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Braddan Bridge


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It is perfectly possible to move trees - if it is done professionally and at the right time of year (e.g. Autumn). I think this would be the most sensible option in this case, becuase it is a busy road.


Otherwise it will only be a matter of time before someone drives into the tree and kills it off, or the tree 'kills' someone because it obscures someone's view.


Whoever came up with the idea of making this tree into a roundabout is barking. Why is it we seem to employ so many ****wits at the DoT?

The tree is already something of a roundabout as traffic does move around it. At least it will stop (either by discouraging or physically stopping) the idiots who use a roundabout as a right hand turn. If people used roundabouts as a roundabout rather than try to cut across it, traffic would flow more easily. That is why these painted roundabouts do very little to help; people just cut across.

I know what you mean - but only about 10% of the current traffic moves 'around it' (i.e. the Douglas to Peel, Peel to Douglas traffic does not). I'd still put a few quid on it getting damaged within a couple of years when ALL of the traffic has to go around it.

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yup, yellow cross-hatching or a 'keep clear' sign is a sure bet for the local "I am a tw*t...look at me!!!" brigade to come'a'flocking


Although I do love to see the expression of pure fear in their faces when they foolishly do it to me ;)


Ironically though, if they did actually put a no stop zone on the douglas bound side of braddan bridge (from just before the Oak to just after) then traffic trying to turn right would have a slightly better chance of getting out.


I used that route outbound from town (turning right towards the hospital) at 08:30-08:45 every day for a fair few years, the amount of ppl who will happily block everything to make sure they don't lose their place in the queue is amazing.

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every tree reaches the end of its life - how old is the one there? pobably about time for a liiitle "shrub" instead - ask yourselves has the existing tree been protected? no, then you can work out why not.


Are you stating that the Jubilee Oak isn't protected, or what? And trees can live for a very, very long time you know - still beautiful long after you're dead, gone and forgotten.

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The tree is already something of a roundabout as traffic does move around it. At least it will stop (either by discouraging or physically stopping) the idiots who use a roundabout as a right hand turn. If people used roundabouts as a roundabout rather than try to cut across it, traffic would flow more easily. That is why these painted roundabouts do very little to help; people just cut across.


Indeed. The amount of idiots who try to cut across the back of another car once I've begun to make my manouevre is unreal. Then they look at you as if you're in the wrong? Those painted roundabouts are ridiculous and they need changing in my opinion.

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I agree a roundabout was needed, now they just need to teach everyone over 50 howto use them.


The punishment for such ageism should be a public hanging from the Jubilee Oak. Anyway, the real danger will be show-off young males wrapping their cars round it and damaging it's bark.

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Well, how's this for our Nanny State (not that I am a supporter)?


The police should have a new road safety campaign and that should entail a bobby being on duty at each of these silly roundabouts (and all the others really) to stop people making a complete hash of them. Cover them in rotation and perhaps get some improved standards. Flag down people who have used them incorrectly and explain how they should have used them and why. Perhaps they could start with that abomination that is outside Lord Street police station.


For Gawd's sake, these roundabouts were put in for a purpose, but if no one bothers using them correctly they have been a complete waste of money.


Nanny State? No, I prefer the term 'education'.

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No, it isn't Mojo.


Something is needed there though as turning right from the hosptial is tricky with the volume of traffic from Douglas.


Easy peasy, put up some Traffic lights!!


I'm sure they're far cheaper to setup than roundabouts, and at least the majority of the road users over here seem to understand how traffic lights work - well a far higher proportion than drivers who understand how roundabouts work!


Imagine the carnage on the promenade at Broadway if we removed the traffic lights there & replaced them with a roundabout?



One might think that about Broadway, but strangely enough when the light fail and motorists have to use their own judgement about negotiating it, traffic seems to flow far more smoothly.

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Well, how's this for our Nanny State (not that I am a supporter)?


The police should have a new road safety campaign and that should entail a bobby being on duty at each of these silly roundabouts (and all the others really) to stop people making a complete hash of them. Cover them in rotation and perhaps get some improved standards. Flag down people who have used them incorrectly and explain how they should have used them and why. Perhaps they could start with that abomination that is outside Lord Street police station.


For Gawd's sake, these roundabouts were put in for a purpose, but if no one bothers using them correctly they have been a complete waste of money.


Nanny State? No, I prefer the term 'education'.

Your faith in the standard of driving employed by the local police force is touching.

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every tree reaches the end of its life - how old is the one there? pobably about time for a liiitle "shrub" instead - ask yourselves has the existing tree been protected? no, then you can work out why not.


Are you stating that the Jubilee Oak isn't protected, or what? And trees can live for a very, very long time you know - still beautiful long after you're dead, gone and forgotten.


How long after this little project is completed well over budget will there be an accident and the crys of " i didn't see them because they where behind the tree" ring out for all to hear , To which the DOT hit the panic button and light the floodlight in the sky with the tree cutters sign in to call Mister Bell and his wood butcher men to the scene for them to come and remove the tree for a :blink: fair :blink: price,

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It is perfectly possible to move trees - if it is done professionally and at the right time of year (e.g. Autumn). I think this would be the most sensible option in this case, becuase it is a busy road.


Otherwise it will only be a matter of time before someone drives into the tree and kills it off, or the tree 'kills' someone because it obscures someone's view.


Whoever came up with the idea of making this tree into a roundabout is barking. Why is it we seem to employ so many ****wits at the DoT?


well from what I,ve been told the plan is that its going to go even though its healthy enough now.

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It is perfectly possible to move trees - if it is done professionally and at the right time of year (e.g. Autumn). I think this would be the most sensible option in this case, becuase it is a busy road.


Otherwise it will only be a matter of time before someone drives into the tree and kills it off, or the tree 'kills' someone because it obscures someone's view.


Whoever came up with the idea of making this tree into a roundabout is barking. Why is it we seem to employ so many ****wits at the DoT?


well from what I,ve been told the plan is that its going to go even though its healthy enough now.


I phoned the DOT when I saw the picture in the Indy as it looks like a recipe for disaster, the guy I spoke to said that the picture was only an artists impression and was not the way the finished article will actually look. He said that they had done extensive testing and design and that there would not be a problem with the largest vehicles navigating the roundabout.


I asked why they didn't just remove the Oak tree and he told me that it had a preservation order on it and it had to stay.


As far as moving trees, yes it is possible but not usually with an Oak, this is due to the root system which in this case has a tap root which can extend as much as 60 foot deep and the fibrous roots more than twice the diameter of the branches, to attempt to move it would kill it and so achieve nothing apart from having to dig up the entire road.

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