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[BBC News] Camera suffers second fire attack


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The sooner this/these moron/morons is/are caught, the better. And I suspect an example will be made.


If the plod had any fucking sense after the first incident they would have put a hidden cheapo camera in the tree or one of the houses opposite to catch people out.


Oh well.

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I would be interested to know what the camera has actually recorded during the period it has been operational, its all very well Transport Minister David Anderson saying he was disappointed by the attack and that the camera would not be moved so I assume it will be repaired again, but let's have some evidence that replacing it for a second time is worth spending more taxpayers money, after all these things are not cheap, just what worthwhile footage has been obtained?

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I would be interested to know what the camera has actually recorded during the period it has been operational, its all very well Transport Minister David Anderson saying he was disappointed by the attack and that the camera would not be moved so I assume it will be repaired again, but let's have some evidence that replacing it for a second time is worth spending more taxpayers money, after all these things are not cheap, just what worthwhile footage has been obtained?


Presumably there is a deterrence issue too?

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let's have some evidence that replacing it for a second time is worth spending more taxpayers money


I don't believe that the IOM should let itself be dictated to by the sort of people who would set fire to things they don't like. Therefore I think that the thing should be replaced.


Govt and business should offer something substantial for information (like - say your mortgage paid off - something that will really make someone talk). Then gaol the culprits as terrorists. Gaoling the culprits as terrorists - with all that this means today - would put a stop to this kind of rubbish for ever.


Who really wants to live in the sort of society where a few good old boys set the agenda by going out at night and setting fire to things they don't like?

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