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Pre-nuptual Agreements


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It's all very sad.


I think what couples should be sorting out before marriage is whether or not they actually plan to commit the rest of their lives to their partner. More importantly, the individual needs to ask if their potential 'life partner' is as commited as them. Any doubt whatsoever and I'd warrant it will end in the big D.


You can never promise your partner that things won't go tits up,but you can promise that you will do everything in your power to avoid it.


THAT is what marriage is about. Where's the harm?

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Cor, what a topic to just prove how many marriages do go wrong, and the opportunity to feel really pissed off. I'd be a lot, lot richer if my bitch of an ex wasn't so much of a bitch. Basically, I'm just glad I will never see her again. Thats worth a lot of money in itself, BUT, when a topic like this is raised, I still resent being forced to set her up for life. Bitch, I hope she rots in hell!!!!! but seriously, I'm happy now and we are only here once, (I think) so best to look forward, not back.

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Tango, you are right it is very sad. There are probably very few people who go into a marriage thinking that it won't work, but sometimes it doesn't. But when you are faced with the real prospect of a divorce, particularly if you have children, you just have to do the best that you can.


But Grant, that doesn't mean taking anyone to the cleaners, but making sure that you are able to bring up the children from the marriage with as little financial disadvantage as possible.


There are many other disadvantages that money cannot put right; I cannot ferry two children around and cook the evening meal at the same time, I can't go to day time school events without some careful planning, I can't participate in the school bake and I can't meet the lad from school each afternoon. If they are sick, that is a whole new dilemma, because if I spend too much time with them the my job is in jeopardy.


They do not have a stand-in for Mum.


I'm not wingeing at all as I love my life now, but what I have tried to do is the best I can but often the bits that are the most difficult are the bits that any amount of money won't fix.

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Gladys, In my case, thankfully, there were no kids, I'm probably paying for any she's had since though. I couldn't agree more with what you're saying, I would never not support mine, actually I support the 2 I inherited with my 2nd (and present) wife and am happy to do so. Their biological father doesn't bother, it is beyond me, beggers belief.


Hay, the thing needed on this forum is a childminding thread, to help out all the members, just a thought.

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