response to their gut feelings.


I really do think the Americans have to take a long look at themselves, i remember when the first gulf war was waged?


Television was interviewing pilots returning from the first attacks.


The Americans....


"God damn we kicked butt!!..."


"Jesus!! it was awesome!!"


The Uk guys..


"I would rather not talk, just would prefer to talk to my family"


Bush has to go...and Blair in time.


We need new faces, people that can take things forward, the above carry too much baggage.

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Hmmm. Points noted. I think that the simple fact is that Britain and the US must now either 'win' or withdraw. Neither of those options looks particularly attractive. I say that as someone who opposed the war - but also as someone who now believes that the only thing worth discussing is the best way forward from here.

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