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[BBC News] Business support for smoking ban


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Propaganda Newsbot. "The government said it will offer support to businesses to help them comply with the new law", this does not suggest there is any support from business. Besides, what is the point of a consultation? - a consultation means a two-way process which isn't happening.


BBC journalistic standards WRT the island are absolute crap - we are not all ****wits BBC! Come the revolution, journo's will be some of the first up against the wall.

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A crapulent article indeed. Also, what a crappy title for the regulations: 'Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises Regulations 2007', although I suppose it serves the functional purpose of describing what the regulations do. I hope they are replaced by the 'Prohibition of Smoking on All Land and in All Premises Open to the Public Regulations 2007' later in the year.


I fear that a complete smoking ban is still some way off in the Czech Republic, but the sooner it comes the better - what a filthy, stinking habit! In the meantime, I will continue to hide my housemate's ciggies at every opportunity in the hope that she'll eventually give up :)

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what a filthy, stinking habit!

Do you mean smoking - or taking away people's right to freely associate with people of their choice in certain premises?


23. Vehicles which one or more persons use for work ?? This is particularly nasty - doesn't this apply to those people who work for themselves even if they are the only person to use their own van etc.?


I'm glad I'm going abroad to work. I've had enough of this nanny facism. The country's full of ****wits who think they'll live forever and can even change the weather.





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what a filthy, stinking habit!

Do you mean smoking - or taking away people's right to freely associate with people of their choice in certain premises?


23. Vehicles which one or more persons use for work ?? This is particularly nasty - doesn't this apply to those people who work for themselves even if they are the only person to use their own van etc.?


I'm glad I'm going abroad to work. I've had enough of this nanny facism. The country's full of ****wits who think they'll live forever and can even change the weather.



This is one of the most sensible new measures I've seen in a long time. Finally, people who want to go out and have a good time without being poisoned by and stinking of other people's smoke can do so. Your civil liberties point is facile - was reminded of this from The Onion:



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23. Vehicles which one or more persons use for work ?? This is particularly nasty - doesn't this apply to those people who work for themselves even if they are the only person to use their own van etc.?


I'm glad I'm going abroad to work. I've had enough of this nanny facism. The country's full of ****wits who think they'll live forever and can even change the weather.


I posted this before but 1st case under the new Scottish regs in Shetland was a driver caught smoking in his cab - £50 fine - but no deluge of letters against it - the ban seemed to be well supported there (even enclosed bus shelters had a no-smoking + a phone number to ring in case of non-compliance) - however it was great going into pubs for lunch unlike England where one or two smokers can ruin the taste of food.

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however it was great going into pubs for lunch unlike England where one or two smokers can ruin the taste of food.

Exactly - no longer pubs, merely second-rate restaurants!

Another victory for the Nanny State and the health fascists!

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actually apart from possibly Lerwick all 'pubs' in Shetland provide food - many making a big thing of it (why not if you can sit in the lounge and see where the sea food came from). How many pubs on the Island can survive on drinkers even at the inflated cost of beer ? (maybe a few in Douglas but even most of these seem to be on the verge of closing) - all the rest seem to make some effort to serve reasonable food + alchohol.

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Your civil liberties point is facile...

How dare you. These are my civil rights and they are being taken from myself and other people who wish to carry out a perfectly legal habit away from moaning minnies like yourself. We are not even allowed to do so in a private club.


By not seeing this point I think you have actually already lost something important already. People fought and died for civil liberites - not for fuckwits like you to let them go at a whim.

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