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[BBC News] Drug abuse highlighted in schools


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I have to agree Slinky, of all the professionals I have talked to over the years regarding drugs, not one was well informed, not at all. I have educated my daughter in the way I chose to live...all things in moderation and having more of anything the following day is a recipie for disaster, drugs are there, thay have been there for years and all the 'waste of time, money and effort' wars on drugs do not work. I have never had any drug related problems, except for the issues I had when the doctor gave me codine once - I was sick everywhere for days and didnt know why...nuff said - codine is legal/medical smak innit.

A friend mentioned something I found interesting the other day...Pot is illegal, (well who really knows the laws change weekly its difficult to keep up with the legal staus of these things) but it is proven to help MS sufferers, so rather than let them grow the weed they are getting our dear capatilist mates at GlaxoSmithklineBeechamweloveyouUSofA to synthesise it, that dosent make any sense at all. The same for other pain killing drugs, why use something that grows naturally when you can make that illegal and make millions for SKB by using synthesised products.


Haa haa my daughter will give them a run for thier money if the try to educate her, she knows more than they will, for sure.

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I like the bit that says "Our young people are very precious to us" and then on the other hand they put up these "Mosquito" Devices in nobles park that create enough pain to stop them hanging around causing trouble! :ph34r::lol:

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