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Pre-nuptual Agreements


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me & my hubby got married because of the financial implications if he dies! He has been married before & has a son and adopted daughter (who he doesnt want anything to go to when he dies) My husband and I have no trust issues whatsoever, and could have quite happily gone on forever the way we were! This was when we lived in Scotland (till 2005) when we moved to England in 2005 this changes as i didnt have any rights as a common law wife, and if he had died i would be left with nothing as legally his ex wife, and adopted daughter would be entitled to anything that was left over after our daughter and his son got their share!

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Dont know if that link will work-first time in doing anything like that! I agree that there are too many comfortable divorcees out there! When my husband divorced his ex wife- she got the house to do with what she wanted she sold it for 230,000 and hadnt paid a penny into the mortage, he gave her half his savings, again she hadnt put a penny into them, he drew the line when she said she wanted half his pension too.

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I never thought I would get married, I wasnt entirely into the idea when I did but its all ok we havent changed. MR Bees and me are just the same as we were before we got married and our mums got their nice day out - result. Going into a marriage with a prenup is like saying "I'll give it a try but I'm keeping all my stuff if it goes tits up" which isnt the best footing for a marriage. If Mr Bees ever gets bored of me and runs off with his fit secretary I'd be happy to be in the same position as I was before we got together, marriage isnt life changing its only a bit of paper, its the relationship that matters - and making your mum happy, to see my mum as happy as she was the day I got married was priceless.

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Tango, Mrs Tango sounds like a very clever lady.


Of course she is,I couldn't spend the rest of my life with a half-wit ;)


So it's just Mrs tango that has to do that? :o


P.S. On the subject of inheritances, I intend to leave my children some good memories - everything else will be spent!

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'A wise man plans for the divorce, and not for the wedding'. I think a pre-nup should be mandatory - there are too many comfortable divorcees out there and destitute blokes.


It's not always the men that lose out you know, there are some husbands that try to profit more than they should <_<

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'A wise man plans for the divorce, and not for the wedding'. I think a pre-nup should be mandatory - there are too many comfortable divorcees out there and destitute blokes.


It's not always the men that lose out you know, there are some husbands that try to profit more than they should <_<


You're right Minxie - and I have some women pals who have been very badly treated by ex-husbands refusing to pay for the upkeep of their own children (who should be neutered, obviously).


But as a bitter old man who did the honourable thing at the time, it DOES grate that I'm living in a rented flat and will have to work until I die, but my ex-wife (who has never had to pay rent or a mortgage in her life) has made the most of her windfall in the divorce lottery and now owns a dozen houses and flats to rent out to people like me. And has a new husband living for nothing in the house I paid for...


I've decided to look for a divorcee to marry. I had considered a widow would be a good bet, but THERE'S a pair of shoes you'd never fill...

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I dont think there is anything wrong with a pre nup

Look at the number of marriages that end in divorce, im quite sure these peeps never thought it would end that way but when they did the stress of how things are divided starts.

I earn almost double the money my other half earns. I do not see why he should be entitled to my money if things did not work out

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ALIMONY BLUES by Tom McGuinness


My lawyer told me things are looking lean


You get 20 – you give her 19


My lawyer told me things are loking lean


You get 20 – you give her 19



Well the judge he says you got to pay


Keep on paying till that Judgement Day


Well that judge he says – son you got to pay – and pay


Keep on paying until that Judgement Day



She put the money into matrimony


She put the lock onto wedlock too


When love goes wrong it sure ain’t funny


Got the alimony blues, alimony blues

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You're right Minxie - and I have some women pals who have been very badly treated by ex-husbands refusing to pay for the upkeep of their own children (who should be neutered, obviously).



Neutering the children's taking it a bit far, surely!!!

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You're right Minxie - and I have some women pals who have been very badly treated by ex-husbands refusing to pay for the upkeep of their own children (who should be neutered, obviously).



Neutering the children's taking it a bit far, surely!!!


he must be mistaking children for animals

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I dont think there is anything wrong with a pre nup

Look at the number of marriages that end in divorce, im quite sure these peeps never thought it would end that way but when they did the stress of how things are divided starts.

I earn almost double the money my other half earns. I do not see why he should be entitled to my money if things did not work out


Sorry, but you're the legal equivalent of most blokes then - but HE could shag away and cause the divorce, yet you'd have to give him half of everything. Not fair is it? Fault doesn't come into the settlement...


Doncha just love sexual equality when it bites people in the ass?

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My ex didn't so too badly out of our divorce, he had a sizeable chunk of the proceeds from the sale of the marital home, which was in my name, mortgaged, and paid for, on my earnings and for which I contributed the deposit and the costs of building a substantial extension. He also has to pay annual maintenance of £5, I think (never asked for and never paid). The lawyer said that I hadn't got myself the best deal, but I thought I had got the finest deal ever and that was out of the marriage with the wherewithal to set me and the kids up nicely over here!


A couple of days' ago I came across a saying that I had not heard before 'Keep a thing for seven years and you will find a use for it'. Well, I kept him for eleven and still couldn't understand what he was there for!


/Not bitter at all, just so relieved to be out of that one!/

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