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What's Happened To The Seacat

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...what does it basically say?

Fly? ;)


Basically it says:


Steam Packet:


"Review its Safety Management System with particular respect to:

• using ground stabilised radar display in the confined waters of a river transit;" i.e. Watch where you're going - use your radar effectively when it's foggy

"• improving external communications in the event of an emergency in terms of urgency and detail." i.e. If there's an emergency it's best to get your thumb out of your arse and get on the blower quickly

"Ensure that the passenger safety instruction card illustrates the lifejacket to be found under the seat for which the card is provided." i.e. Don't provide instructions for the wrong life jacket - it tends to annoy people when the sh1t hits the fan and they're thinking the ship's sinking.


"J.G.Goumas (Shipping) Co. S.A. is recommended to:


Ensure its masters are given clear guidelines which detail the importance of effective dialogue with pilots and identify the need for the ship’s bridge team to:

• be proactive in providing support to pilots;

• challenge decisions or actions taken by pilots at an early stage so that, when required, effective corrective action can be taken to prevent accidents.


Mersey Docks and Harbour Company is recommended to:

2007/188 Complete its review of compliance with the requirements of the PMSC with particular reference to:

• VTS operations, ensuring that an effective fog routine is established and that the VTS station is sufficiently manned to absorb the additional workload that operation in restricted visibility demands, and that VTSOs are proactive in ascertaining further information in the event of incident;

• Pilotage best practice, highlighting the need for pilots to proactively communicate with approaching vessels and VTS at an early stage to avoid unnecessary development of a close quarters situation; to be proactive in requiring support from the ship’s bridge team; and to sound appropriate fog signals in restricted visibility.

2007/189 Following satisfactory completion of its review into PMSC compliance, invite the MCA to conduct a PMSC verification visit to the Port of Liverpool.

2007/190 Review the Mersey Channel Collision Rules with respect to sound signals required by vessels manoeuvring in close proximity during periods of restricted visibility."




...overall it really says, when you are on a ship - listen to the safety announcements - because ships are driven and controlled by humans, who just like you or I, cock things up occasionally.


Thanks for that Albert.


So does no one actually get their arse kicked over this?


Us normal people get hit with big fines and increased insurance premiums if we're naughty enough to drift a few MPH over the speed limit. Having two big ships crash into each other is of some order of magnitude more significant.


I see nothing about anyone getting their arse kicked in your synopsis.

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Thanks for that Albert.


So does no one actually get their arse kicked over this?


Us normal people get hit with big fines and increased insurance premiums if we're naughty enough to drift a few MPH over the speed limit. Having two big ships crash into each other is of some order of magnitude more significant.


I see nothing about anyone getting their arse kicked in your synopsis.

According to the report, the Steam Packet have dealt with most (if not all) of the issues identified in the report. People have been sent on courses etc. and I wouldn't underestimate the SP's efforts to fulfill most of the recommendations in the report (that in all fairness have been done very quickly by the SP as they are mentioned to have been done in the report itself).


Once an MAIB report has been issued, I imagine lots of other things start to happen - like insurance companies talking together etc. Personally, I hope this doesn't get messy and people settle any differences and costs there might be amicably, given no one was badly hurt. But there again, lots of people might not see it the way I do. As has been mentioned - it is very clear from the report there was blame all round - I feel perfectly safe to sail with them and in fact had already booked a trip with them again this weekend as I have done on many occasions since this accident.

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That was actually a very interesting read. Pretty much everyone involved had to shoulder some responsibility for what happened...although quite easy to say with hindsight. Interesting to note that the only people involved in the whole thing who weren't criticised in some way were the tug masters and the emergency services.

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So each player contributed to this accident?


Worrying that the Steamie did not have the appropriate RADAR equipment to alert the ship to the presence of the other and that lifejackets did not have the correct instructions with them.


Has the full report been published yet?

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Once an MAIB report has been issued, I imagine lots of other things start to happen - like insurance companies talking together etc. Personally, I hope this doesn't get messy and people settle any differences and costs there might be amicably, given no one was badly hurt. But there again, lots of people might not see it the way I do. As has been mentioned - it is very clear from the report there was blame all round - I feel perfectly safe to sail with them and in fact had already booked a trip with them again this weekend as I have done on many occasions since this accident.



Oh don't get me wrong it's not dissuaded me in any way from sailing. Flying is a bloody joke at the best of times these days with the ridiculous security and being asked to check in several months before your flight is due to depart and armies of Easyjet scumballs milling around the UK airports.


Add in the fucking shambles that's passed off as the IOM's air service at the moment, and there's no way I'd do anything other than sail. I find sailing on the Ben to be a fairly pleasant experience, and whilst Heysham is a bit of a poxy little port, I think it works in its favour 'cause getting on and off the boat is very quick.


Flying, yuck, bloody hate it. (I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who's relies on the IOM's air carriers for important stuff, like business and suchlike.)

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The Liverpool Echo report Click here seems a bit swayed. It states the Sea Express collided with the other vessel (when it could have stated the two vessels collided) and they let us know quite soon that the Sea Express was in command of a trainee captain.

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The Liverpool Echo report Click here seems a bit swayed. It states the Sea Express collided with the other vessel (when it could have stated the two vessels collided) and they let us know quite soon that the Sea Express was in command of a trainee captain.

Yes, the MAIB report is clear in this i.e. both ships collided. Also, 'trainee captain' implies someone who doesn't know what they are doing, when it is actually a fully qualified member of the bridge crew. Opinion formers should be more responsible in their representation of the 'facts' IMO.

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and the Rainbow had a trainee pilot !


Sea Express is currently moored in Birkenhead Docks to the west of Duke Street Bridge. While the hole in her hull has been repaired it seems that the damage to the bridge has not, there is a blue plastic covering on the bridge wing. One can still see the line left by the water while she was partly submerged. Her main hull looks sound but in a dirty condition.. I would hope that she will be repainted before returning to service. Hopefully i wil be able to get a photo of her this week.


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