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Iran: A War Is Coming


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Am I missing something here (and apologies if this has been covered earlier in the thread and I've missed it)

WTF was an Iranian senior military officer with a reputation for exporting and assisting armed insurgency doing in Baghdad, Iraq anyway?

After what Iraq has been through in the last 30 odd years, including a ten year war with Iran itself and two Gulf conflicts (the second of which was undoubtedly partly fuelled and extended by Iranian involvement) and then semi-occupation with ISIS, one would have thought that they might have had enough without presumably inviting further conjuring of conflict onto their soil?

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10 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Am I missing something here (and apologies if this has been covered earlier in the thread and I've missed it)

WTF was an Iranian senior military officer with a reputation for exporting and assisting armed insurgency doing in Baghdad, Iraq anyway?

After what Iraq has been through in the last 30 odd years, including a ten year war with Iran itself and two Gulf conflicts (the second of which was undoubtedly partly fuelled and extended by Iranian involvement) and then semi-occupation with ISIS, one would have thought that they might have had enough without presumably inviting further conjuring of conflict onto their soil?

The borders of countries in our terms often have little in common with the tribal borders in the case of Islam. 

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12 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

Fair enough but "no borders" in the context of a world with nation-states is a recipe for destruction.

I think that is only because as a species we are territorial, we don't like people just turning up and making use of our stuff. I can't help thinking that without borders we could live as we prefer to live and anywhere we like or feel that we can support ourselves. All we would need are basic rules to live and let live.

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