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What's Happened To The Seacat

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The SP website claims that the Cat was in collision with a tug - not the tanker - "reported a collision with a Liverpool tug in close proximity to the Landing Stage." - probably an honest mistake but I would have expected the owners to have some inside info.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency say that it was the tanker. If it had been the Tug towing the Tanker then there is no reason why the Tanker would have to be inspected.....




At midday Liverpool Coastguard were informed that a collision had occurred between a passenger ferry and a general cargo vessel near the entrance to Alfred Dock in the River Mersey. No injuries occurred during this incident.


The vessels involved were the high speed ferry Sea Express 1, which runs from Liverpool to Isle of Man and the general cargo vessel Alaska Rainbow.


The Alaska Rainbow (157m length), has anchored on Liverpool Bar and will be inspected by a surveyor from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Sea Express 1 came alongside the Liverpool pier head and has disembarked all passengers.


The MCAs emergency response team including counter pollution and salvage experts are standing by to assist if required.


MAIB, (Marine Accident Investigation Branch) will investigate the collision.


According to one fo the witnesses on Manx Radio, the Tug was towing the Tanker. It was the actual Tanker that hit the SeaCat and not the Tug.

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What about the dogs who always have to travel inside vehicles? They´re not allowed on board on the Seacat. With the vehicles still on the car deck - have the dogs been rescued?

I hope they got out. However, dogs etc. come last in situations like this, and any idiot who starts diving in the car deck of a sinking ferry, where vehicles can often be moving from side to side etc. just to rescue a family pet deserves all he gets IMO. Too many stupid people drown or die in fires trying to rescue pets.



as i said on the smoking thread..........you are a murderer.


now you advocate murdering animals........



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What annoys me is all the reports I've been hearing from local radio stations about people now complaining about the steam packet staff. One report had a woman complaining that 'she was talking to her son (who was on the vessel) on her mobile and the staff told her son he had to end the call because they were undergoing emergency procedures'. Shock!!! How dare they undergo emergency procedures??! This woman is going to make an 'official complaint'. Another one.... a guy who was on the vessel was later complaining to the press that he was unable to hug his distressed son because they were both having to wear lifejackets! Aye.... how ridiculous! Wearing a lifejacket (as part of company procedures)!!


Sometimes I think we get so used to everything running so smoothly... that when a potential disaster occurs, there is uproar at the slightest thing! I can just imagine the situation when if the ship were sinking (and the passengers had to evacuate), someone later complaining "i needed the loo.... and they told me i had to get into the lifeboat!!".

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What annoys me is all the reports I've been hearing from local radio stations about people now complaining about the steam packet staff. One report had a woman complaining that 'she was talking to her son (who was on the vessel) on her mobile and the staff told her son he had to end the call because they were undergoing emergency procedures'. Shock!!! How dare they undergo emergency procedures??! This woman is going to make an 'official complaint'. Another one.... a guy who was on the vessel was later complaining to the press that he was unable to hug his distressed son because they were both having to wear lifejackets! Aye.... how ridiculous! Wearing a lifejacket (as part of company procedures)!!


Sometimes I think we get so used to everything running so smoothly... that when a potential disaster occurs, there is uproar at the slightest thing! I can just imagine the situation when if the ship were sinking (and the passengers had to evacuate), someone later complaining "i needed the loo.... and they told me i had to get into the lifeboat!!".

This was an EMERGENCY of the first degree and one that certainly I cannot recall the SP staff ever having to deal with.


They do train for scenarios like this but when this type of event does happen many of the staff and passengers I am sure would be pumping pure adrenalin.


Let's just say that that all these people on board (staff and passengers) are very lucky to be able to tell the tale!


Anyone that complains that they were not treated too good should count their lucky stars that they are still on this planet!


