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What's Happened To The Seacat

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Do you honestly think it could be any worse ? Are you saying you could do better ? Did you stand for election as i dont remember seeing your name on any election manifestow, and no i didn`t stand for election either, but i will the next time, i suggest you either put up or shut up !

Yes, it could be a lot worse, and has been. It ain't so bad here now, you know. I'm sure quite a few of us remember when there was real unemployment, no prospect of any change and the tourist industry falling away like sand through your hand, with a new financial services sector being heavily hit with the odd scandal. The IOM has done a lot since those days to pull itself out of the mire and put itself squarely as a robust economy.


For as long as I can remember the Steammie has been the devil incarnate as far as the island is concerned, even when it was majority government owned.


Running round like Chicken Little screaming 'the sky's falling, the sky's falling' isn't very productive, nor does it demonstrate a particularly mature attitude. We have to wait, wait until fault is established and wait until the Steammie decides how to respond. Then we can run around like headless chickens calling for the resignation of everyone, including the lollypop man in Finch Road!

You miss my point, it is not who hit who, it is the general way the island seems to be going, it seems to be going the wrong way, we have no direction, the last comment seems to sugguest we have confidence in the newly elected cheif minister, if that is the case then who put him there ? i dont know him or have political views so i cant comment on him,

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I do think the Isle of Man government should have control of the Isle of Man Steam Packet, which represents an often underestimated influence on the islands economy. Most trade and tourism depends on it.


The island has numerous experts in shipping and the maintenance of ships, as well as the hiring, firing and welfare of marine staff - so it does not have to be entirely a 'government run operation'. The contract(s) for running the services could easily be tendered to many of the companies now located here, with the government using the profits to invest in better quality vessels (balancing the volumes and cost of travel), even perhaps with additional Manx tax advantages for those companies involved in the running.


Based on spare capacity the DTL could also offer massive discounts to travel groups, pensioners and conference attendees etc. and to other tourists at off-peak times, which could mean normally empty places being filled with tourists and business people spending money here.


If we are so good at running shipping companies and advertising for them to relocate here, IMO we should start to put our money where our mouths are.

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Has Mec Vannin returned?


The spelling and socialist invective coupled with personal insults?


Oh what fun.

You have not been on the island very, when did you arrive yesterday ? Has Mec Vannin Returned ? do you not have access to the local papers ? Have you been asleep ? wakey wakey



He's referring to a former poster who used the name Mec Vannin, not the political party.

I think Peter Karran has the Mec Vannin Party Now, Who has the Fo Haloo party now ? or is that de funct, spelling may be wrong, ( for a manxman )

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Is this return of the fuckwit trolls? What is it with this forum lately - more nobbers by the day!


Relax Mission! It's just the traditional Sunday evening wacko visitation. It'll all be over in the morning.


(More generally, though you seem rather exasperated at the moment, maybe you could take a forum holiday for a week or two?)

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I do think the Isle of Man government should have control of the Isle of Man Steam Packet, which represents an often underestimated influence on the islands economy. Most trade and tourism depends on it.


The island has numerous experts in shipping and the maintenance of ships, as well as the hiring, firing and welfare of marine staff - so it does not have to be entirely a 'government run operation'. The contract(s) for running the services could easily be tendered to many of the companies now located here, with the government using the profits to invest in better quality vessels (balancing the volumes and cost of travel), even perhaps with additional Manx tax advantages for those companies involved in the running.


Based on spare capacity the DTL could also offer massive discounts to travel groups, pensioners and conference attendees etc. and to other tourists at off-peak times, which could mean normally empty places being filled with tourists and business people spending money here.


If we are so good at running shipping companies and advertising for them to relocate here, IMO we should start to put our money where our mouths are.

A very good point, it only costs £ 35.00 from liverpool boat without gauranteed wetaher for a holliday, if they reduced the fares there would be at least some trade,

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Is this return of the fuckwit trolls? What is it with this forum lately - more nobbers by the day!


Relax Mission! It's just the traditional Sunday evening wacko visitation. It'll all be over in the morning.


(More generally, though you seem rather exasperated at the moment, maybe you could take a forum holiday for a week or two?)

Is that a request from a government minister, or a suggestion ?

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Is this return of the fuckwit trolls? What is it with this forum lately - more nobbers by the day!


Relax Mission! It's just the traditional Sunday evening wacko visitation. It'll all be over in the morning.


(More generally, though you seem rather exasperated at the moment, maybe you could take a forum holiday for a week or two?)


- Could even take a boat in the morning (if we had one!!!!) :)


Don't worry Mish, normal services will be resumed shortly :)

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Eddie119, calm down.


Is the Island going in the wrong direction? Has this any relevence to a topic discussing a maritime collision? Don't really think so.


Posters who seem knowledgeable have commented upon the professionalism of the crews on the boats, the fact no one was seriously hurt and the emergency drills worked seems to show the training worked. There is an ongoing enquiry in to what happened. Whatever the experience of the officers and crew it does look serious that a smaller craft should hit a bigger one not under power. Were the tugs unable to holder the frieghter? - was the seacat in the wrong place? - I don't have a clue, but I'd expect the enquiry to answer these types of questions.


Shit happens/SNAFU, or managerial incompetence? Who knows. But your rants about decline, lack of direction, misguided nationalism really disregard the work of thousands of people who are dedicating their lives to improving this Island. Some work for government, some for industry, some for themselves. They all want to leave a lasting legacy of a better Island.


Looking at this place over the last 30 years [that's the limit of my direct experience - how much do you have Eddie119?] - its better, loads better than it used to be. Low employment, a stronger more diversified economy and better facilities and services whether government supplied or privately.


Most of our problems come from the growing pains of having a bigger population and economy than we've ever had before. We need new hospitals, power infrastructure, schools. With zero net employment (seekers - vacancies) we've needed to import people - that provides challenges to the local population.


Can we adapt? Course we can. Will there be problems on the way? You bet, but I've a faith in this Island pulling through.


It sounds like you just want to rant and personally attack people. Yippee its an anonimous internet forum - keep on posting. But just think about the type of person you are projecting to the outside world.


I have little faith in bureaucrats - if the steam packet, or the government is been run by them its serious. An awful lot of evidence suggests governments stagnate alot more quickly than companies - I would rather if the current mob got their minds around the current problems rather than taking over a perfectly successful private business for no good reason. Is it possible to engage in an adult conversation about these things?

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If you want to rant about the state of the island, start a new thread.


Quite what the collision in the Mersey has to do with that is beyond me.

This is relevant, because IF it turns out (whoever was to blame for the accident) influenced the accident through poor training, lack of procedures etc. etc. the 'who, why and how things are run' all become important factors.


Enquiries and investigations tend to open up a rats' nest of issues.


For example, remember that this is the second incident (the Heysham sandbank incident?) in recent months. I for one want to know that everything is safe, and that the control of people's lives is in the right hands. Other people do too, which is why there is an enquiry running looking at both parties.

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