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Iran: A War Is Coming


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41 minutes ago, Rog said:

IMO all Islam is bad

But don't overlook the mid 70's when the $us was on the very brink of collapse it was the Saudis who ensured that oil sales should be in $us that created the petrodollar in return for which the Septics entered a treaty to defend Saudi Arabia that is now causing so much conflict in the ME.

There's a little clip in one of Adam Curtis's documentaries (think its Bitterlake but could be wrong) with the Saudi foreign minister of the time about this. He's asked whether it signified a change in the balance of global power. His smile and nod is the kind of thing you'd see from the baddie in a cartoon.

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Are you kidding?  The US military industrial complex are rubbing their hands together.

Peace is not profitable.

Oh yes it is.  Not necessarily for the military industrial complex but when it comes to world trade it certainly is.

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56 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

So the US could be kicked out of Iraq, after Iraqi government (quite rightly so) calls the US assassination "a violation of Iraqi sovereignty" and in violation of the agreements that allows US forces to be stationed in Iraq to train their forces.

Sounds like a bit of a potential own goal there...

No.  Iraq had to respond in the way that it did in order not to appear as supporting the US.

You REALLY don't get it.

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21 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

We shall see won't we.

Can to make a wager as to whether the US make anymore ham fisted international faux pas before the month is out?

What this POTUS has done in taking out the Iranian POS is certainly not a ham fisted international faux pas. 

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