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What annoys me is all the reports I've been hearing from local radio stations about people now complaining about the steam packet staff. One report had a woman complaining that 'she was talking to her son (who was on the vessel) on her mobile and the staff told her son he had to end the call because they were undergoing emergency procedures'. Shock!!! How dare they undergo emergency procedures??! This woman is going to make an 'official complaint'. Another one.... a guy who was on the vessel was later complaining to the press that he was unable to hug his distressed son because they were both having to wear lifejackets! Aye.... how ridiculous! Wearing a lifejacket (as part of company procedures)!!


Sometimes I think we get so used to everything running so smoothly... that when a potential disaster occurs, there is uproar at the slightest thing! I can just imagine the situation when if the ship were sinking (and the passengers had to evacuate), someone later complaining "i needed the loo.... and they told me i had to get into the lifeboat!!".



an extremely good point.......well made....


it illustrates you how bad the 'reporting' on the island's radio stations really is.....


comments like these are not news worthy and should not be broadcast.......

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What annoys me is all the reports I've been hearing from local radio stations about people now complaining about the steam packet staff. One report had a woman complaining that 'she was talking to her son (who was on the vessel) on her mobile and the staff told her son he had to end the call because they were undergoing emergency procedures'. Shock!!! How dare they undergo emergency procedures??! This woman is going to make an 'official complaint'. Another one.... a guy who was on the vessel was later complaining to the press that he was unable to hug his distressed son because they were both having to wear lifejackets! Aye.... how ridiculous! Wearing a lifejacket (as part of company procedures)!!


Sometimes I think we get so used to everything running so smoothly... that when a potential disaster occurs, there is uproar at the slightest thing! I can just imagine the situation when if the ship were sinking (and the passengers had to evacuate), someone later complaining "i needed the loo.... and they told me i had to get into the lifeboat!!".

This was an EMERGENCY of the first degree and one that certainly I cannot recall the SP staff ever having to deal with.


They do train for scenarios like this but when this type of event does happen many of the staff and passengers I am sure would be pumping pure adrenalin.


Let's just say that that all these people on board (staff and passengers) are very luck to be able to tell the tale!


Anyone that complains that they were not treated too good should count their lucky stars that they are still on this planet!


Last Ten


i agree people dont realise how serious this was. From what i have heard people are really lucky that they got off in one peace, engine room staff especially!!


this is no laughing matter those pictures really bring it home when you had relatives on board when it happened.

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Energy FM:

Earlier on today the mother of a man onboard the Seacat which collided with another vessel in the Mersey at around 11.20am criticised the ferry company.


Moira Osbourne says she couldn't get the information she needed from the Steam Packet.


When she heard of the incident, she was terrified.


Her husband received a call from her son, who was onboard the Sea Express 1.


He couldn't carry on speaking to his dad because of the emergency procedures being carried out at the time.


Mrs Osbourne is furious with the way the company handled the situation.


She rang the Steam Packet Company and they confirmed there had been an incident but couldn't tell her anything more.


She says she it was thanks to Energy FM she was updated.


There was a report on Manx Radio (seems to have gone now) about a woman complaining that when she tried to find out what was happening from the Steam Packet as her son was on it (probably the same woman as above) she said that the phone lines were all enagaged!! Would you believe it!! If the boat had sunk etc, what the hell could she have done from over here???

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Boats not use sonar anymore?

My husband reckons with all the equipment, radar etc on those boats now, he could sail one without crashing and he's blind. :D


Fuck off! The Captains on these vessels are highly trained in using all the equipment properly. No one knows exactly what happened so don't judge anyone until you know the full story!!


that was totally unneccersary.


clearly something has gone wrong ... but there is no need to be so aggressive.


i agree with the f-off quote.. these Captains are highly trained but yet again all the forum know-alls and experts come out to be smart. wait for the investigation. and you have to remember people on board and eye witness reports are usually more 'excitable' as they live through the moment of drama.


i was driving over the mountain when it was read out on the radio at about 11.45. the details were sketchy at that point. however there does appear to be some conflicting info. Energy FM said they contacted Liverpool Coastguard but they knew knew nothing about a crash at about 11.45, which was around the time they announced it, yet the Steampacket claim that the CG were informed??? How long after the bump did they contact the CG?

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