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[BBC News] Business support for smoking ban


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From today's Independent, a few notes on how other countries apply the ban:


Ireland led the way in banning smoking in all enclosed public places, including bars and restaurants, in 2004. Though some pubs and restaurants complained about a loss of business, the ban has been considered a success.


Italy has banned smoking in most bars, work places and restaurants but allows sealed-off smoking rooms with separate ventilation systems, including bars and restaurants. Businesses face a fine of up to €2,000 if they fail to ensure their customers do not smoke, while smokers could be forced to pay €275 for ignoring the rules. Many bar owners say fitting the automatic doors and forced ventilation systems required by law is too expensive.


In Sweden, from 1 June 2005, all restaurants, bars, nightclubs, discos, casinos, bingo halls and cafes have been smoke-free. However, this law does allow for the possibility to build a closed and separately ventilated smoking room where no food or drink is served. So low is the demand for smoking areas that less than 2 per cent of all facilities have a smoking room. These are mainly nightclubs, casinos or bingo halls.


In Spain the law prohibits smoking in bars and restaurants larger than 100sq m, although these premises may set up small smoking rooms sealed off from main areas. Restaurants and bars under 100sq m have to provide clear signs indicating whether they are smoking or smoke-free. However, those that allow smoking have become more smoke-filled than ever. Moreover, enforcement of the legislation is patchy, particularly in Madrid.

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I watched a programme on TV the other day about a woman who had lung cancer and another woman who smoked 60 fags aday. She watched them operating on her and took a tumor out that was the size of an orange. The colour of the lungs were also effected, lots of black bits all over it. It frightened me and I dont smoke. The Doctor said there are ingredients in fags that cause cancer. If people want to smoke thats up to them, but in a public place have some consideration for others who dont. The most annoying thing is walking behind someone who is smoking and you get a lung full of their second hand smoke. It is a filthy habit, your clothes smell, your breath smells, you obviously have money to burn. Stop smoking now and become more healthy.

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John Shimmin, Minister for Home Affairs was on Manx Radio News today asking for views. It seemed like he was looking for views that could prevent an outright ban.


John himself is a wee bit of a smoker and as a nicotine addict it seems clear where his views lie. I am sure that himself and Brenda Cannell, the doyen of matters pro-smoking in the House, will surely share some common ground as the Island gets ready to bring the ban in next March.

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Many smokers who are more often the regulars in pubs drinking two pints an hour and maybe eating out, are going to be replaced by less people drinking half a coke for an hour and maybe eating out - with on-licence trade dropping and off-licence trade rising as many people stay at home drinking and smoking and giving their kids asthma instead of supporting someone's business and smoking away from their children in designated pubs.


so these people decide to go to the pub and make other adults asthma worse or make their chests wheeze !





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Many smokers who are more often the regulars in pubs drinking two pints an hour and maybe eating out, are going to be replaced by less people drinking half a coke for an hour and maybe eating out - with on-licence trade dropping and off-licence trade rising as many people stay at home drinking and smoking and giving their kids asthma instead of supporting someone's business and smoking away from their children in designated pubs.


so these people decide to go to the pub and make other adults asthma worse or make their chests wheeze !





Why don't you read posts and their context before firing off? We are talking about having a few pubs left where smokers can go - and non-smokers and asthmatics etc. aren't forced to go. Everyone catered for and happy - civil liberties dealt with!


If I had to repeat the WHOLE argument in every post every time just for people like you, this thread would be about 300 pages long.


I bet whoever you work for doesn't give you more than half an hour for ****ing lunch each day - to save a fortune on retraining costs.


..and it's not 'Knob' - it's 'nob' you nob!

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How civilised you are - now you're JUST the sort of chap I'd make efforts not to smoke near - thoughtful and tolerant.


Unlike a previous poster (Shady Bugger) who obviously seeks out smokers in the street and walks behind them, coughing theatrically.

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So to conclude, are most people of the opinion that smoking in most pubs should be stopped, but with provision for smokers either in designated "smoke pubs" or in smoking areas outside pubs?


As a non-smoker, that seems like a decent compromise to me.


The point has already been made in this thread but I am sure its reiteration won't be wasted.


There was in days of yore plenty of provision for the smoker, and amazingly, this was in the days before smoking was bad for you. That provision was the good ol' Smoke Room.


If you want to smoke, fuck off in the Smoke Room, type of thing. 'Tis true that the smoker spoiled it all by encroaching their need and smoking everywhere 'as of [selfish] right'. A bit like the bastard in the Woodbourne this evening who was intent at smoking at the bar be'gad and blowing his lungfuls of disgusting exhale everywhere.


Incidentarily, the Woodbourne has been nornmally known as a smokers haunt, but of recent weeks, even they are now seeing the gross errors of being a smokey dingy ol' hole.


Bring on the smoking ban.

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Does the Woodie still have the men only bar?


At one time it was a very select pub, Joyce Cottier would have no nonsense (unless it was her own) and it wasn't a bad restaurant many, many years ago. Also favoured by one Geoff Duke as I recall.

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There does seem to be bit of confusion. The IOMis not going to allow opt in otr opt out. There is a list of buildings and premises where smoking is not allowed and one of premises where it will be allowed.


Link http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/dlge/enviro/smo...ition240107.pdf


The second list does not include a designated smoking room in a pub or restaurant

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