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Citizens Arrests


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I can understand that what the chip shop guys seems a bit unusual - why didn't they just keep the kid where they found him and call the police? However I also think the law on citizen's arrests seems overly complicated. Surely you should be allowed to detain someone and immediately contact the police any time a crime is suspected - not in specific circumstances.


Anyone with views on this?

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It isn't really all that complicated.


In the circumstances of the case the arrest was 24 hours after the event and instead of immediately calling the police or taking the accused to a police station they took him home.


Then you cannot stop someone trying it on like the accused who sued for kidnap and wrongful detention.


You must have reasonable grounds to suspect an offence has taken place and that it is a serious offence and that the person you are going to arrest did it. Relying on someonelses say so may not be enough, You have to see it. You can only use reasonable force. The offence must be arrestabel, ie very serious.

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